
Cover image for Event Based System with Localstack (Elixir Edition): Notifing to SQS when a file its uploaded
Nicol Acosta
Nicol Acosta

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Event Based System with Localstack (Elixir Edition): Notifing to SQS when a file its uploaded

Configure SQS

Easy! if you read the past post "Uploading files to S3 with PresignedURL's" you know how to configure in the docker-compose.yml file, so add SQS to the localstack init its simple

The git diff its this

    image: localstack/localstack:latest
      - 4566:4566
      # own env vars
      BUCKET_NAME: files
+     BUCKET_QUEUE: new_files_queue
+     QUEUES: general_events_queue,example_queue
      # service env vars
      DEFAULT_REGION: us-west-2
      AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: test
-     SERVICES: s3
+     SERVICES: s3,sqs
      - ./.localstack:/var/lib/localstack
      - ./
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Full code here

And add this diff of the file

echo "########### Setting resource names as env variables ###########"

+ guess_arn_for_sqs() {
+     local QUEUE_NAME=$1
+     echo "arn:aws:sqs:${DEFAULT_REGION}:${LOCALSTACK_DUMMY_ID}:$QUEUE_+ NAME"
+ }
+ create_queue() {
+     local QUEUE_NAME_TO_CREATE=$1
+     awslocal sqs create-queue\
+         --region $DEFAULT_REGION\
+         --queue-name $QUEUE_NAME_TO_CREATE
+ }
+ echo "########### Creating upload file event SQS ###########"
+ create_queue $BUCKET_QUEUE
+ BUCKET_QUEUE_ARN=$(guess_arn_for_sqs $BUCKET_QUEUE)
+ echo "########### Creating queues in SQS ###########"
+ IFS=','
+ read -ra Queues <<< "$QUEUES"
+ for q in "${Queues[@]}";
+ do
+   create_queue $q
+ done
echo "########### Create S3 bucket ###########"
awslocal s3api create-bucket\
    --region $DEFAULT_REGION\

+ echo "########### Set S3 bucket notification configurations ###########"
+ aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 s3api put-bucket-notification-configuration\
+     --bucket $BUCKET_NAME\
+     --notification-configuration  '{
+                                       "QueueConfigurations": + [
+                                          {
+                                            "QueueArn": "'"$BUCKET_QUEUE_ARN"'",
+                                            "Events": ["s3:ObjectCreated:Put"]
+                                          }
+                                        ]
+                                      }'
echo "########### List S3 bucket ###########"
awslocal s3api list-buckets
+ echo "########### Get S3 bucket notification configurations ###########"
+ aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 s3api get-bucket-+ + notification-configuration\
+     --bucket $BUCKET_NAME
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Full code here

And add this config to the config.exs

aws_host = System.get_env("AWS_HOST")
aws_region = System.get_env("AWS_REGION")
aws_port = System.get_env("AWS_PORT")

config :ex_aws, :sqs,
  scheme: "http://",
  region: aws_region,
  host: aws_host,
  port: aws_port,
  base_queue_url: "http://#{aws_host}:#{aws_port}/000000000000/",
  new_files_queue: System.get_env("AWS_SQS_NEW_FILES_QUEUE"),
  general_events_queue: System.get_env("AWS_SQS_GENERAL_EVENTS_QUEUE")
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In this config we are configuring the whole AWS part and also a personal config that we will use in next steps

Listening the Queues

Now we have SQS Configured, but, who is listening?

To listen a message broker the most used library is broadway, this library helps to create GenServer's that listens a specific queue and process message by message (or by chunks).

The fisrt queue that needs to be listened it's the new files queues.

Basically get's the file data and adds a message to the next queue, see the function BroadwayGeneralEvents.insert_message(data)

defmodule EventsArqBackend.QueueWorkers.BroadwayNewFileEvents do
  @moduledoc false
  use Broadway

  alias Broadway.Message
  alias EventsArqBackend.QueueWorkers.BroadwayGeneralEvents

  def start_link(_opts) do
    {module, opts} = producer_module()
    options = opts ++ [queue_url: queue_url()]

      name: __MODULE__,
      producer: [
        module: {module, options}
      processors: [
        default: []

  @impl true
  def handle_message(_processor, %Message{data: data} = message, _context) do
    decoded_data =
      case Jason.decode!(data) do
        %{"Message" => message} -> Jason.decode!(message)
        message -> message

    %{"Records" => records} = decoded_data

    Enum.each(records, fn
        "eventName" => event_name,
        "eventSource" => "aws:s3",
        "eventTime" => event_time,
        "s3" => %{
          "bucket" => %{
            "name" => bucket_name
          "object" => %{
            "eTag" => entity_id,
            "key" => object_key,
            "size" => object_size
      when event_name in ["ObjectCreated:Put", "ObjectCreated:Post"] ->
        data = %{
          bucket_name: bucket_name,
          entity_id: entity_id,
          object_key: object_key,
          object_size: object_size,
          inserted_at: event_time


      _ ->

    Message.update_data(message, fn _data -> decoded_data end)

  defp queue_url,
      "#{Application.get_env(:ex_aws, :sqs)[:base_queue_url]}#{Application.get_env(:ex_aws, :sqs)[:new_files_queue]}"

  defp producer_module, do: Application.get_env(:events_arq_backend, :broadway)[:producer_module]
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And the other queue listener

defmodule EventsArqBackend.QueueWorkers.BroadwayGeneralEvents do
  @moduledoc false
  use Broadway

  alias Broadway.Message

  def start_link(_opts) do
    {module, opts} = producer_module()
    options = opts ++ [queue_url: queue_url()]

      name: __MODULE__,
      producer: [
        module: {module, options}
      processors: [
        default: []

  @impl true
  def handle_message(_processor, %Message{data: data} = message, _context) do
    decoded_data =
      case Jason.decode!(data) do
        %{"Message" => message} -> Jason.decode!(message)
        message -> message

    IO.inspect(decoded_data, label: "*****************")

    # do something with the data
    # send notification

    Message.update_data(message, fn _data -> decoded_data end)

  def insert_message(data), do: SqsClient.add_message_to_queue(queue_name(), data)

  defp queue_name, do: Application.get_env(:ex_aws, :sqs)[:general_events_queue]
  defp queue_url, do: "#{Application.get_env(:ex_aws, :sqs)[:base_queue_url]}#{queue_name()}"
  defp producer_module, do: Application.get_env(:events_arq_backend, :broadway)[:producer_module]
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So... 2 queues for the same event? why?

Exist a reason, normally all the queues that you use in sqs are the .fifo queues, and the queue for the s3 must be a default queue (no-.fifo-queue) and that's the reason that i created 2 queues, a regular queue for s3 events and a .fifo queue for the other ones

The full code of this changes it's here

In the next post we will:

  • Create a Channel on Phoenix
  • Integrate Phoenix Channels to a React project
  • Broadcast to all connected clients for some update

See you in the next posts

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