This post was originally posted on my blog here.
LaTeX is a beautiful documentation system. It's similar to Markdown, but has many more features a...
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This tutorial can also help: github.com/LewisVo/Begin-Latex-in-...
Wow that's great! I'll add it.
If you do not use Latex often and need just to write one paper there are online tools available. I set it up on my machine because I write a lot, but I was trying out overleaf.com/ and it was a great experience because they have a lot of templates and git support. And no I do not get money to recommend them :D Just think it is a good place for beginners who have problems with the installation ;)
+1 Overleaf is great! I've recommended it to a few people as well.
I've loved LaTeX since I first saw it. I've been advocating Pweave for literal programming in my team and trying to get them to use it for automated diagrams too. I'm now delving into the depths of style files to create a PDF that appeases the marketing department for platform to customer automation. I've got a couple of posts already written on diagrams in LaTeX and using other True Type fonts which I'll cross post to here.
Spread the \LaTeX \heartshape :)
I strongly suggest using a specialized IDE such as TeXstudio, for me it was the best option (there are a lot!) and simply a delight to use during my college years.
It’s probably very powerful, but it won’t replace markdown. I use markdown very often in Sublime with highlighting to just structure some thoughts without ever generating a document from it. Markdown is just some formalized way to structure a text file like humans would do. Latex clearly is not something a human would write.
Now look at you basic example, it’s completely unreadable as source.
For more complex technical documentation I would still probably use Asciidoc.
Then, there are scientific papers. Actually when I did my masters thesis, I wanted to use Latex but I knew I had to use a lot of formulas, pictures and tables. The way to add those to a latex document was overly complex at that time and unreadable in source. So I read a couple of articles about how to handle large documents in Word (yes, I said it) without crashing it. Then I spent some time to create a Layout, styles and add fonts etc to resemble a document that looks like something that Latex would produce. At the end, I was much faster with the formula editor, inline Tables and graphics.
So I don’t think I would ever write Latex as primary source. Some WYSIWYG editor that generates Latex that I could change If I want to.
Thanks a lot , i've used latex for 2 years now for my research paper and all my universities homework, it is a good and awesome tool, my favorite editor is texstudio the other thing i like about latex it is his community, the tex.stackexchange has already answers to any problems you can have with that editor
I'm a fan of lyx, a WYSIWYM(What you see is what you mean) editor for latex.
In my experience this is an application you want to use with Docker.
Why do use docker to this..?
This is based on my experience a few years ago. I installed Latex from the default Ubuntu repo and it missed a package. Installing the missing package didn't work because it depended on a more recent version of Latex. I installed Latex with the official ISO, but there were some conflicts with the previous installation. I removed the previous installation but I forgot to remove some configuration settings. Possible it's just me, but it was not plugin and play.
Few months ago I needed Latex again and I tried one of the popular public available docker latex container. Besides waiting to download the container it only took me one minute to figure out what I wanted to do, did it and removed the container again.
That's just how I use it nowadays. Look for the image in the Docker Hub!
I finally managed to write my reply to your article, thank you for the motivation
I second that. Org-mode is great. I rarely use LaTeX, these days, but I use org-mode for many things, often exporting via LaTeX to PDF
You can use LaTeX from a Docker container, so you don't have to install anything! It works like a charm…
I've produced novels, poetry books and whatnot using LaTeX. It's quirky and strange, but it gets beautiful results. More people should try it!
I also suggest online platforms like Sharelatex or Overleaf. They work really well and are also really easy to use.
You can also try Authorea if you're interested in web-friendly LaTeX with code snippets, data, etc.