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Discussion on: What's your go to Rust resources?

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Nick Taylor • Edited

I did a Rust course and streamed it. No pressure to watch it, but you may find it helpful.

The course I did in my stream above was Take your first steps with Rust from Microsoft.

Rustlings is great too.

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🦀 Small exercises to get you used to reading and writing Rust code!

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rustlings 🦀❤️

Greetings and welcome to rustlings. This project contains small exercises to get you used to reading and writing Rust code. This includes reading and responding to compiler messages!

...looking for the old, web-based version of Rustlings? Try here

Alternatively, for a first-time Rust learner, there are several other resources:

  • The Book - The most comprehensive resource for learning Rust, but a bit theoretical sometimes. You will be using this along with Rustlings!
  • Rust By Example - Learn Rust by solving little exercises! It's almost like rustlings, but online

Getting Started

Note: If you're on MacOS, make sure you've installed Xcode and its developer tools by typing xcode-select --install.

You will need to have Rust installed. You can get it by visiting This'll also install Cargo, Rust's package/project manager.


Just run:

curl -L | bash
# Or if you want it
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

I haven't taken it, but the freeCodeCamp Rust course is supposed to be awesome.

There is the Rust book itself, freely available, but some folks say it's too dry. I started it but it did get a little too dry for me too.

Also, if you have an education fund at work, I bought the Rust Adventure course from Chris Biscardi. I haven't had time to do it yet, but it's supposed to be awesome.