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Nelson Murdock
Nelson Murdock

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What is Cloud-Native development? Disclosing the Future of Software Development

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Software developers have been talking a lot about cloud-native technologies lately. Some developers write it off as short-lived enthusiasm that would eventually wear off. To others, it represents the software development industry's future.

Whatever the future holds, cloud-native computing will be popular. Additionally, it has altered the path that we create, implement, and use software products.

What do we understand by cloud native?

Depending on the source, cloud-native can be characterized in a variety of ways. The phrase “cloud-native" was first used by businesses like Netflix, which used cloud computing to grow from a mail-order firm to one of the biggest content distribution networks in the world. Additionally, they were the first to reinvent, transform, and scale software product development using cloud-native techniques.

Companies are increasingly interested in finding out how cloud-native technology has enabled Netflix to achieve such remarkable success and provide services to users more quickly.

A software development methodology known as cloud-native is predicated on cloud computing architecture. It facilitates automation, scalability, and the creation of dynamic environments for businesses.

The Architecture of cloud native development

You might still be doubtful about what cloud-native computing is if you've never used it before. You might wonder how this influences the way your software is used.

The four main tiers of the cloud native development infrastructure that you need to comprehend are as follows:


Using several separate services that can be connected via well-defined APIs, microservices—also referred to as microservice architecture is a technique for creating software for cloud-native applications.

Within the same application, every microservice can be deployed, upgraded, scaled up, and resumed on its own. This enables frequent upgrades to live apps without interfering with users' experience.


It is possible to bundle and isolate apps along with their complete execution environment thanks to containers. It allows you to move them around efficiently without sacrificing their functionality.

Virtual machines (VMs) and containers function in the same way. But containers can be used more creatively. While deploying virtual machines requires an operating system that is fully functional, containers aid applications by providing software packaging. This packaging strategy makes it simple for developers to design applications.

Another significant difference is that containers are lighter, consume fewer resources, and require less maintenance than virtual machines. They are more flexible, start up faster, and can deploy quickly.
Continuous delivery

Regular and dependable software development is possible through cloud-native architecture's continuous delivery. Automation, particularly in the context of continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) processes, makes it feasible. CI/CD pipelines are a tool that developers can use to speed up deployment, scaling, and recovery processes.

The testing, building, and deployment stages of development are automated using a CI/CD pipeline. Canary deployment, rollback, and recovery procedures can all be automated by cloud-native solutions.


The term "DevOps" describes an approach to improve the caliber and velocity of software development, delivery, and deployment. It emphasizes closer coordination between developers and IT operations staff. Making adjustments to the infrastructure and automating and connecting the software delivery processes are how this is achieved.

DevOps guarantees quality from concept to design, development, deployment, and support. It also shortens the time it takes to deliver software and improves organizational responsiveness. Although traditional infrastructures can still be used for DevOps, using the cloud as a centralized platform for automated testing and deployment is far more straightforward.


By updating software vulnerabilities, changing user credentials, and regularly switching servers, cloud-native security offers clever solutions to lower organizational risks.

Importance of Cloud Native Development Architecture

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Compared to traditional corporate apps, which are usually developed in an on-premises data center, cloud-native apps require a distinct architecture.

Let's examine the main benefits that cloud-native applications have over conventional app development approaches.

1. Automation

Cloud-native systems enable developers to use fully automated continuous integration and deployment pipelines to rapidly test new code and release it to production.

Instead of weeks and months, businesses may swiftly implement new ideas into production in a matter of minutes, hours, or even days. More innovation and competitiveness follow from this.

2. Scalability

Cloud-native applications can change and adapt to meet the demands of the company. They also remove the requirement for hardware or infrastructure solutions that rely on software and enable regular software updates and alterations in response to user feedback.

It can help you prevent overprovisioning your infrastructure and only pay for what you need, which has economic implications.

3. Troubleshooting

Cloud-native applications can tolerate any problem because of microservices. Once deployed, cloud-native architecture considerably simplifies the process of identifying the root cause of any issue. It occurs as a result of the application being split up into microservices, each of which performs a service function. After tracking is finished, the service can be shut down, and the issue can be resolved without affecting the server.

4. Downtime

Due to the geographical dispersion of data centers, cloud-native infrastructure provides more redundancy. By immediately diverting traffic to an alternate location and minimizing expensive downtime, outages can be handled more skillfully.

How do the concepts of Cloud-Native work together?

Cloud-native computing's theories and principles offer a novel approach to developing complex, scalable systems. These ideas will influence your application design and development shortly, even if you don't host it on a cloud platform.

Using containers significantly simplifies the distribution of your program. Employ containers in the development process to run your applications in different settings or to share them among team members. It is simple to move the same container to production after all tests are finished.

Microservices provide a novel way to structure your system, but they also bring with them new difficulties. They also cause you to refocus on each component's structure. Microservices facilitate the development of maintainable features that can react swiftly to changing requirements while also increasing encapsulation.


Implementing cloud-based technology incorrectly or without adequate planning can lead to unsatisfactory results and significant challenges. Consequently, even if cloud-native apps have many advantages, adopting them won't be simple.

To get comfortable with the process, start with simple apps. After that, you may decide which apps are most appropriate to switch to cloud computing and remove the unfit ones.

Make sure that everyone involved in the project has an equal stake in it: the developers, DevOps, NetOps, and SecOps teams.

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