gup command update binaries installed by "go install" to the latest version. gup updates all binaries in parallel, so very fast.
It also provides subcommands for manipulating binaries under $GOPATH/bin ($GOBIN). It is a cross-platform software that runs on Windows, Mac and Linux.
gup has over 90% test coverage and is registered with go awesome. For golang users, gup is an easy-to-use command and I recommend it to everyone.
How to install
go install github.com/nao1215/gup@latest
How to use
Update all binaries
$ gup update
gup:INFO : update binary under $GOPATH/bin or $GOBIN
gup:INFO : [ 1/30] github.com/cheat/cheat/cmd/cheat (Already up-to-date: v0.0.0-20211009161301-12ffa4cb5c87)
gup:INFO : [ 2/30] fyne.io/fyne/v2/cmd/fyne_demo (Already up-to-date: v2.1.3)
gup:INFO : [ 3/30] github.com/nao1215/gal/cmd/gal (v1.0.0 to v1.2.0)
gup:INFO : [ 4/30] github.com/matsuyoshi30/germanium/cmd/germanium (Already up-to-date: v1.2.2)
gup:INFO : [ 5/30] github.com/onsi/ginkgo/ginkgo (Already up-to-date: v1.16.5)
gup:INFO : [ 6/30] github.com/git-chglog/git-chglog/cmd/git-chglog (Already up-to-date: v0.15.1)
Update the specified binary
$ gup update subaru gup ubume
gup:INFO : update binary under $GOPATH/bin or $GOBIN
gup:INFO : [1/3] github.com/nao1215/gup (v0.7.0 to v0.7.1)
gup:INFO : [2/3] github.com/nao1215/subaru (Already up-to-date: v1.0.2)
gup:INFO : [3/3] github.com/nao1215/ubume/cmd/ubume (Already up-to-date: v1.4.1)
List up command name with package path and version under $GOPATH/bin
list subcommand print command information under $GOPATH/bin or $GOBIN. The output information is the command name, package path, and command version.
Remove the specified binary
$ gup remove subaru gal ubume
gup:CHECK: remove /home/nao/.go/bin/subaru? [Y/n] Y
gup:INFO : removed /home/nao/.go/bin/subaru
gup:CHECK: remove /home/nao/.go/bin/gal? [Y/n] n
gup:INFO : cancel removal /home/nao/.go/bin/gal
gup:CHECK: remove /home/nao/.go/bin/ubume? [Y/n] Y
gup:INFO : removed /home/nao/.go/bin/ubume
$ gup remove --force gal
gup:INFO : removed /home/nao/.go/bin/gal
gup is a fast and easy to use tool. There are other features I have not introduced.
If you are interested, please visit GitHub. Thank you.
Top comments (1)
This is cool and a great idea! It ran great on my system with no problems. Thanks for this!