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Nikola Mitic
Nikola Mitic

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Making your CV talk πŸ€– Product mindset first 🧠 Defining features

Getting our hands dirty πŸ‹οΈβ€β™‚οΈ

First things first. How does this even work? Higher level concept is actually very simple, but it is important to be understood before jumping into the actually implementation. As understanding it better, means one will able to challenge it, come up with something better and it means actual implementation will be streamed from a place of understanding allowing us to avoid hitting road blocks where we really should not.

I like to approach designing concepts from well defined requirements. I also like to distinguish 3 main type of requirements:

I call it Semaforoments (My wife will understand πŸ˜‚)

  1. Business requirements (What I want) πŸ”΄ STOP
  2. Product requirements (What I need) 🟑 READY
  3. Engineering requirements (What I must) 🟒 GO

One is streamed from the another. Just like in traffic light, order must be respected. It is simple flow of information.

Requirements flow

Business requirements

I WANT to save time and be able to take more interviews with higher possibility of a potential match!

Product requirements

I NEED a frictionless user interface which will allow hiring manager and recruiters to bypass initial candidate interview.
I need interface to be as human as possible to imitate real interview, thus responses and tone of it needs to be genuine, real and absolutely authentic.

Engineering requirements

I MUST build a responsive web app, working across device sizes and computing power. I must stream the information and interview responses in chunks in order have frictionless experience.
I must be able to develop and release continuously. I must dedicated service for each one respectively:

  • Content data
  • Handling of interview responses
  • Web app hosting

In my humble opinion (which lately is become less and less humble πŸ€ͺ), exact features to be built are a marriage between product and engineering requirements, as I believe building great software product is possible where developers and product owners are working WITH each other not FOR each other.


  1. I can see online CV using the link I can share.
  2. I can edit the content of CV without having to write any code.
  3. I can feed CV content data to any consumer that is interested in it.
  4. I can chat with CV and responses will be streamed so that waiting time is reduced.
  5. I can talk to CV and it will respond me in candidate real human authentic voice.
  6. I can see tweet like blog post from candidate to get more insights about their thinking.
  7. I can ask question related to candidate views outside of work experience getting to know the candidate personality and way of thinking.
  8. I can save PDF document of chat conversation.
  9. I can save PDF document of CV.

From here we will focus on the following two:

Chat interface

I can chat with CV and responses will be streamed so that waiting time is reduced.

Audio / Talk interface

I can see tweet like blog post from candidate to get more insights about their thinking

❀️If you would like to stay it touch please feel free to connect❀️

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