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Open-Source Next.js Landing Page Template: Finwise and How to Use It

Create a landing page that looks great, loads fast, and actually ranks on Google—it’s a huge task.

You want to stand out without spending hours coding from scratch. That’s exactly why I built Finwise.

Check out the demo here: landing page template demo.

It’s an open-source Next.js landing page template to help you launch quickly, and it’s completely free.

With Finwise, you get:

  • Essential page sections you’d expect in a high-quality landing page
  • Full customization so you can make it feel unique to your brand
  • Built-in SEO and performance optimizations powered by the latest features in Next.js

If you’re a developer, you’ll love the flexibility. If you’re a startup founder or freelancer, you’ll appreciate the time it saves without cutting corners on quality.

In this article, I’ll walk you through:

  1. What makes Finwise different from other templates
  2. How to set it up and customize it to make it your own
  3. Optimization tips for your SEO and performance

Let’s dive in—it’s a quick start to a better landing page, and it’s ready for you to build on.

Why Choose Finwise as Your Next.js Landing Page Template?

So you decided you need a landing page template. Give Finwise a try! Here’s why:

1. Designed for Real-World Needs

  • Finwise isn’t just another template—it’s designed to meet the demands of product-focused landing pages.
  • It comes with all the sections you actually need:
    • Hero section
    • Feature highlights
    • Pricing table
    • Testimonials
    • Frequently asked questions
    • Call-to-action buttons

2. Fully Customizable

  • Flexible layouts: Easily switch up the design to match your brand.
  • Modular structure: Add, remove, or tweak sections without digging through confusing code.
  • Make changes quickly, whether it's:
    • Adding a custom section layout
    • Tweaking color schemes
    • Adjusting typography

3. Built on Next.js for Performance

Finwise is powered by the latest Next.js App Router, so you’re getting top-notch performance without the need to dive into heavy optimization.

With Next.js, Finwise uses:

  • React Server Components for efficient, server-side data fetching for fast initial loads.
  • Flexible rendering: Want a static page that loads instantly? What about dynamic content? Next.js makes it easy with both static and dynamic rendering options.

No need to worry about performance tweaks—it’s already optimized for speed and SEO!

4. Clean, Modern Design

- Minimal and professional look: Perfect for SaaS products, startups, and businesses.
- Responsive by default: Finwise adapts to mobile, tablet, and desktop perfectly.

5. Free and Open-Source

  • Finwise is free to use and modify.
  • You can download, customize, and launch with zero hassle.

In short, Finwise is the template that saves you time, keeps things flexible, and helps you launch a professional-looking landing page without the headache.

How to Get Started with Finwise

Getting started with Finwise is simple, and you can have your landing page up and running in just a few steps. Here's how:

1. Clone the Finwise Template Repository

  • You can clone this GitHub repository directly.
  • You can also get the GitHub repo URL from our Gumroad page, if you’d like to leave us a review on Gumroad.

2. Set Up Your Development Environment

Before you dive in, make sure you have the following installed:

  • Node.js: You'll need this to run the Next.js development server.
  • npm or Yarn: These are your package managers for installing dependencies.

Run the following commands to get started:

# Clone the repository

# Change to the project directory
cd finwise-landing-page

# Install dependencies
npm install
# or
yarn install
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

3. Run the Project Locally

Once everything’s set up, it’s time to see Finwise in action! Start the development server by running:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This will spin up the server, and you can visit your local instance by navigating to http://localhost:3000 in your browser.

Customize the Landing Page Template

Now comes the fun part—customizing Finwise to match your project’s branding and content:

1. Update the text:

  • Swap out placeholder text with your own messaging, product descriptions, or product urls by editing the siteDetails.ts file inside the /src/data folder.
  • Edit the rest of the files inside the /src/data folder to change data such as navigation links, features, pricing, testimonials, faq, and others.

2. Adjust the design:

  • Modify styles and colors in the globals.css file.
  • If you want, you could even modify the layout in the layout.tsx file.

3. Add new sections:

The modular structure makes it easy to add or remove components.

If the default sections aren’t enough, you can add your own sections and components to extend the template:

  • Create new sections like team introductions, comparison table, or case studies by adding new components in the components folder.
  • You can either build these from scratch or copy an existing section and modify it to fit your new design.
  • If you want multiple section variants or different layouts for your sections, you can easily create them and switch between them by editing the JSX.

Optimize Your Landing Page for SEO and Performance

With Next.js App Router, optimizing for SEO and performance is even easier, thanks to its flexible rendering options and server-side optimizations.

Here’s how you can take full advantage of the latest features so that your landing page is technically sound SEO-wise and loads quickly for users:

1. Optimize Meta Tags Using the New Metadata API

The App Router introduces a new, more structured way to handle meta tags and SEO using the metadata API.

The template already contains placeholder metadata for you, and all you have to do is modify it in the siteDetails.ts file.

2. Take Advantage of The Server Rendering Options

The Next.js App Router offers three server-rendering strategies:

  • Static Rendering for pre-rendering routes at build time and caching results. This is ideal for sections that don’t frequently update like the main hero, features, and testimonials.
  • Dynamic Rendering for user-specific or request-specific data, like personalized recommendations or unique calls to action.
  • Streaming splits the rendering into chunks and streams them to the client as they’re ready. This way, users can view parts of the page sooner rather than waiting for the entire page to load.

These options help your landing page to load fast. This way, your visitors enjoy a smooth and responsive experience.

Read more:

3. Use React Server Components for Faster, Leaner Pages

Next.js’s React Server Components (RSC) allow you to:

  • Move data fetching to the server—reducing client-side requests, speeding up data retrieval, and enhancing security by keeping sensitive data on the server.
  • Reduce client-side JavaScript by rendering static content on the server, benefiting users with slower connections or lower-powered devices.
  • Cache rendered results, so subsequent visitors get an even faster experience.

With RSC, you can serve non-interactive content first, reducing the time it takes for users to see useful content (First Contentful Paint) and improving search engine visibility.

4. Don’t Forget SEO and Social Sharing Optimization

The Next.js App Router makes it easy to handle SEO essentials:

a. Meta and Open Graph tags

These are customizable per route, so each page can be tailored for search engines and social sharing platforms.

The template takes care of the root metadata and open graph tags, so you can use that as an example. If you want, you can copy that in inner layout.tsx files to change their respective metadata and OG tags.

b. Sitemaps and robots.txt

These are important for search engine crawlers to navigate your landing page. With Next.js, they’re easy to configure.

Read more:

5. And Finally, Image and Code Optimization

This landing page template uses Next.js’s optimized <Image /> component for:

  • Automatic resizing and lazy loading. This adapts images for different devices and reduces unnecessary data loads which consequently speeds up the page.
  • Code-splitting and route-based caching, loading only what’s necessary for each route.

These features allow your landing page to be lightweight and responsive with fast loading times.

Deploy Your Landing Page

When you're happy with your customizations, it’s time to go live! Since this is built with Next.js, deployment is fast and easy:

  • Vercel is the go-to platform for deploying Next.js apps. Just connect your GitHub repo to Vercel, and it will handle the rest.
  • You can also deploy to platforms like Netlify or any other service that supports Node.js.

Contribute to the Finwise Template: Help Us Build More Variants

We’re open to collaboration! This is a great opportunity if you're looking for open-source projects to contribute to.

If so, here are some ways you can contribute:

1. Add New Components or Page Variants

  • We’re always looking to expand Finwise’s components with more variants. You’re free to think of ways to make it more adaptable for different industries and product types.
  • You can also create different landing page layouts that align with specific use cases, such as SaaS products, portfolios, or event pages.

2. Add Styles and Design Options

  • If you have a knack for design, your input is valuable! Perhaps you could add new color schemes, fonts, and responsive layouts that give users more ways to make Finwise their own.
  • You can even suggest improvements for accessibility or UI enhancements.

3. Create and Share Documentation

Quality documentation helps new users get started faster. If you enjoy explaining things, you could add tutorials, update code comments, or even create video walkthroughs to guide others in making the most of Finwise.

4. Getting Started

  1. Clone the Repository: Start by forking the Finwise repository and cloning it locally.
  2. Set Up Your Environment: Follow the setup instructions in the README to get the project running on your machine.
  3. Develop and Test: Add new components, layouts, or optimizations. Test your changes thoroughly for compatibility across various use cases.
  4. Submit a Pull Request: When you’re ready, open a pull request with a clear description of your changes. The Finwise team and other contributors will review your code, offer feedback, and help you get it merged into the project.

5. Join Our Community

Stay updated and connect with other contributors and join discussions on GitHub. Share ideas, get feedback, and collaborate on building open-source landing page templates.

Let’s build something amazing together! With your contributions, the landing pages we create can become an essential, powerful tool for other developers and countless projects.

Conclusion and Next Steps

Building a landing page shouldn’t feel like reinventing the wheel. With Finwise, an open-source Next.js landing page template, you’re not only starting with a solid foundation but also tapping into the latest features of Next.js.

The combination of easy customization, built-in SEO best practices, and performance optimizations makes your landing page effective and high-performing.

Next Steps:

1. Download Finwise: Head over to and clone the repository to get your copy of the landing page template.
2. Customize Your Landing Page: Make it your own by tweaking the template colors, adding your content, and creating a unique design that fits your brand.
3. Deploy and Optimize: Once your landing page is ready, deploy it to Vercel, run it through Lighthouse for performance tuning, and monitor your SEO rankings.
4. Contribute to the Project: If you have ideas for new sections or improvements, consider contributing to the template by submitting your own variations or fixes. The open-source nature of Finwise welcomes community contributions!
5. Visit our website: Finwise is our most basic landing page template. Visit our website if you're looking for more premium Next.js landing page template options.

Let’s see what you can create with Finwise!

Top comments (1)

anmolbaranwal profile image
Anmol Baranwal

Great 🔥 There could be a wow factor which is missing imo.