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Nasrul Hazim Bin Mohamad
Nasrul Hazim Bin Mohamad

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Setup Kong in Almalinux 9

Today I will share with you how you can setup Kong Gateway 3.5 with PostgreSQL 16, both in Almalinux 9.

PostgreSQL 9

We going to start with PostgreSQL 16. The steps required as following:

  1. Install PostgreSQL 16
  2. Initialise PostgreSQL 16
  3. Add port 5432 into public zone
  4. Allow remote access to PostgreSQL 16.
  5. Enable and start the service.
  6. Create kong database, user and password.

I have the following script which I place it in user's home - ~/install-postgresql.


echo "πŸš€ Downloading PostgreSQL 16..."
sudo dnf update -y
sudo dnf install -y

echo "πŸš€ Installing PostgreSQL 16..."
sudo dnf install -y postgresql16 postgresql16-server

echo "πŸš€ Initialise DB for PostgreSQL 16..."
/usr/pgsql-16/bin/postgresql-16-setup initdb

echo "πŸš€ Configuring PostgreSQL 16 firewall..."
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=5432/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

echo "πŸš€ Configuring ph_hba.conf..."
echo "host    all      all       md5" >>/var/lib/pgsql/16/data/pg_hba.conf

echo "πŸš€ Configuring postgresql.conf..."
echo "listen_addresses = '*'" >>/var/lib/pgsql/16/data/postgresql.conf

echo "πŸš€ Enabling PostgreSQL 16 at startup..."
sudo systemctl enable postgresql-16

echo "πŸš€ Starting the PostgreSQL 16 service..."
sudo systemctl start postgresql-16

echo "πŸš€ Configuring kong database, user and password..."
POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$(echo $RANDOM | md5sum | head -c 20)

DB_EXISTS=$(sudo su - postgres -c "psql -lqt" | cut -d \| -f 1 | grep -w kong | wc -l) || true
if [[ $DB_EXISTS == 0 ]]; then
    sudo su - postgres -c "psql -c \"CREATE USER kong WITH PASSWORD '$POSTGRES_PASSWORD';\" > /dev/null"
    sudo su - postgres -c "psql -c \"CREATE DATABASE kong OWNER kong\" > /dev/null"
    echo POSTGRES_PASSWORD > kong-database.pass
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Run the following command to start the installation and configuration:

cd ~
chmod +x install-postgresql
. ./install-postgresql
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Copy the password in kong-database.pass and we will use it in the Kong configuration.

Kong Gateway

For Almalinux, we can use RHEL installer.

I have download it and place it in ~/installers/ directory - assuming you are in user's directory.

Then I have config/ directory which stored the kong configuration as following:

# Port

port_maps = 80:8000,443:8443
proxy_listen = reuseport backlog=16384, http2 ssl reuseport backlog=16384
admin_listen = reuseport backlog=16384, http2 ssl reuseport backlog=16384
# admin_listen =
admin_gui_listen =

headers = latency_tokens

nginx_http_client_max_body_size = 100m
nginx_http_client_body_buffer_size = 100m


database = postgres
pg_host = kong-db-node
pg_port = 5432
pg_timeout = 5000
pg_user = kong
pg_password = 
pg_database = kong
pg_schema = public
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Then I have the following script to install and setup Kong.


# Parse command line arguments
while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do

    case $key in
        shift # past argument
        shift # past value
        # unknown option
        echo "Unknown option: $1"

# Check if required arguments are provided
if [ -z "$KONG_DB_IP" ]; then
    echo "Error: Please provide Kong Database IP Address."

echo "πŸš€ Installing Kong..."
yum install "$(dirname "$0")/installers/kong-3.5.0.el8.x86_64.rpm" -y

echo "πŸš€ Enabling at startup..."
systemctl enable kong

echo "πŸš€ Setup hostname..."
echo "$KONG_DB_IP kong-db-node" >> /etc/hosts

echo "πŸš€ Backup Configuration..."
cp /etc/kong/kong.conf /etc/kong/kong.conf.default

echo "πŸš€ Configuring..."
cp "$(dirname "$0")/config/kong.conf" /etc/kong/kong.conf

echo "πŸš€ Disable Proxy on localhost..."
echo "export no_proxy=localhost," >> /etc/environment

echo "⚠️ You need to update the kong database credential located in /etc/kong/kong.conf"
echo "⚠️ Then you are good to go to start the kong service"
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Then you can the script:

cd ~/
chmod +x install-kong
. ./install-kong <database-ip>
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Then open up the /etc/kong/kong.conf and update the password for kong database based on step in PostgreSQL 16 installation.

Once you are done, run the following command:

kong migrations bootstrap
kong kong migrations up && kong migrations finish
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Update the firewall rules:

sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=443/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=80/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=8000/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=8001/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=8002/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --reload
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Then start the kong service:

systemctl start kong
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Now you can test your Kong:

curl -i -X GET --url http://localhost:8001/services
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And open Kong Manager at http://localhost:8002.

It is advisable that Kong Manager only be access from limited IP address and exposing to the internet.

Photo by Rodion Kutsaiev on Unsplash

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