this article is a story about my experience that i earned in my last interview with a technical CTO . he taught me too much ,in that interview and i thanks him for the knowledge that he gifted to me .
this interview , made me to know much than before , about javascript fundamentals .
Re*(Flow && Paint)
to understanding ReFlow and RePaint , this link helped me :
Understanding javascript Repaint and Redraw
If I want to say very clear :β
ReFlow is recalculating positions of elements in document . reflow is a user-blocking operation , but it has some costs .
RePaint is affecting on element , not on layout .
ex : when you are hiding an element , adding or removing some classes , you dont change the layout , you changed the element visibility and repaint it to new one .
Currying is technique to call a function with multiple arguments like a recursively function . but it has some differences :
1- syntax
2- it has sequence to run
example :
var sum = function (a){
return function(b){
return function(c){
return a+b+c;
console.log(sum(5)(2)(5)) //12
currying is a collection of closures that are returned some value recursively depended of the sequence of theme . it is very nice , isn't it? i love it
i know this article has not much detailed , but i decide to share my experience with you and collect some of theme , in an archive placement .
i will share more , in future
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