Motive for this year
Hi, i am Neeraj, i am not that much in Open-Sourcing but this is the only month that i become active than usual to contribute a bit that i can towards Open Sourcing. Hacktoberfest is a medium for me to that goal. This year my goal was to make more meaningful contributions than last year.
Am i able to achieve them till now ?
If i see this year i had contributed to lots of useful repositories till now.
- Contributed to Opentek's Website and became a member of it. Checkout more here -
- Made a Checker tool to check if github repository is eligible for Hacktoberfest 2021 -
- Made a website for repository named Openmeme-
- Made web3community website responsive -
- Made improvements to & made website for
- Now, comes the main thing this year i along with my friend hosted a github repository for hacktoberfest where we are collecting all developer profiles across the world and compiled them all at single place making them accessible for everyone.
Link to website -
So, in short this year i had already completed my goals but seeking more and working on more and more tasks.
I had managed to open 18 Pull requests till now and i am eligible for 4 successfull pull reuqests under hacktoberfest 2021 and looking to make more useful contributions towards community.
Thanks to whole the community which makes Hacktoberfest possible and all the developers out there who are taking out their time to contribute to open source projects and make more people accessible to products free of cost.
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