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Quit Smoking, Start H@ckN!


For the year I've been working hard on stopping vices and one of them is smoking. Over the years, I've been a great cannabis consumer, but found that it doesn't do anything for me any longer. As a fan of Nipsey Hussle, I remember he had a interview that really gave me some perspective. The conversation was about how he was taking a break from smoking weed. This shocked me because he always was seen with some leaf. Watching the interview repeatedly, I started to become inspired to do the same. Not because he is a great in my book as an artist, business man and much more. It's actually deeper and while watching the interviews more it started to make sense. I am not a fan of the cannabis smoke, but actually became addicted. This also gave me a bit of perspective of my journey in life thus far. Damn. Something gotta change!

Over the years I've found that it was an escape from my reality. Much self destruction has occurred leaving me in disbelief that much time has passed. You never see what things do to you while being involved and with the "leaf", I started to think of its pros. Outside of the feeling it gives when good music is added, nothing else really came to mind. Creativity for the techie ideas occur while sober for most part so why do I really consume the herb? Couldn't think of anything else except the phrase 'Built Bad Habits'. Immediately I thought to myself that it doesn't fit into my future vision of me. It was then I shed a tear because life has been quite a ride. Much will be shared in future post, but I at that very moment gained clarity. While sitting back in silence for hours a voice came to me with one message. Not sure where the voice came from because it sounded as if another person was in the room with me which was a bit strange. The voice simply stated, "Quit Smoking and Start Hacking". Yo... what the hell is going on tonight?!

Right after hearing the 'voice' I spill my coffee on my smartphone with no insurance having the screen to glitch. Ahhh shit! This can't be life for I am looking for a new job now due to a layoff in January. The hot-spot works due to still being connected and I fall to the ground with relief. As discussed prior, the PI is my only source of studying due to no laptop and now the pressure is on. Typically in the past I would stay angry, but I've learned lately that conversion of energy is necessary in order to become what my vision of future self will exist. I believe tonight was a lesson that was needed in order for me to get to unlock the next "chamber" in life. Quit Smoking, find a job in cyber and make a lifestyle change for my family is now the mission and fast. Not only that, but teach ones who have walked similar paths the way of greater so we can help the world in some way positive. Now with no phone, distractions such as social media can't influence. Yep, I think this setback is only for a comeback. In the words of Nipsey, "The Marathon Continues...".

Peace and Light to All.


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