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Nicholas C. Zakas
Nicholas C. Zakas

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Creating a JavaScript promise from scratch, Part 3: then(), catch(), and finally()

This post originally appeared on the Human Who Codes blog on October 6, 2020.

In my first post of this series, I explained how the Promise constructor works by recreating it as the Pledge constructor. In the second post in this series, I explained how asynchronous operations work in promises through jobs. If you haven't already read those two posts, I'd suggest doing so before continuing on with this one.

This post focuses on implementing then(), catch(), and finally() according to ECMA-262. This functionality is surprisingly involved and relies on a lot of helper classes and utilities to get things working correctly. However, once you master a few basic concepts, the implementations are relatively straightforward.

As a reminder, this series is based on my promise library, Pledge. You can view and download all of the source code from GitHub.

The then() method

The then() method on promises accepts two arguments: a fulfillment handler and a rejection handler. The term handler is used to describe a function that is called in reaction to a change in the internal state of a promise, so a fulfillment handler is called when a promise is fulfilled and a rejection handler is called when a promise is rejected. Each of the two arguments may be set as undefined to allow you to set one or the other without requiring both.

The steps taken when then() is called depends on the state of the promise:

  • If the promise's state is pending (the promise is unsettled), then() simply stores the handlers to be called later.
  • If the promise's state is fulfilled, then() immediately queues a job to execute the fulfillment handler.
  • If the promise's state is rejected, then() immediately queues a job to execute the rejection handler.

Additionally, regardless of the promise state, then() always returns another promise, which is why you can chain promises together like this:

const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

promise.then(value1 => {
    return value1 + 1;
}).then(value2 => {

In this example, promise.then() adds a fulfillment handler that outputs the resolution value and then returns another number based on that value. The second then() call is actually on a second promise that is resolved using the return value from the preceding fulfillment handler. It's this behavior that makes implementing then() one of the more complicated aspects of promises, and that's why there are a small group of helper classes necessary to implement the functionality properly.

The PromiseCapability record

The specification defines a PromiseCapability record[1] as having the following internal-only properties:

Field Name Value Meaning
[[Promise]] An object An object that is usable as a promise.
[[Resolve]] A function object The function that is used to resolve the given promise object.
[[Reject]] A function object The function that is used to reject the given promise object.

Effectively, a PromiseCapability record consists of a promise object and the resolve and reject functions that change its internal state. You can think of this as a helper object that allows easier access to changing a promise's state.

Along with the definition of the PromiseCapability record, there is also the definition of a NewPromiseCapability() function[2] that outlines the steps you must take in order to create a new PromiseCapability record. The NewPromiseCapability() function is passed a single argument, C, that is a function assumed to be a constructor that accepts an executor function. Here's a simplified list of steps:

  1. If C isn't a constructor, throw an error.
  2. Create a new PromiseCapability record with all internal properties set to undefined.
  3. Create an executor function to pass to C.
  4. Store a reference to the PromiseCapability on the executor.
  5. Create a new promise using the executor and extract it resolve and reject functions.
  6. Store the resolve and reject functions on the PromiseCapability.
  7. If resolve isn't a function, throw an error.
  8. If reject isn't a function, throw an error.
  9. Store the promise on the PromiseCapability.
  10. Return the PromiseCapability

I decided to use a PledgeCapability class to implement both PromiseCapability and NewPromiseCapability(), making it more idiomatic to JavaScript. Here's the code:

export class PledgeCapability {

    constructor(C) {

        const executor = (resolve, reject) => {
            this.resolve = resolve;
            this.reject = reject;

        // not used but included for completeness with spec
        executor.capability = this;

        this.pledge = new C(executor);

        if (!isCallable(this.resolve)) {
            throw new TypeError("resolve is not callable.");

        if (!isCallable(this.reject)) {
            throw new TypeError("reject is not callable.");

The most interesting part of the constructor, and the part that took me the longest to understand, is that the executor function is used simply to grab references to the resolve and reject functions that are passed in. This is necessary because you don't know what C is. If C was always Promise, then you could use createResolvingFunctions() to create resolve and reject. However, C could be a subclass of Promise that changes how resolve and reject are created, so you need to grab the actual functions that are passed in.

A note about the design of this class: I opted to use string property names instead of going through the trouble of creating symbol property names to represent that these properties are meant to be internal-only. However, because this class isn't exposed as part of the API, there is no risk of anyone accidentally referencing those properties from outside of the library. Given that, I decided to favor the readability of string property names over the more technically correct symbol property names.

The PledgeCapability class is used like this:

const capability = new PledgeCapability(Pledge);

capability.pledge.then(value => {

In this example, the Pledge constructor is passed to PledgeCapability to create a new instance of Pledge and extract its resolve and reject functions. This turns out to be important because you don't know the class to use when creating the return value for then() until runtime.

Using Symbol.species

The well-known symbol Symbol.species isn't well understood by JavaScript developers but is important to understand in the context of promises. Whenever a method on an object must return an instance of the same class, the specification defines a static Symbol.species getter on the class. This is true for many JavaScript classes including arrays, where methods like slice() and concat() return arrays, and it's also true for promises, where methods like then() and catch() return another promise. This is important because if you subclass Promise, you probably want then() to return an instance of your subclass and not an instance of Promise.

The specification defines the default value for Symbol.species to be this for all built-in classes, so the Pledge class implements this property as follows:

export class Pledge {

    // constructor omitted for space

    static get [Symbol.species]() {
        return this;

    // other methods omitted for space

Keep in mind that because the Symbol.species getter is static, this is actually a reference to Pledge (you can try it for yourself accessing Pledge[Symbol.species]). However, because this is evaluated at runtime, it would have a different value for a subclass, such as this:

class SuperPledge extends Pledge {
    // empty

Using this code, SuperPledge[Symbol.species] evaluates to SuperPledge. Because this is evaluated at runtime, it automatically references the class constructor that is in use. That's exactly why the specification defines Symbol.species this way: it's a convenience for developers as using the same constructor for method return values is the common case.

Now that you have a good understanding of Symbol.species, it's time to move on implementing then().

Implementing the then() method

The then() method itself is fairly short because it delegates most of the work to a function called PerformPromiseThen(). Here's how the specification defines then()[3]:

  1. Let promise be the this value.
  2. If IsPromise(promise) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
  3. Let C be ? SpeciesConstructor(promise, %Promise%).
  4. Let resultCapability be ? NewPromiseCapability(C).
  5. Return PerformPromiseThen(promise, onFulfilled, onRejected, resultCapability).

And here's how I coded up that algorithm:

export class Pledge {

    // constructor omitted for space

    static get [Symbol.species]() {
        return this;

    then(onFulfilled, onRejected) {


        const C = this.constructor[Symbol.species];
        const resultCapability = new PledgeCapability(C);
        return performPledgeThen(this, onFulfilled, onRejected, resultCapability);

    // other methods omitted for space

The first thing to note is that I didn't define a variable to store this as the algorithm specifies. That's because it's redundant in JavaScript when you can access this directly. After that, the rest of the method is a direct translation into JavaScript. The species constructor is stored in C and a new PledgeCapability is created from that. Then, all of the information is passed to performPledgeThen() to do the real work.

The performPledgeThen() function is one of the longer functions in the Pledge library and implements the algorithm for PerformPromiseThen() in the specification. The algorithm is a little difficult to understand, but it begins with these steps:

  1. Assert that the first argument is a promise.
  2. If either onFulfilled or onRejected aren't functions, set them to undefined.
  3. Create PromiseReaction records for each of onFulfilled and onRejected.

Here's what that code looks like in the Pledge library:

function performPledgeThen(pledge, onFulfilled, onRejected, resultCapability) {


    if (!isCallable(onFulfilled)) {
        onFulfilled = undefined;

    if (!isCallable(onRejected)) {
        onRejected = undefined;

    const fulfillReaction = new PledgeReaction(resultCapability, "fulfill", onFulfilled);
    const rejectReaction = new PledgeReaction(resultCapability, "reject", onRejected);

    // more code to come


The fulfillReaction and rejectReaction objects are always created event when onFulfilled and onRejected are undefined. These objects store all of the information necessary to execute a handler. (Keep in mind that only one of these reactions will ever be used. Either the pledge is fulfilled so fulfillReaction is used or the pledge is rejected so rejectReaction is used. That's why it's safe to pass the same resultCapability to both even though it contains only one instance of Pledge.)

The PledgeReaction class is the JavaScript equivalent of the PromiseReaction record in the specification and is declared like this:

class PledgeReaction {
    constructor(capability, type, handler) {
        this.capability = capability;
        this.type = type;
        this.handler = handler;

The next steps in PerformPromiseThen() are all based on the state of the promise:

  1. If the state is pending, then store the reactions for later.
  2. If the state is fulfilled, then queue a job to execute fulfillReaction.
  3. If the state is rejected, then queue a job to execute rejectReaction.

And after that, there are two more steps:

  1. Mark the promise as being handled (for unhandled rejection tracking, discussed in an upcoming post).
  2. Return the promise from the resultCapability, or return undefined if resultCapability is undefined.

Here's the finished performPledgeThen() that implements these steps:

function performPledgeThen(pledge, onFulfilled, onRejected, resultCapability) {


    if (!isCallable(onFulfilled)) {
        onFulfilled = undefined;

    if (!isCallable(onRejected)) {
        onRejected = undefined;

    const fulfillReaction = new PledgeFulfillReaction(resultCapability, onFulfilled);
    const rejectReaction = new PledgeRejectReaction(resultCapability, onRejected);

    switch (pledge[PledgeSymbol.state]) {

        case "pending":

        case "fulfilled": 
                const value = pledge[PledgeSymbol.result];
                const fulfillJob = new PledgeReactionJob(fulfillReaction, value);

        case "rejected":
                const reason = pledge[PledgeSymbol.result];
                const rejectJob = new PledgeReactionJob(rejectReaction, reason);

                // TODO: if [[isHandled]] if false


            throw new TypeError(`Invalid pledge state: ${pledge[PledgeSymbol.state]}.`);

    pledge[PledgeSymbol.isHandled] = true;

    return resultCapability ? resultCapability.pledge : undefined;

In this code, the PledgeSymbol.fulfillReactions and PledgeSymbol.rejectReactions are finally used for something. If the state is pending, the reactions are stored for later so they can be triggered when the state changes (this is discussed later in this post). If the state is either fulfilled or rejected then a PledgeReactionJob is created to run the reaction. The PledgeReactionJob maps to NewPromiseReactionJob()[4] in the specification and is declared like this:

export class PledgeReactionJob {
    constructor(reaction, argument) {
        return () => {
            const { capability: pledgeCapability, type, handler } = reaction;
            let handlerResult;

            if (typeof handler === "undefined") {

                if (type === "fulfill") {
                    handlerResult = new NormalCompletion(argument);
                } else {
                    handlerResult = new ThrowCompletion(argument);
            } else {
                try {
                    handlerResult = new NormalCompletion(handler(argument));
                } catch (error) {
                    handlerResult = new ThrowCompletion(error);

            if (typeof pledgeCapability === "undefined") {
                if (handlerResult instanceof ThrowCompletion) {
                    throw handlerResult.value;

                // Return NormalCompletion(empty)

            if (handlerResult instanceof ThrowCompletion) {
            } else {

            // Return NormalCompletion(status)

This code begins by extracting all of the information from the reaction that was passed in. The function is a little bit long because both capability and handler can be undefined, so there are fallback behaviors in each of those cases.

The PledgeReactionJob class also uses the concept of a completion record[5]. In most of the code, I was able to avoid needing to reference completion records directly, but in this code it was necessary to better match the algorithm in the specification. A completion record is nothing more than a record of how an operation's control flow concluded. There are four completion types:

  • normal - when an operation succeeds without any change in control flow (the return statement or exiting at the end of a function)
  • break - when an operation exits completely (the break statement)
  • continue - when an operation exits and then restarts (the continue statement)
  • throw - when an operation results in an error (the throw statement)

These completion records tell the JavaScript engine how (or whether) to continue running code. For creating PledgeReactionJob, I only needed normal and throw completions, so I declared them as follows:

export class Completion {
    constructor(type, value, target) {
        this.type = type;
        this.value = value; = target;
export class NormalCompletion extends Completion {
    constructor(argument) {
        super("normal", argument);

export class ThrowCompletion extends Completion {
    constructor(argument) {
        super("throw", argument);

Essentially, NormalCompletion tells the function to exit as normal (if there is no pledgeCapability) or resolve a pledge (if pledgeCapability is defined) and ThrowCompletion tells the function to either throw an error (if there is no pledgeCapability) or reject a pledge (if pledgeCapability is defined). Within the Pledge library, pledgeCapability will always be defined, but I wanted to match the original algorithm from the specification for completeness.

Having covered PledgeReactionJob means that the pledgePerformThen() function is complete and all handlers will be properly stored (if the pledge state is pending) or executed immediately (if the pledge state is fulfilled or rejected). The last step is to execute any save reactions when the pledge state changes from pending to either fulfilled or rejected.

Triggering stored reactions

When a promise transitions from unsettled to settled, it triggers the stored reactions to execute (fulfill reactions if the promise is fulfilled and reject reactions when the promise is rejected). The specification defines this operation as TriggerPromiseReaction()[6], and it's one of the easier algorithms to implement. The entire algorithm is basically iterating over a list (array in JavaScript) of reactions and then creating and queueing a new PromiseReactionJob for each one. Here's how I implemented it as triggerPledgeReactions():

export function triggerPledgeReactions(reactions, argument) {

    for (const reaction of reactions) {
        const job = new PledgeReactionJob(reaction, argument);


The most important part is to pass in the correct reactions argument, which is why this is function is called in two places: fulfillPledge() and rejectPledge() (discussed in part 1 of this series). For both functions, triggering reactions is the last step. Here's the code for that:

export function fulfillPledge(pledge, value) {

    if (pledge[PledgeSymbol.state] !== "pending") {
        throw new Error("Pledge is already settled.");

    const reactions = pledge[PledgeSymbol.fulfillReactions];

    pledge[PledgeSymbol.result] = value;
    pledge[PledgeSymbol.fulfillReactions] = undefined;
    pledge[PledgeSymbol.rejectReactions] = undefined;
    pledge[PledgeSymbol.state] = "fulfilled";

    return triggerPledgeReactions(reactions, value);

export function rejectPledge(pledge, reason) {

    if (pledge[PledgeSymbol.state] !== "pending") {
        throw new Error("Pledge is already settled.");

    const reactions = pledge[PledgeSymbol.rejectReactions];

    pledge[PledgeSymbol.result] = reason;
    pledge[PledgeSymbol.fulfillReactions] = undefined;
    pledge[PledgeSymbol.rejectReactions] = undefined;
    pledge[PledgeSymbol.state] = "rejected";

    // global rejection tracking
    if (!pledge[PledgeSymbol.isHandled]) {
        // TODO: perform HostPromiseRejectionTracker(promise, "reject").

    return triggerPledgeReactions(reactions, reason);

After this addition, Pledge objects will properly trigger stored fulfillment and rejection handlers whenever the handlers are added prior to the pledge resolving. Note that both fulfillPledge() and rejectPledge() remove all reactions from the Pledge object in the process of changing the object's state and triggering the reactions.

The catch() method

If you always wondered if the catch() method was just a shorthand for then(), then you are correct. All catch() does is call then() with an undefined first argument and the onRejected handler as the second argument:

export class Pledge {

    // constructor omitted for space

    static get [Symbol.species]() {
        return this;

    then(onFulfilled, onRejected) {


        const C = this.constructor[Symbol.species];
        const resultCapability = new PledgeCapability(C);
        return performPledgeThen(this, onFulfilled, onRejected, resultCapability);

    catch(onRejected) {
        return this.then(undefined, onRejected);

    // other methods omitted for space

So yes, catch() is really just a convenience method. The finally() method, however, is more involved.

The finally() method

The finally() method was a late addition to the promises specification and works a bit differently than then() and catch(). Whereas both then() and catch() allow you to add handlers that will receive a value when the promise is settled, a handler added with finally() does not receive a value. Instead, the promise returned from the call to finally() is settled in the same as the first promise. For example, if a given promise is fulfilled, then the promise returned from finally() is fulfilled with the same value:

const promise = Promise.resolve(42);

promise.finally(() => {
    console.log("Original promise is settled.");
}).then(value => {
    console.log(value);     // 42

This example shows that calling finally() on a promise that is resolved to 42 will result in a promise that is also resolved to 42. These are two different promises but they are resolved to the same value.

Similarly, if a promise is rejected, the the promise returned from finally() will also be rejected, as in this example:

const promise = Promise.reject("Oops!");

promise.finally(() => {
    console.log("Original promise is settled.");
}).catch(reason => {
    console.log(reason);     // "Oops!"

Here, promise is rejected with a reason of "Oops!". The handler assigned with finally() will execute first, outputting a message to the console, and the promise returned from finally() is rejected to the same reason as promise. This ability to pass on promise rejections through finally() means that adding a finally() handler does not count as handling a promise rejection. (If a rejected promise only has a finally() handler then the JavaScript runtime will still output a message about an unhandled promise rejection. You still need to add a rejection handler with then() or catch() to avoid that message.)

With a good understanding of finally() works, it's time to implement it.

Implementing the finally() method

The first few steps of finally()[7] are the same as with then(), which is to assert that this is a promise and to retrieve the species constructor:

export class Pledge {

    // constructor omitted for space

    static get [Symbol.species]() {
        return this;

    finally(onFinally) {


        const C = this.constructor[Symbol.species];

        // TODO

    // other methods omitted for space

After that, the specification defines two variables, thenFinally and catchFinally, which are the fulfillment and rejection handlers that will be passed to then(). Just like catch(), finally() eventually calls the then() method directly. The only question is what values will be passed. For instance, if the onFinally argument isn't callable, then thenFinally and catchFinally are set equal to onFinally and no other work needs to be done:

export class Pledge {

    // constructor omitted for space

    static get [Symbol.species]() {
        return this;

    finally(onFinally) {


        const C = this.constructor[Symbol.species];

        let thenFinally, catchFinally;

        if (!isCallable(onFinally)) {
            thenFinally = onFinally;
            catchFinally = onFinally;
        } else {

            // TODO


        return this.then(thenFinally, catchFinally);

    // other methods omitted for space

You might be confused as to why an uncallable onFinally will be passed into then(), as was I when I first read the specification. Remember that then() ultimately delegates to performPledgeThen(), which in turn sets any uncallable handlers to undefined. So finally() is relying on that validation step in performPledgeThen() to ensure that uncallable handlers are never formally added.

The next step is to define the values for thenFinally and catchFinally if onFinally is callable. Each of these functions is defined in the specification as a sequence of steps to perform in order to pass on the settlement state and value from the first promise to the returned promise. The steps for thenFinally are a bit difficult to decipher in the specification[8] but are really straight forward when you see the code:

export class Pledge {

    // constructor omitted for space

    static get [Symbol.species]() {
        return this;

    finally(onFinally) {


        const C = this.constructor[Symbol.species];

        let thenFinally, catchFinally;

        if (!isCallable(onFinally)) {
            thenFinally = onFinally;
            catchFinally = onFinally;
        } else {

            thenFinally = value => {
                const result = onFinally.apply(undefined);
                const pledge = pledgeResolve(C, result);
                const valueThunk = () => value;
                return pledge.then(valueThunk);

            // not used by included for completeness with spec
            thenFinally.C = C;
            thenFinally.onFinally = onFinally;

            // TODO


        return this.then(thenFinally, catchFinally);

    // other methods omitted for space

Essentially, the thenFinally value is a function that accepts the fulfilled value of the promise and then:

  1. Calls onFinally().
  2. Creates a resolved pledge with the result of step 1. (This result is ultimately discarded.)
  3. Creates a function called valueThunk that does nothing but return the fulfilled value.
  4. Assigns valueThunk as the fulfillment handler for the newly-created pledge and then returns the value.

After that, references to C and onFinally are stored on the function, but as noted in the code, these aren't necessary for the JavaScript implementation. In the specification, this is the way that the thenFinally functions gets access to both C and onFinally. In JavaScript, I'm using a closure to get access to those values.

The steps to create catchFinally[9] are similar, but the end result is a function that throws a reason:

export class Pledge {

    // constructor omitted for space

    static get [Symbol.species]() {
        return this;

    finally(onFinally) {


        const C = this.constructor[Symbol.species];

        let thenFinally, catchFinally;

        if (!isCallable(onFinally)) {
            thenFinally = onFinally;
            catchFinally = onFinally;
        } else {

            thenFinally = value => {
                const result = onFinally.apply(undefined);
                const pledge = pledgeResolve(C, result);
                const valueThunk = () => value;
                return pledge.then(valueThunk);

            // not used by included for completeness with spec
            thenFinally.C = C;
            thenFinally.onFinally = onFinally;

            catchFinally = reason => {
                const result = onFinally.apply(undefined);
                const pledge = pledgeResolve(C, result);
                const thrower = () => {
                    throw reason;
                return pledge.then(thrower);

            // not used by included for completeness with spec
            catchFinally.C = C;
            catchFinally.onFinally = onFinally;


        return this.then(thenFinally, catchFinally);

    // other methods omitted for space

You might be wondering why the catchFinally function is calling pledge.then(thrower) instead of pledge.catch(thrower). This is the way the specification defines this step to take place, and it really doesn't matter whether you use then() or catch() because a handler that throws a value will always trigger a rejected promise.

With this completed finally() method, you can now see that when onFinally is callable, the method creates a thenFinally function that resolves to the same value as the original function and a catchFinally function that throws any reason it receives. These two functions are then passed to then() so that both fulfillment and rejection are handled in a way that mirrors the settled state of the original promise.

Wrapping Up

This post covered the internals of then(), catch(), and finally(), with then() containing most of the functionality of interest while catch() and finally() each delegate to then(). Handling promise reactions is, without a doubt, the most complicated part of the promises specification. You should now have a good understanding that all reactions are executed asynchronously as jobs (microtasks) regardless of promise state. This understanding really is key to a good overall understanding of how promises work and when you should expect various handlers to be executed.

In the next post in this series, I'll cover creating settled promises with Promise.resolve() and Promise.reject().

All of this code is available in the Pledge on GitHub. I hope you'll download it and try it out to get a better understanding of promises.


  1. PromiseCapability Records
  2. NewPromiseCapability( C )
  3. Promise.prototype.then( onFulfilled, onRejected )
  4. NewPromiseReactionJob( reaction, argument )
  5. The Completion Record Specification Type
  6. TriggerPromiseReactions( reactions, argument )
  7. Promise.prototype.finally( onFinally )
  8. Then Finally Functions
  9. Catch Finally Functions

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