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Neelakandan R
Neelakandan R

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Today class-31/12/2024,return,Task-1,Task-2

void Keyword in Java

void – returns nothing.

The void keyword in Java is used to specify that a method does not return any value. It is a return type that indicates the method performs an action but does not produce a result that can be used elsewhere in the code.


The void keyword is typically used in method declarations. When a method is declared with a void return type, it means that the method will not return any value.


void methodName(parameters) {
// method body


What is void?

Void is a return datatype which means nothing is returned from a method, to the method calling statement.

return keyword in Java

In Java, return is a reserved keyword i.e., we can’t use it as an identifier. It is used to exit from a method, with or without a value. Usage of return keyword as there exist two ways as listed below as follows:

Case 1: Methods returning a value
Case 2: Methods not returning a value
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*#return is a java keyword. This keyword is used to return any value from a method. Returned value will be sent back to Method Calling Statement. *

#Return statement should be the last statement in a method definition. We should not give anyother expression or statement, after return in methods.

Can we return multiple values in Java?

Yes, we can return multiple values from a method in Java. To return multiple values, we need to use Arrays or Collection.

Is there any language which returns multiple values from a method?

Yes, In Python we can return multiple values. It will be stored as tuple.

*Task 1: *

Goal: Learning Method Return datatype

  1. Create a class Kitchen
  2. Have main method in it.
  3. Create an instance called 'father'.
  4. Using father instance, call method 'cook' with no arguments.
  5. Now, return "biryani" from cook method.
  6. Save, Compile and Check the error message
  7. Based on the error message, change return datatype accordigly.
  8. Store returned value as 'fav_dish' in main method.
  9. Print 'fav_dish' in main method.


public class Kitchen
public static void main(String[] args)
Kitchen father = new Kitchen(); 
String favDish=father.cook();
System.out.println("FAV DISH ="+favDish);

public String cook()


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neelakandan@neelakandan-HP-Laptop-15s-eq2xxx:~/Documents/B14$ java Kitchen 
FAV DISH =briyani

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*Task 2: *

1.Learning Method with Integer Return Type
2.Create a class named MathOperations.
3.Add a method addNumbers that accepts two integer arguments and returns their sum.
4.In the main method:
#Create an instance named calculator.
5.Call the addNumbers method with two integers, e.g., 5 and 10.
6.Store the returned value in a variable result.
7.Print result.


public class MathOperatios
public static void main(String[] args)
MathOperations calculator=new MathOperations();
int results=calculator.addNumber(10,50);
System.out.println("Result = "+results);

public int addNumber(int a, int b)
return a+b;

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neelakandan@neelakandan-HP-Laptop-15s-eq2xxx:~/Documents/B14$ java MathOperations
Result = 60
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Retry later

Top comments (2)

nitheshkumar_p_538f269f68 profile image
NitheshKumar P

Good one bro

vedesh_padal profile image
Vedesh Padal

good that you are posting your learnings, but maintain code quality and properly indent.

Retry later