void Keyword in Java
void – returns nothing.
The void keyword in Java is used to specify that a method does not return any value. It is a return type that indicates the method performs an action but does not produce a result that can be used elsewhere in the code.
The void keyword is typically used in method declarations. When a method is declared with a void return type, it means that the method will not return any value.
void methodName(parameters) {
// method body
What is void?
Void is a return datatype which means nothing is returned from a method, to the method calling statement.
return keyword in Java
In Java, return is a reserved keyword i.e., we can’t use it as an identifier. It is used to exit from a method, with or without a value. Usage of return keyword as there exist two ways as listed below as follows:
Case 1: Methods returning a value
Case 2: Methods not returning a value
*#return is a java keyword. This keyword is used to return any value from a method. Returned value will be sent back to Method Calling Statement. *
#Return statement should be the last statement in a method definition. We should not give anyother expression or statement, after return in methods.
Can we return multiple values in Java?
Yes, we can return multiple values from a method in Java. To return multiple values, we need to use Arrays or Collection.
Is there any language which returns multiple values from a method?
Yes, In Python we can return multiple values. It will be stored as tuple.
*Task 1: *
Goal: Learning Method Return datatype
- Create a class Kitchen
- Have main method in it.
- Create an instance called 'father'.
- Using father instance, call method 'cook' with no arguments.
- Now, return "biryani" from cook method.
- Save, Compile and Check the error message
- Based on the error message, change return datatype accordigly.
- Store returned value as 'fav_dish' in main method.
- Print 'fav_dish' in main method.
public class Kitchen
public static void main(String[] args)
Kitchen father = new Kitchen();
String favDish=father.cook();
System.out.println("FAV DISH ="+favDish);
public String cook()
neelakandan@neelakandan-HP-Laptop-15s-eq2xxx:~/Documents/B14$ java Kitchen
FAV DISH =briyani
*Task 2: *
1.Learning Method with Integer Return Type
2.Create a class named MathOperations.
3.Add a method addNumbers that accepts two integer arguments and returns their sum.
4.In the main method:
#Create an instance named calculator.
5.Call the addNumbers method with two integers, e.g., 5 and 10.
6.Store the returned value in a variable result.
7.Print result.
public class MathOperatios
public static void main(String[] args)
MathOperations calculator=new MathOperations();
int results=calculator.addNumber(10,50);
System.out.println("Result = "+results);
public int addNumber(int a, int b)
return a+b;
neelakandan@neelakandan-HP-Laptop-15s-eq2xxx:~/Documents/B14$ java MathOperations
Result = 60
Top comments (2)
Good one bro
good that you are posting your learnings, but maintain code quality and properly indent.