DEV Community

Norris Chebl
Norris Chebl

Posted on

Multiple Frontends with AWS Amplify


Build a React content management system that persists data (videos, images, etc.) to multiple React Native mobile apps.

Utilizing the following AWS Services for the backend:

  • Hosting: Amplify Console
  • Database: DynamoDB
  • User Authentication: Cognito
  • Storage: S3

Utilizing React for the website and React Native for the mobile apps.

Step 1: Create your GraphQL API

Run the following command:

amplify add api
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Edit your schema:

type User 
  queries: { get: "getUser" },
  mutations: { create: "registerUser", update: "updateUser" },
  subscriptions: null
) {
  id: ID!
  username: String!
  email: String!
  registered: Boolean
  avatar: S3Object!
  createdAt: String

type Post @model @searchable @auth(rules: [{ allow: owner, identityClaim: "sub" }]) {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  description: String!
  tags: [String]
  thumbnail: S3Object!
  video: S3Object!
  owner: String
  createdAt: String
  updatedAt: String

type S3Object {
  bucket: String!
  region: String!
  key: String!
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Deploy the API:

amplify api push
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You should now have a graphql folder in your project that lists all of your queries, mutations and subscriptions.

You can view your database in the DynamoDB dashboard.

Step 2: Add Authentication

amplify add auth
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Create user groups:

❯ Manual configuration

Do you want to add User Pool Groups? (Use arrow keys)
❯ Yes

? Provide a name for your user pool group: Admins
? Do you want to add another User Pool Group Yes
? Provide a name for your user pool group: Editors
? Do you want to add another User Pool Group No
? Sort the user pool groups in order of preference …  (Use <shift>+<right/left> to change the order)
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You can view user information in the Cognito dashboard.

Configure your Amplify application:

npm install aws-amplify
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In App.js:

import Amplify, { Auth } from 'aws-amplify';
import awsconfig from './aws-exports';
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For more details on adding the Authentication UI, read the Amplify docs.

Step 3: Add Storage

amplify add storage
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? Please select from one of the below mentioned services (Use arrow keys)
❯ Content (Images, audio, video, etc.)
  NoSQL Database
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amplify push
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Note: If you would like public read access for your files, be sure to set the appropriate permissions.


import Amplify, { Storage } from 'aws-amplify';
import awsconfig from './aws-exports';
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You can view your files in the S3 dashboard.

For more details on adding Storage, read the Amplify docs.

Step 4: The fun part

Now let's connect the backend you created to a different frontend.

  1. Go to your Amplify Console.
  2. Click on the app you're working on.
  3. Click "Backend Environments".
  4. Click "Edit Backend".

Copy the line of code that looks like this:

amplify pull --appId ************* --envName *******
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and run that command in your new frontend environment.

Important: Choose ‘No’ when asked if you want to modify or add new categories to your backend. Choosing ‘Yes’ will work, but it is highly recommended that you don't have your backend stored in two separate repositories for this can lead to unintended consequences with multiple sources of truth.

You will now have access to your amplifyconfiguration folder in src. This means you can now use the following in this second frontend:

import awsconfig from './aws-exports';
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You can now also copy over the graphql folder from your initial frontend over to your second frontend to utilize all of your queries, mutations and subscriptions.

Note: Whenever updating your API in your backend, make sure to copy over the new graphql files into your new frontend.

You did it!

You can now use AWS Amplify to access your backend data with multiple frontends. This can especially be useful when you need to share data between web and mobile.

If you have any questions, please feel free to send me a message or ask in the comments!

Latest comments (11)

arshadcomp profile image

If I have two Vue frontends for the same backend. Will amplify publish push the frontend code in same repo or different?

agapaudi profile image
Mau Peon

Hi, How can you deploy different frontends with same backend. Amplify only let me use same repository with multiple branches, can I use multiple repositories?

railwaygundora profile image

That's an issue, thanks for bringing it up. You actually need to be in the same repo and have different branches there.

adnanraml profile image

I think this link answer your question

a9udn9u profile image
Quan Gan

That link doesn't answer Mau's question.

By "deploy" if you mean running amplify publish to deploy to Amplify's static hosting then the answer is no, you can't publish frontends in different repositories. Even if the Amplify cli allows you to do that, your repos will override each other.

Thread Thread
adnanraml profile image

yes I was having the same question you have.
I think the solution is to add multiple branches in the frontend envirmoent and do the sub-domain configration with amplify framework in the console .

djom202 profile image
Jonathan Olier

Why do you need to create a user model? I'm supposing that you can use the userid from Cognito.

skydowx profile image

You can use the userid from cognito. But sometimes you might want to make connections with other entities in the database. In that situation, it is useful to also make a user entity in the database.

type User @model {
posts: [Post]! @connection
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bcsgbl profile image
bcs-gbl • Edited
  1. If is started a project with "amplify init" command everyting is OK.
  2. But if started with "amplify pull" (for example on a second frontend APP), I've got this error:

amplify pull --appId d45659npivltuns --envName test
EPERM: operation not permitted, rename 'D:\web-nodejs\test\amplify' -> 'D:\web-nodejs\test\amplify-backup'
Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, rename 'D:\web-nodejs\test\amplify' -> 'D:\web-nodejs\test\amplify-backup'
at Object.renameSync (fs.js:741:3)

Same error if just run an "amplify pull".

Im on Windows10, latest
I tried to:

  • reinstall npm and libs, with clearing all cache, dirs, so on
  • reinstall amplify-cli
  • reinstall amplify-cli with --unsafe-perm=true prameter And try this whole workflow:
  • with admin or simple user roles,
  • different consloles,
  • in WSL2
  • different & fully clean directories,

but i got tha same error.

If I copy the first APP's amplify directory to the second, every "amplify pull" command works..
Now, I have no idea..

pedroapfilho profile image
Pedro Filho

Isn’t it better to have a project only for the amplify backend?

oleksiisytar profile image
Oleksii Sytar

According to this note: Note: Whenever updating your API in your backend, make sure to copy over the new graphql files into your new frontend. Do I need to copy files every time I have made changes? Maybe we have some way to automate this?