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I Need a Task Manager -- what do you recommend?

Hey there,

I've been looking for a task manager for quite a while now, but I can't find anything that fits all my needs. They always miss something.

What I need:

  • Create/List tasks
  • Dependency between tasks
  • Label tasks
  • Import tasks from other services (ie: Github, GitLab, etc...)
  • Export tasks
  • Create lists (ie: notes from a meeting)
  • Create reminders
  • Create periodic reminders (ie: change chair too standing desk, drink water, etc...)

I could give up some features if it's missing one or two.

Do you use a task manager or now of any good ones?

Top comments (9)

ssimontis profile image
Scott Simontis

I have experimented with probably every system out there, from Emacs ORG mode to Trello to GitHub Tasks to Basecamp and everywhere in between. I am really big on personal knowledge management, so I have been trying to find a system to organize my knowledge and keep track of side projects and life in general.

Notion turned me off with their refusal to implement an API and a roadmap that no one seems to have asked for. It is also a very closed-off platform and sharing things outside of the platform is difficult.

I finally settled upon ClickUp. It is really simple to use and incredibly customizable. There's a Chrome extension you can use to add tasks or clip relevant web pages, and it also has a decent mobile app (at least on Android). It's only $5/mo for the basic plan, and there is an API which makes me happy. It integrates with lots of time tracking systems and GitHub/GitLab, and they have been releasing features I didn't know I wanted almost every week!

nombrekeff profile image

Hey, I've been using ClickUp since you recommended it. It's a great piece of software and will be recommending we use it at work as well.

Thanks for the recommendation!

nombrekeff profile image

Cool, Thanks for the info, I will check out ClickUp. I'm a bit hesitant to pay a monthly fee, although If it works I might be interested! :)

ssimontis profile image
Scott Simontis

There's also a free version, you are limited to 100MB of storage and miss out on the integrations, but you can write as many tasks as you want.

I have found it cheaper than a lot of competing solutions, I am about to start recommending we use it at work for project management because it's just so easy to work with versus clicking through 200 screens to make a task in Azure DevOps.

Thread Thread
nombrekeff profile image

I've checked it out, It is quite good man, even the free version... It has almost everything I wanted, thanks a lot!

I might even pay the fee If the integrations are worth it :)

sargalias profile image
Spyros Argalias

For me it depends on what I'm doing.

Personal task management: ClickUp
Personal software development projects: ClickUp
Professional software development: My preference would be JIRA (but it's expensive), otherwise ClickUp.
Open-source projects: Something that makes it easy for everyone to collaborate, such as GitHub projects.

I've tried a few programs in the past for different purposes, such as: Basecamp, Trello, Asana, Kanbanflow, JIRA, ClickUp, Todoist, and just writing tasks on my notes. ClickUp and JIRA have ended up being my favorite.

nombrekeff profile image

Thanks, man! It seems like ClickUp is quite good based on all comments.

I use Github for open source, this is more for personal use, so far ClickUp is doing the job quite well for me.

sroehrl profile image

I find and promising solutions, depending on where your balance between functionality and ease-of-use is.

nombrekeff profile image

Thanks :) I will check clubhouse out as well.