DEV Community

Ninan Kara
Ninan Kara

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Creating Github Pages with Jekyll


The reason I wrote this is because the official documentation didn't work smoothly. Just in case I forgot the step, I decided to write it here for my own documentation.


  1. Create public repository in Github with following name
  2. Clone it to your local repository
  3. Install RubyInstaller , and follow the step till complete
  4. (Optinal) If the installer doesn't automatically run, run following command ridk install
  5. If you are not sure, install no 1 and 3
  6. Install Jekyll by run following command gem install jekyll bundler
  7. Check whether Jekyll is completely installed by run jekyll -v

Jekyll installation complete, now setting the Github pages

  1. Open your local repository
  2. Go up one folder by run cd ..
  3. Run jekyll new --force to install jekyll in Github pages
  4. Open Gemfile file
  5. Remove or comment following line gem "jekyll", "~> 4.1.1"
  6. Add following line gem "github-pages", group: :jekyll_plugins
  7. Update the version of other plugins, by referring Github Dependency Documentation . As for me, I updated the version of jekyll-feed version. Save your work.
  8. Go to command prompt and run bundle update following update to command

Configuration done!

  1. Now commit your local repository and push it to Github.
  2. Run your pages.

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