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Let's sync our mind around async in javaScript πŸŽ‰

As we all know javaScript is single threaded, which means it can do one thing at any given time.This means that developers can focus writing code without worrying about multi-threaded issues.The problem with multi-threaded architecture is that developer has to know the order of execution of every code block that is waiting to be executed in different threads, this is not an issue in single threaded architecture because there is only one thread to worry about.However, in single threaded architecture executing long running tasks like network call will block the main thread.This is a bad user experience and this is where javaScript's asynchronous programming comes into picture.

whats that Gif

Asynchronous programming is a way to take a long running tasks away from normal code execution flow and showing the result of such tasks once they are done.This can be achieved by callbacks, promises or Async/Await in javaScript.


βœ” You should be familiar with basic workings of javaScript like functions, conditional statements and so on.
βœ” No need to be familiar with asynchronous mechanisms like promises.

Callbacks ✨

In this section, we will be learning about callbacks to handle asychronous operations.Callbacks are nothing but functions that get run once asynchronous code is finished executing.Let's look at it with solid example.

function getSinger(id, callback) {
  setTimeout(() => {
    console.log('getting singer info from the database...')
   }, 2000)

getSinger(1, (singer) => {
  console.log('Singer', singer)

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In the above code, we are declaring a function called getSinger which takes id and callback function as arguments.In the body of the getSinger function, we are calling javaScript's built in function called setTimeout to simulate network call to fetch the data from the database.After 2000ms,setTimeout function calls the callback function with singer data.
While calling getSinger function we are receiving singer data and then console logging it.That's it😎.

Issues with callbacks

The callback pattern quickly becomes harder to read and maintain once nested callbacks are introduced. This is known as "callback hell". Let me show with a quick example.

function getSinger(id, callback) {
  setTimeout(() => {
    console.log('getting singer info from the database...')
   }, 2000)

getSongsList(singerName, callback) {
  setTimeout(() => {
    console.log('getting songs list info from the database...')
   }, 2000)

getSinger(1, (singer) => {
  const singerName =
  getSongsList(singerName, (songsList) => {

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In the above code, we have added getSongsList function which takes in singerName and a callback function as arguments.After setTimeout function finish running in 2000ms, the callback is called with songsList data.Finally, getSongsList is called inside getSinger's callback and then songsList data is printed to the console.


Promises are nothing but objects that hold the eventual result of an asynchronous operation.It can have three possible states.

  • Pending: In this state the promise kickstarts an asychronous operation.
  • Resolved: In this state the asynchronous operation is completed with a result.
  • Rejected: In this state the asynchronous operation is completed with an error.

// resolve state demo
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        // do some async work

promise.then(result => console.log(result))

//reject state demo
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        // do some async work
        // resolve(result)
           reject(new Error('message'))

      .then(result => console.log(result))
      .catch(error => console.log(error.message))

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First we initialize promise object with new keyword. A promise object runs async operation and calls resolve function if there is result else it calls reject function if there is error.
Later, then handler is used to access result and catch handler is used access error.

Now let's modify our callback example to use Promise.

function getSinger(id) {
 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  setTimeout(() => {
    console.log('getting singer info from the database...')
   }, 2000)

  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  setTimeout(() => {
    console.log('getting songs list info from the database...')
   }, 2000)

     .then(singer => getSongsList(
     .then(songsList => console.log(songsList))

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In the above code, we are returning a promise from both getSinger and getSongsList functions.Both goes to resolved state.When promise is consumed, we chain two then handlers.This is cleaner syntax than callbacks.

Async/Await ✨

Async/Await is a new feature in javaScript that let's you write asynchronous code in a synchronous way. Whenever there is a function that returns a promise, you can await that result and then wrap that code with async modifier.Let's look at the example.

function getSinger(id) {
 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  setTimeout(() => {
    console.log('getting singer info from the database...')
   }, 2000)

  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  setTimeout(() => {
    console.log('getting songs list info from the database...')
   }, 2000)

async function displaySongsList() {
   try {
     const singer = await getSinger(1)
     const songsList = await getSongsList(


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We declare a function called displaySongsList, and then wrap await statements in try block, if an error occurs then it is handled by catch block. That's it.πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰


First we understood what asynchronous operation in javaScript is.Then we explored how callbacks comes to the picture while dealing with async operations.Next we looked at Promises as better alternative to callbacks. Finally we looked at Async/Await which builds upon Promises.

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