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Alpha Testing vs Beta Testing: Exploring Differences

In the software development process, different types of testing need to be performed to check software application functionality and usability. Among those, two very important tests are the alpha and beta tests.

Comparing alpha testing vs beta testing, alpha testing is carried out right after software development, wherein the software undergoes internal checks using black and white-box testing techniques to unearth potential bugs.

On the other hand, beta testing involves testing the software with a larger group of users, typically outside the organization that developed it. Both tests are essential to execute during the Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC). However, they hold specific differences.

This blog on alpha testing vs beta testing highlights the key differences between alpha and beta testing. Plus, it discusses its key features, strategies, and other aspects.

What is Alpha Testing?

Alpha testing is part of acceptance testing that involves testing software applications during the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). This test is run by the internal employees of the organization who are aware of the software applications and their functionality.

It is generally the final stage of software testing, where the software application is tested end-to-end before being handled for beta testing by users outside the organization. Such verifications use black-and-white-box testing strategies in a dedicated testing environment to simulate real user behavior.

Feedback gathered during alpha testing is invaluable for developers and testers, as it helps them understand how users interact with the software and identify areas for improvement. By addressing issues discovered during alpha testing, developers can enhance the overall quality and reliability of the software before it is released to a wider audience.

Importance of Alpha Testing

In this section of the blog on alpha testing vs beta testing, we will list several reasons why it is important to perform alpha testing.

Alpha testing is a crucial step in the software development process that shouldn’t be skipped. Here’s why it’s important:

  • It allows you to assess if the core functionalities of the product are working as intended. Performing this test helps refine the product and ensure it meets the needs of the target audience.

  • It helps identify and fix major bugs and usability issues before the product reaches beta testers or the general public. This will ensure a more polished and functional final release.

  • It reduces the risk of encountering major issues during beta testing or after launch by fixing issues early on. This can save time and resources and prevent potential damage to the product’s reputation.

  • It takes place in a controlled environment, allowing testers to focus on specific functionalities and recreate scenarios to identify problems more efficiently.

  • It provides valuable feedback from a fresh perspective (internal testers) on the product’s usability and overall user experience. Such feedback can lead to significant improvements before a wider release.

When Should You Perform Alpha Testing?

The ideal time to perform alpha testing is right before the software transitions from internal development to a wider audience.

  • The development team has completed the initial coding and built the foundational features. Alpha testing allows for a first look at the overall functionality before further refinement.

  • The core functionalities that define the software’s purpose should be built and functional. Alpha testing helps validate these functionalities and ensure they work as intended.

  • A controlled testing environment, separate from the final user environment, should be established. This allows testers to focus on specific functionalities and recreate scenarios for efficient issue identification.

  • A dedicated group of internal testers, like developers or testers, should be available to provide feedback during alpha testing.

Who Performs Alpha Testing?

Alpha testing is usually performed by internal employees of the organizations, usually testers or sometimes developers. To ensure a diverse range of perspectives, the testing team comprises several other teams within the organization.

Test cases are distributed among testers to incorporate various usage scenarios and speed up the testing process. Testers record issues in a bug-tracking tool or convey them directly to the development team. Alpha testing continues until serious bugs are resolved, where the product reaches a “feature lock” stage where no new functionality is added.

Phases of Alpha Testing

In this section of the blog on alpha testing vs beta testing let’s look at different phases to run alpha tests.

Alpha testing is executed in two different stages:

  • Stage 1: In stage 1 of the alpha testing, the skilled software developers perform white-box testing and check the software application at a granular level to ensure its reliability. At this phase, decision coverage, statement coverage, branch coverage, and other code-level aspects are evaluated.

  • **Stage 2: **The stage 2 of alpha testing involves handing over the software to testers for further testing in an environment resembling the production setup. Here, the main focus is black-box testing by non-technical individuals, covering specific use case testing, cause-effect testing, and decision table testing.

Entry and Exit Criteria of Alpha Testing

Alpha testing is an internal testing phase conducted before a software application is released to a broader audience. Here’s a breakdown of the typical entry and exit criteria for this stage.

**Entry criteria: **It establishes the prerequisites for starting testing. The following criteria are outlined for alpha testing:

  • All functionalities of the software application are implemented and ready for testing.

  • A build is ready for test execution.

  • The test environment is correctly configured.

  • The testing team possesses adequate knowledge of the software application.

  • All features are tested on the targeted platforms.

  • No critical bugs exist in the software application.

  • Exclusion of any additional features.

  • Compilation of a report detailing any significant bugs.

  • Delivery of the test summary report.

  • Communication of bug-fixing issues to the developers.

  • Resolution and closure of critical issues.

  1. Review Requirements: The tester first evaluates the functional requirements and system specification design.

  2. Create Test Cases: Based on the requirement review output, they create test cases and a test plan during this phase.

  3. Run Test Cases: When the test case and test plan are created, they are implemented.

  4. Record Defects: They document any identified bugs found in the software application.

  5. Fix Bugs: Once all bugs are identified and logged, they address them.

  6. **Retesting**: After the developer resolves all issues, retesting is done to check that no issue or bug is left.

  • Alpha testing is only performed by the internal QAs who are well aware of the software codebase. This could limit the diversity of perspectives and skill sets, potentially overlooking specific issues that users with different backgrounds might encounter.

  • It may cause discrepancies between the tester’s and user’s perspectives on the test data, leading to software functionality differences.

  • It has limited test scope and thus fails to consider all the critical issues in the software application.

  • It cannot fully replicate all aspects of the real environment.

  • It is very time-consuming, especially for software with complex workflows, as it demands thorough testing across every aspect of the application.

  • Ensure that alpha tests are formulated based on the agreed functional requirements and design specifications.

  • Review these tests for functional specs and test cases to provide context and direction, and develop a test plan accordingly beforehand.

  • Perform the tests and log any detected defects in detail using a requirement traceability matrix.

  • Document all identified bugs and usability issues, regardless of immediate resolution, for potential future consideration.

  • Avoid delaying issue fixes until beta testing.

  • Verify its resolution through retesting.

  • Evaluate the product’s usability within real-world workflows.

  • Collect feedback from all participants to inform future improvements and reviews.

  • It adds another layer of validation beyond internal testing, helping to catch issues that might have slipped through the cracks.

  • It allows real-world users to interact with software in unforeseen ways, uncovering bugs or usability problems the QA team might have missed.

  • It provides a more comprehensive range of perspectives and test scenarios by representing a broader user base than the internal QA team.

  • It allows potential users to interact with the software early on, fostering a sense of community and gathering valuable feedback.

  • It helps prevent negative reviews and potential reputational damage by identifying and fixing issues before a public release.

  • It can be more cost-effective, as a small group of users test the software who are not internal employees.

  • All critical bugs identified during alpha testing have been addressed and verified as fixed.

  • The software is functionally stable and reliable.

  • The software’s core functionalities are refined and user-friendly based on alpha testing feedback.

  • Clear objectives are established for the beta test, such as gathering user feedback on specific features or evaluating performance under real-world conditions.

  • A well-defined group of beta testers is identified, representing the target audience for the software.

  • External Users: These are ideal candidates as they represent the actual target audience for the software. They can provide valuable feedback on real-world usability and identify issues internal testers might miss.

  • Volunteers: Folks who are eager to try out new software and contribute to its development. They may be motivated by early access, a sense of community, or the chance to influence the product.

  • Users: A broader term encompassing both external users and volunteers. It can refer to anyone participating in the beta test who is not directly involved in the software development.

  • Professional Testers: Experienced individuals skilled in testing methodologies. They can provide a structured, thorough software evaluation, identifying bugs and usability issues.

  • A formal sign-off that confirms critical bugs from alpha testing have been fixed.

  • A stable software application that includes all functionalities intended for testing.

  • A well-configured testing environment that closely mirrors the intended production environment.

  • A bug-tracking tool that easily reports issues to developers to track and address them efficiently.

  • Resolution of all critical and high-priority issues identified during beta testing. Minor issues can be documented for future consideration.

  • A test report to summarize the beta testing process, key findings (including bugs and user feedback), and recommendations for improvement.

  • Notify developers of all raised issues and keep them informed about critical and high-priority issues that require immediate attention.

  1. Plan: In this stage of beta testing, the team determines the number of participants, the type of beta testing to be used (open or closed), and the duration of the test. Here, testing parameters are established in advance to ensure adherence during the testing phase and provide clear guidance to testers.

  2. **Recruit Participants: **Once participant numbers and profiles are determined, the next step is recruitment. The recruitment strategy depends on the desired participant profiles. Early invitations are vital to gauge participant numbers and prepare for potential cancellations.

  3. **Launch Software Application: **During the launch of the beta version of software applications, you must ensure the experience of participants with it. The developers also ensure that the download of software applications is easy and error-free through the shared links. They are also checked for compatibility across multiple browsers, devices, and operating systems. In addition, clearly communicating expectations to participants regarding feedback and surveys ensures adequate preparation.

  4. **Collect and Analyze Feedback: **Collecting and analyzing the feedback for the software applications is important. To the collected feedback, the developers promptly respond and demonstrate commitment to user satisfaction and developing positive brand impressions. Analyzing gathered data enables targeted improvements, enhancing the quality assurance process for future software applications.

  • There is no control over the testing and test environment, thus making it challenging for the developers and testers to reproduce bugs because the testing environment varies from user to user.

  • There might be numerous duplicate bugs.

  • You might receive limited or unclear feedback from users. Some may not provide enough detail, while others just give generic comments.

  • A multitude of issues can lead to negative publicity for the software application since the software testers are end-users with no allegiance to the development team.

  • Strike a balance, ensuring the number of users is neither too low nor too high, as this could result in unclear feedback.

  • Diversify your pool of testers, ensuring they bring at least one unique perspective.

  • Install the third-party applications if the application under test isn’t hosted on an authorized platform.

  • Use forms, as they provide a convenient and efficient way to collect feedback from your testers during the beta testing phase. However, it’s worth noting that adding more fields to forms can increase friction for users.

Alpha testing should start only after the software application successfully passes the unit and integration testing phases. The more testers engaged in the alpha test, the greater the likelihood of identifying bugs early enough to address them before they escalate into serious issues.

However, before beta testing, it’s crucial to identify a diverse group of users, including end users and developers, who will be involved in performing beta testing. Avoid limiting this group to just one or two testers.

Both alpha and beta testing types are important and crucial for the quality and reliability of your software application, which involves testing your application across various devices, operating systems, and browsers your audience uses.

While manual testing is one approach to testing your software application, it often proves to be time-consuming. Alternatively, you can use a faster and more scalable solution by leveraging automation testing frameworks and tools. When it comes to automated testing, cloud-based testing solutions offer several benefits.

Cloud testing platforms like LambdaTest provide AI-powered test orchestration and execution, allowing you to perform manual and automation testing on a remote test lab of 3000+ browsers, operating systems, and real mobile devices.

This platform lets you perform alpha and beta testing and enables you to evaluate how your website or mobile app performs and functions across different real browsers, devices, and operating systems. By leveraging the LambdaTest cloud, you can achieve faster test execution speeds and receive developer feedback, thereby reducing overall costs associated with resolving issues later in the development life cycle.

With the LambdaTest automation testing platform, you can automate testing using various automation testing tools ****such as Selenium, Playwright, Cypress, Appium, and more.

Similarities Between Alpha Testing and Beta Testing

  • Both forms of testing are geared toward evaluating the quality and functionality of a software application before its market release.

  • Both alpha and beta testing enable the detection of bugs and other issues, providing insights into the requirements of target users.

  • Both adapt their objectives based on the feedback received throughout the testing phases, aiming to collect user feedback to enhance the software application.

  • Documentation of the testing process and outcomes is necessary for both types of testing.

  • Both prioritize evaluating the user experience and usability of the software applications.

  • Both contribute to determining the readiness of software applications for market release.


In this blog on alpha testing vs beta testing, we have thoroughly explained the critical difference between them by highlighting their features, way to execute, significance, and others. An in-house team of testers does alpha testing to identify defects and improve the software application quality before releasing it to the public, while beta testing is done with a select group of end-users to validate the software application’s functionality and identify any remaining issues.

To choose between alpha testing and beta testing, some may say beta testing is more significant as it collects feedback from real users. However, alpha testing cannot be ignored as it allows the detection of any critical bugs. Thus, it is essential to combine both tests in the STLC to improve the performance and functionality of the software application.

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