DEV Community

Nicolás M. Pardo
Nicolás M. Pardo

Posted on

Your developer timeline

Can you make a small timeline with the stuff you have learned so far? Let's stay with programming languages and frameworks only as things as design patterns and tools probably were being absorbed in the process, here is mine:

Time Learned
Point 0 HTML + CSS
6 mo Stylus and jQuery
1 y/6 mo Javascript
1 y/8 mo Ruby and RoR
1 y/10 mo Angular 2
2 y AngularJS
2 y/4 mo Shopify Liquid
2 y/8 mo React

It's a small experiment to see how people jumped into languages, specially those self taught

Latest comments (34)

pichord profile image

HTML -> CSS -> Elixir (fail) -> C -> Ruby -> Javascript now :)

monknomo profile image
Gunnar Gissel

This is pretty approximate...

0y -> HTML
3y -> Java
4y -> Python
5y -> CSS
9y -> Java, but like so I'm good at it
10y -> bash
10y -> Flex/Flash
12y -> Javascript
14 -> Python, but for webapps
16y -> React
18 -> Docker

_bigblind profile image
Frederik 👨‍💻➡️🌐 Creemers

Not sure about the timings, but the order is correct

0 GML (Game Maker Language, used by YoYoGames Game Maker)
3.5 JS, jQuery, CodeIgniter
4 Python
4.5 Java (for uni)
4.5 Google App Engine (webapp, webapp2)
5 AngularJS
6 React, Django
7 React Native

Flask and Go are also somewhere in there, but I don't remember when I learned those.

xngwng profile image
Xing Wang

lol. What if you did all the other production coding (C, Java, Javascript, Scala) for years without ever "learning" HTML or CSS? Why does HTML or CSS have to be the starting point of a developer's timeline? HTML isn't even a programming language, may as well start with Typing.

martyhimmel profile image
Martin Himmel • Edited
Year Learned Notes
2004 XHTML / HTML4 The dark years before I knew about CSS
2008 HTML5, CSS/CSS3
2009 JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, MySQL Focused more on PHP, forgot most of JS
2014 JavaScript, Java JS for real this time
2015 Career change - see below
2016 Laravel, Ruby
2017 Vue

From 2000 to February 2015, I was a dental tech. All code prior to this was as a hobby. There were some years sprinkled in there where I didn't touch code at all.

The "JS for real" note in 2014 is when I decided I finally had enough with the dental world and wanted to get into programming. After watching a presentation on Ember at a meetup, I thought I should get back to JS and really learn it this time. I dove into the deep end and recreated about 80% of the original (NES) Dragon Warrior using HTML5 canvas and JS. This was probably my first real/practical step towards the career transition.

I dabbled with Ruby in 2016 mostly to learn the syntax of it. Built a simple command line game with it and haven't done anything with it since.

scleriot profile image
Simon Cleriot

Very interesting to see all these differents journey into code 🙂

Time Learned
Point 0 (2004) Visual C++ (we only had Windows computers at home 😇 )
1y HTML/CSS, C++/Qt
3y Javascript/jQuery, PHP, Bash (switching to Linux)
3y/6mo MySQL
4y Python/Django
5y Java/Android, C#/iOS (switching to Mac OS, with an Android phone)
7y C (university)
8y Lisp (university)
11y Node.js/Express.js, MongoDB
12y Typescript and Vue.js
14y (2018) Trying to look into R and Go!

By writing this down, I'm realising my learning pace is slowing down as time goes on!

xowap profile image
Rémy 🤖

Oh, fun question! A few major things I can think about

Time (years) Tools
2 Frontpage
3 Dreamewaver (+ Macromedia suite)
6 phpBB
7 JavaScript
8 WordPress, Java
9 Prototype.js
10 jQuery, Symfony, C
11 Python, Django
12 Qt, C++
14 Spring, AngularJS
15 PostgreSQL, Go
16 PostGIS
18 VueJS

Nice way to put things, I wonder what conclusions I can take from that :)

(And yeah BERNARD is my own thing but whatever I spend a lot of time using it so...)

emilfolino profile image
Emil Folino

Cool idea, made me reflect back on all the good times I've had coding. So here goes:

Time Learned
Point 0 HTML and playing around with my dads Turbo Pascal
Long break
New 0, started College CS Ada, HTML, PHP, MySQL, CSS, JavaScript
6 months Java, C++, MatLab
1 y ActionScript 3 (Yikes)
2 y MySQL for real, C
3 y Lisp, Android SDK
4 y Ruby, ROR, Objective-C, Cocoa, Git
5 y jQuery, Bootstrap
8 y python, Java Spring (oh the horror)
9 y LESS
10 y nodejs, bash, mithril, cordova
11 y express, react, mocha, chai

Started work after year 5 and did the consulting thing for awhile. Now I work as a teacher at Blekinge Institue of Technology. Most fun I've had in years.

michaelgv profile image

6m -> JavaScript
1-5y -> PHP
6y -> ASP
8y -> C/C++, Java
11y -> Assembly, Reverse Engineering
12y -> Go, Scala, Haskell

raphink profile image
Raphaël Pinson • Edited

I have a graphical timeline for this at (source is at, but I guess it would go something like this. These are the years I started getting acquainted with the language, not necessarily using daily:

y0 -> BASIC (on a pocket calculator)
y2 -> HTML/Javascript/CSS
y3 -> 68x assembly (Mac OS Classic)
y6 -> PHP (personal website)
y7 -> Bash (started contributing to Debian/Ubuntu)
y8 -> Python + C/C++
y9 -> Ruby + Perl (started a job as a sysadmin)
y11 -> Puppet + Augeas
y15 -> JQuery
y18 -> Boostrap
y19 -> Go
y20 -> AngularJS

dhurimkelmendi profile image
Dhurim Kelmendi • Edited
Time Learned
0 C++
3 Laravel, Ruby & RoR, Android SDK
4 .NET, AngularJS

I started learning how to code at the age of 17(0), Finished BSc, currently finishing MSc. As can be seen, I hopped from one language/framework to another pretty often, mostly because of my Uni classes, but also driven by the work requirements.

Many more years to come, many more languages&frameworks to learn

arnaudmorisset profile image
Arnaud Morisset

Funny, here is my contribution:

Time Learned
Point 0 Visual Basic & SQL
1 y PHP
2 y Java
3 y C#
4 y Android (Java)
5 y C (POSIX system oriented)
6 y Ruby (and RoR) & JavaScript (and VueJS)
7 y Elixir & Elm
? y Maybe Racket (or another Lisp) ;)

It's not exhaustive, it was my "main" technologies.

From 1 to 5: learned in school

From 6 to now: self-taught

fcpauldiaz profile image
Pablo Díaz
Time Learned
Point 0 (2013) Python
6 mo Django, HTML + CSS
1y Java
1y 6 mo jQuery, Javascript
2y Android
2y 6 mo Assembly ARM
3y PHP, SQL, mongo
4y Angular 1, React
5y NodeJS, React Native
6y Vue JS, Angular 5
belhassen07 profile image
Belhassen Chelbi • Edited
Time learned
4mo Javascript/jQuery
1y React
1y 5mo NodeJs/Express/mongodb

I don't go much to the university so I have time, but anyway I'm still new to back-end with Nodejs/express and MongoDB, and I'm still developing my front-end skills, I think forever xD

tarzan212 profile image

Here is mine :

0 -> HTML / CSS (if those count as a language)
6m-> PHP
(Stopped learning code for four years, I was 14 at the time)
4y -> Java
5y -> Python / Android
6y -> C / Assembly
7y -> JEE
8y -> Go