DEV Community

Niccolò Prada
Niccolò Prada

Posted on

The most underrated feature of React

A little bit of background on my experience. 2 years ago I joined a small team that was not using a modern Front-End framework like React, Vue, Angular. Over time the we migrated to using React for all of our front ends.

The team grew fast and we hired a lot of juniors developers and using a framework such as React enabled us to actually onboard the developers much more quickly than before when we were just using Jquery. There is a vast amount of documentation out there, hence they didn't need as much time figuring out how our web apps worked together.

React forced us to normalize our codebase structure way. Because of this, we didn't need to spend much time discussing and reviewing code that was not modular or had no structure.

Top comments (1)

ac37s profile image
e1cb4 ac37s

As far as I know, among the big three actually only angular is opiniated structure wise, while others (including react) don't force any structure. In fact many react open source libs have like nothing common structure wise.