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How to write reusable and maintainable integration tests in .NET 6


Integration tests play a crucial role in maintaining the reliability and stability of applications. However, their implementation presents major challenges.

Situated just below end-to-end tests in the testing pyramid, they provide essential validation before deploying new features. Nevertheless, even minor communication issues between components can compromise their effectiveness.

The setup and maintenance of integration tests can be complex and overwhelming for teams. Managing the provisioning, resetting, and teardown of infrastructures—such as databases, FTP servers, and message brokers—requires meticulous orchestration.

Best Practices for Maintainable and Reusable Integration Tests

1. Isolation

Each test must operate independently to prevent unintended interference.

For example:

If a test verifies the deletion of data while another test, running beforehand, checks for data retrieval, the latter may fail—not due to faulty design but because it relies on a state modified by the earlier test.

Isolation can be enforced through various means:

  • Architecting integration tests to allocate distinct databases per test.
  • Implementing strategies such as dedicated schemas for each execution (e.g., multi-tenancy).

2. Coverage

Comprehensive integration tests should span all system layers, from entry points to critical infrastructures such as databases, FTP servers, and message brokers.

To ensure realism, excessive mocking should be avoided. An effective integration test must:

✅ Persist data in an actual database
✅ Transmit real messages via a message bus
✅ Utilize FTP or blob storage for file management
✅ etc...

Although some external service calls may require mocking, all application-specific infrastructures should remain real.

3. Automated and frictionless setup

Integration tests should be easy to set up and require minimal manual intervention from developers.

The installation of specific servers, certificates, or a dedicated testing environment should be fully automated within the test code itself, rather than requiring prior manual configuration on a developer’s machine.

This ensures better portability, reduces human errors, and enables seamless test execution across different machines and CI/CD pipelines.

4. Parallel Execution

Integration tests should be designed for parallel execution, reinforcing their isolation:

  • Each test should run independently without interfering with others.
  • Concurrent access to shared infrastructures (e.g., databases, queues) must be properly managed.

Failure to support parallel execution can drastically slow down CI/CD pipelines.

5. Production-like Environment

Integration tests should closely mirror production conditions.

This includes:

  • Utilizing the same versions of servers, databases, and applications as those in production.
  • Replicating network configurations and production architectures as faithfully as possible.

By aligning integration tests with production environments, unexpected failures during deployment can be minimized.

Available Solutions

Several NuGet packages and tools simplify the implementation of integration tests:

However, none of these solutions fully orchestrate the setup and interaction between multiple components. This is where NotoriousTests excels.

Each of the previously mentioned packages integrates seamlessly within this solution, allowing you to focus on what truly matters: your tests

Creating a SUT (System Under Test) with NotoriousTests


NotoriousTests is fully built on xUnit. Therefore, you need to create a test project compatible with this framework before proceeding.

It comes in the form of a NuGet package, which can be installed via Visual Studio, NuGet CLI, or your preferred dependency manager (such as Paket or others).

From package manager console :

PM> Install-Package NotoriousTest
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Or from the .NET CLI as:

dotnet add package NotoriousTest
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Key Concepts

Let's first understand the two key concepts of this framework:

  • Infrastructure. An infrastructure component is a hardware or software dependency necessary for the application to function, such as an SQL database, message bus, blob storage, HTTP server, or API.

  • Environment. An environment is a collection of infrastructures that manages their lifecycle, including creation, reset, and teardown.

Creating an Infrastructure for an SQL Server with TestContainers and Respawn

❗ Before diving into the example, it's important to mention that NotoriousTest 2.3.0 introduces a dedicated package (NotoriousTest.SqlServer) for automatically managing SQL Server databases in tests. This package makes it much easier to create, reset, and destroy a database using TestContainers and Respawn. However, for educational purposes and to better understand what happens under the hood, I will still demonstrate how to do it manually. More info on the ReadMe - Advanced functionnalities - SqlServer

Let's start by preparing our infrastructure.
This infrastructure must generate a connection string as output, start/stop, and clear the database.

NotoriousTest automatically manages configuration setup.
To integrate your infrastructure, simply inherit from:

  • AsyncConfiguredInfrastructure: Mark this class as an infrastructure component that utilizes configuration.
    public class DatabaseInfrastructure : AsyncConfiguredInfrastructure
        public override Task Destroy()
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        public override Task Initialize()
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        public override Task Reset()
            throw new NotImplementedException();
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1️⃣ Creating the SQL Server with TestContainers

Using TestContainers, we can easily start and stop a Docker container running an SQL Server instance.

public class DatabaseInfrastructure : AsyncConfiguredInfrastructure
    private MsSqlContainer _container = new MsSqlBuilder().Build();

    public override async Task Destroy()
        await _container.StopAsync();

    public override async Task Initialize()
        await _container.StartAsync();

    public override Task Reset()
        throw new NotImplementedException();
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2️⃣ Creating the Database and Adding Tables

We now need to add the required tables to the server.
This depends on your database management approach. In this example, we use a SQL file, but you can also use an EF Core DbContext.

public class DatabaseInfrastructure : AsyncConfiguredInfrastructure
    private MsSqlContainer _container = new MsSqlBuilder().Build();
    // In an environment context, ContextId is a GUID identical to the EnvironmentId value.
    private string DbName => $"TestDB_{ContextId}";

    public override async Task Destroy()
        await _container.StopAsync();

    public override async Task Initialize()
        await _container.StartAsync();
        using (var connection = GetConnection())
            await connection.OpenAsync();
            await CreateDatabase(connection);

            await connection.ChangeDatabaseAsync(DbName);
            await CreateTables(connection);

    public override Task Reset()
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    private async Task CreateDatabase(SqlConnection sqlConnection)
        using (SqlCommand command = sqlConnection.CreateCommand())
            command.CommandText = $"CREATE DATABASE [{DbName}]";
            await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();

    private async Task CreateTables(SqlConnection connection)
        // Here you could use a migration tool like DBUp or EF Core to create the tables
        var sql = File.ReadAllText("Tables.sql");

        using (SqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand())
            command.CommandText = sql;
            await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();

    private SqlConnection GetConnection() => new SqlConnection(_container.GetConnectionString());

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Now that the container is available, the connection string can be added to the configuration produced by the infrastructure !

public class DatabaseInfrastructure : AsyncConfiguredInfrastructure
    private MsSqlContainer _container = new MsSqlBuilder().Build();
    private string DbName => $"TestDB_{ContextId}";

    public override async Task Destroy()
        await _container.StopAsync();

    public override async Task Initialize()
        await _container.StartAsync();
        using (var connection = GetConnection())
            await connection.OpenAsync();
            await CreateDatabase(connection);

            await connection.ChangeDatabaseAsync(DbName);
            await CreateTables(connection);


        // This configuration will be added to the inmemory collection of the WebApplication !
        Configuration.Add("ConnectionStrings:SqlServer", BuildConnectionString());

    public override Task Reset()
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    private async Task CreateDatabase(SqlConnection sqlConnection)
        using (SqlCommand command = sqlConnection.CreateCommand())
            command.CommandText = $"CREATE DATABASE [{DbName}]";
            await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();

    private async Task CreateTables(SqlConnection connection)
        // Here you could use a migration tool like DBUp or EF Core to create the tables
        var sql = File.ReadAllText("Tables.sql");

        using (SqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand())
            command.CommandText = sql;
            await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();

    private SqlConnection GetConnection() => new SqlConnection(_container.GetConnectionString());

    private string BuildConnectionString()
        SqlConnectionStringBuilder connectionString = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(_container.GetConnectionString());
        connectionString.InitialCatalog = DbName;
        return connectionString.ToString();
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3️⃣ Resetting the Database with Respawn

To ensure a clean state between tests, we implement the Resetmethod using Respawn.

        public override async Task Reset()
            await using (var connection = GetSqlConnection())
                await connection.OpenAsync();
                await connection.ChangeDatabaseAsync(DbName);
                Respawner dbRespawner = await Respawner.CreateAsync(connection);
                await dbRespawner.ResetAsync(connection);
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💡 You can exclude tables by passing a RespawnerOptionsinstance to the CreateAsync method. This can be useful when using DBUp or EF Core, which keep track of migrations within the database.

Respawner dbRespawner = await Respawner.CreateAsync(connection, new RespawnerOptions()
    TablesToIgnore = new Table[] { "MyTableToIgnore" }
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The infrastructure is fully configured to be reset between each integration test!

4️⃣ Exposing a Method to Retrieve the Database Connection

We are going to create a public method to retrieve the SQL connection, which we will later use within our tests to interact with the database!

        public SqlConnection GetSqlConnection()
            SqlConnectionStringBuilder connectionString = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(_container.GetConnectionString());
            connectionString.InitialCatalog = DbName;

            return new SqlConnection(connectionString.ToString());
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5️⃣ Creating a Web Application

NotoriousTests fully integrates with .NET’s WebApplicationFactory. You can create a web application like this:

using NotoriousTest.Web.Applications;
    public class MyWebApplication : WebApplication<Program>

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A WebApplicationis already configured to retrieve infrastructure settings from an InMemory collection. All WebApplicationFactorymethods can be overridden within the WebApplication.

Ensure that you add a partial class definition in Program.cs to support testing:

public partial class Program { }
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6️⃣ Defining the Test Environment

Next, we create an environment that includes the infrastructure:

    public class TestEnvironment : AsyncWebEnvironment<Program>
        public override async Task ConfigureEnvironmentAsync()
            await AddInfrastructure(new DatabaseInfrastructure());

            await AddWebApplication(new TestWebApplication());
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Since this is a web-based environment, we use AsyncWebEnvironment.
Other options include AsyncEnvironmentand AsyncConfiguredEnvironment.

Here's the difference:

  • AsyncEnvironment: Provides essential environment features, including infrastructure lifecycle management.
  • AsyncConfiguredEnvironment: Includes everything from AsyncEnvironment, but also enables configuration management with AsyncConfiguredInfrastructure.
  • AsyncWebEnvironment: Extends AsyncConfiguredEnvironment by adding methods to handle WebApplicationFactory and its automatic configuration.

7️⃣ Running Tests with the Environment

public class SampleTests : AsyncIntegrationTest<TestEnvironment>
        public SampleTests(TestEnvironment environment) : base(environment)

        public async Task Test1()
            DatabaseInfrastructure sqlInfrastructure = await CurrentEnvironment.GetInfrastructureAsync<DatabaseInfrastructure>();
            await using(SqlConnection sql = sqlInfrastructure.GetSqlConnection())

                HttpClient client = (await CurrentEnvironment.GetWebApplication()).HttpClient;
                HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync("WeatherForecast");

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  • CurrentEnvironment: This property provides access to the current test environment, which manages the lifecycle of infrastructures and web applications.

  • GetInfrastructure<T>(): This method allows retrieving a specific infrastructure instance, such as a database or message bus, ensuring it is properly configured and accessible for testing.

  • GetWebApplication(): This method retrieves the configured web application instance, which provides access to the HTTP client, enabling API testing within an isolated environment.

Your tests are now fully functional and completely isolated! 🚀

🎁 Enhanced Testing Framework: Structuring Acts and Asserts

One of the key strengths of this architecture is its reliance on the Environment class as the central component. This example, derived from a nutrition project built with ASP.NET Core and EF Core, demonstrates how this structure enables streamlined and efficient testing.

Thanks to this, we can design a structured framework class to encapsulate both test actions (Act) and validation logic (Assert), as well as setup actions (Arrange), which are not represented here:

Here you can see the framework :

    public class NutritionFramework
        private readonly OMONEnvironment _environment;
        private readonly SqlServerDBInfrastructure _sql;
        private readonly NutritionDbContext _dbContext;
        private readonly HttpClient _client;

        public readonly NutritionAsserts Then;
        public readonly NutritionActs When;

        public NutritionFramework(OMONEnvironment environment)
            _environment = environment ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(environment));
            _sql = _environment.GetInfrastructure<SqlServerDBInfrastructure>();
            _client = _environment.GetWebApplication().HttpClient;
            _dbContext = _sql.DbContext;

            Then = new NutritionAsserts(_dbContext);
            When = new NutritionActs(_client);
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To streamline API interactions, all actions are encapsulated within a dedicated class that leverages HttpClient. This ensures test actions remain consistent and modular. Additionally, I utilize my own package, NotoriousClient, to simplify and enhance HTTP request handling.

    public class NutritionActs
        private readonly HttpClient _client;

        private Endpoint ADD_INGREDIENT_ENDPOINT = new Endpoint("/nutrition/ingredient", Method.Post);

        public NutritionActs(HttpClient client)
            _client = client;

        public async Task<NutritionActs> AddIngredient(Ingredient ingredient)
            HttpRequestMessage request = new RequestBuilder(_client.BaseAddress.ToString(), ADD_INGREDIENT_ENDPOINT)

            HttpResponseMessage message = await _client.SendAsync(request);


            return this;

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The NutritionAssertsclass is responsible for validating test outcomes by querying the database to ensure expected entities exist with the correct attributes.


    public class NutritionAsserts
        private readonly NutritionDbContext _context;

        public NutritionAsserts(NutritionDbContext context)
            _context = context;

        public async Task Exist(Ingredient ingredient)
            Ingredient? actualIngredient = await _context.Ingredients.FirstOrDefaultAsync(i =>
                i.Fibers == ingredient.Fibers &&
                i.Fats == ingredient.Fats &&
                i.Carbohydrates == ingredient.Carbohydrates &&
                i.Proteins == ingredient.Carbohydrates &&
                i.Name == ingredient.Name


        public async Task Exist(int id)
            Ingredient? actualIngredient = await _context.Ingredients.FirstOrDefaultAsync(i => i.Id == id);

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Finally, writing an integration test that is both concise and well-structured for clarity:


        public async Task Given_NoIngredient_When_AddingAnIngredient_Then_IngredientIsCreated()
            var expected = new Ingredient()
                Fats = 100,
                Carbohydrates = 100,
                Fibers = 100,
                Name = "Patate",
                Proteins = 100,
                Calories = 100,
                Category = Category.GrainsAndStarches

            await Framework.When.AddIngredient(expected);
            await Framework.Then.Exist(expected);
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End Word

I hope you enjoyed this brief journey into the world of integration testing and that NotoriousTests proved to be a valuable tool for you! Don't forget to leave a like and to share this article !

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Have a great day!


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