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Nnisarg Gada
Nnisarg Gada

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I created PACMAN - not what you think 👀👀

When I say "PACMAN" you might think of the classic video game where a yellow, voracious circle gobbles up dots while evading colorful ghosts. But today, I want to introduce you to a different kind of PACMAN — one that’s all about contact management and privacy. PACMAN, short for "Private Alternative for Contact Management And Networking" is not your typical contact manager. It’s a privacy-centric solution that I’ve developed to empower users like you to regain control over your contact data. Let’s dive into this innovative platform, built with NextJS and TailwindCSS, and explore how it can revolutionize the way you manage your contacts and network with others.


Regaining Control Over Your Contacts

In a world where data privacy is a growing concern, it’s crucial to have solutions that put you in charge of your personal information. PACMAN is designed with this principle at its core. By self-hosting PACMAN on your own servers, you can ensure that your contact data remains confidential and secure. No more worrying about your information being stored on third-party servers or exploited for marketing purposes. With PACMAN, your contacts are under your control.

Streamlined Contact Management

Managing contacts has never been easier than with PACMAN. This platform offers a user-friendly interface that simplifies the entire process. With just a few clicks, you can export your contacts to VCF files, making them compatible with various devices and applications. But that’s not all — PACMAN also lets you share a URL with others, allowing them to add their contact details to your list effortlessly. Say goodbye to the days of exchanging business cards or manually inputting information. PACMAN streamlines contact management, making it efficient and hassle-free.

Embracing Open Source Freedom

Transparency is a fundamental value of PACMAN. I believe that users should have the freedom to take control of their data, and that’s why I’ve made the code open source. This means that you have the flexibility to host PACMAN on your own servers, tailoring the platform to your specific needs. It’s an ideal choice for those who value privacy and want to reduce their dependence on third-party services. With PACMAN’s open-source nature, you can trust that your data is truly yours to manage.

What’s on the Horizon

PACMAN is an ever-evolving project, and I have exciting plans for its future. Some upcoming features to look forward to include:

  • Contact Importing: PACMAN understands that contact management isn’t just about creating new connections; it’s also about efficiently importing existing ones. Soon, you’ll be able to import contacts from various sources seamlessly.
  • UI Enhancements: The user interface of PACMAN will see significant improvements to enhance navigation and interaction. Expect a cleaner, more visually appealing experience that makes managing contacts a breeze.


So, while I may not be talking about the famous video game character, I am thrilled to introduce you to PACMAN — the contact manager that’s all about your privacy and control. With NextJS and TailwindCSS at its core, PACMAN empowers you to take charge of your contact data, network confidently, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your information is safe and secure. Say hello to the future of contact management and networking with PACMAN.

Note: I have created a separate blog post for detailed instructions on how to self-host PACMAN. You can read it here to learn how to take your data privacy to the next level by hosting PACMAN on your own servers.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to reclaim your data privacy and revolutionize the way you manage your contacts. PACMAN is not just a contact manager; it’s a symbol of empowerment and control in a digital age. Say hello to the future of contact management and networking with PACMAN!

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