DEV Community

Aaron Nevalinz
Aaron Nevalinz

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The day you understood useSelector() and useDispatch - A better Redux Developer

Absolutely! Imagine you have a big toy box with lots of different toys inside it. Now, you want to play with your favorite toy car, but you don’t want to go through the entire box to find it every time you play.

useSelector is like having a magical pair of glasses that lets you see exactly where your favorite toy car is without rummaging through the whole box every time. With these glasses, you can just look inside the box and pick your favorite toy car directly.

In the world of coding, your toys are like pieces of information or data. Sometimes, your React components need specific pieces of data from a big collection of data. useSelector is like those magical glasses, helping your components see and use the exact piece of data they need, making everything faster and easier, just like finding your favorite toy! 🚗✨

Whilst for the useSelector, let’s continue with our toy box analogy.

Imagine you have a magic wand. Now, this magic wand doesn’t just do tricks; it can also send messages. Sometimes, you want your toys to do something special, like transform or change color, but you don’t want to touch them directly every time.

useDispatch is like using your magic wand to send a special message to a specific toy in your toy box. You wave your wand and say, "Hey, toy number 5, turn into a robot!" And magically, toy number 5 transforms into a cool robot without you having to touch it physically.

In the world of coding, your toys are like pieces of data, and sometimes you want to change or update them. useDispatch is your magic wand; it helps you send a message (an action) to a specific part of your application (a reducer) and make something happen without directly changing the data yourself. It keeps your code organized and your toys (data) can do exciting things without getting all messy! 🪄✨

Hope this analogy was helpful, What do you think?

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