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Day1 #90daysofdevops

1. What is DevOps?

DevOps combines cultural philosophies, practices, and tools to improve collaboration and communication between software development and IT operations teams. This collaboration allows faster development cycles, improved software quality, and quicker response to customer needs.

Traditionally, development and operations teams worked separately. Developers would write the code, and then hand it off to operations to deploy and maintain it. This could lead to inefficiencies and friction between the two teams. DevOps breaks down these silos and encourages the two teams to work together throughout the entire software development lifecycle.

2.What is Automation?
Automation is the use of technology and tools to perform tasks and processes without human intervention.

It involves scripting or programming to automate repetitive and manual tasks, reducing the need for manual intervention and human error.

Automation can be applied to various areas, such as software testing, deployment, infrastructure provisioning, and monitoring.

By automating tasks, organizations can improve efficiency, reduce errors, and free up valuable time for teams to focus on more critical and creative work.

3.What is Scaling?
Scaling is the ability to handle increased workloads or accommodate growth without sacrificing performance or reliability.

In the context of software systems, scaling involves adding resources, such as servers or computing power, to handle higher demands.

Scaling can be achieved vertically (scaling up) by increasing the capacity of individual resources, or horizontally (scaling out) by adding more resources in parallel.

Effective scaling ensures that software applications can handle increased user traffic, data processing, or other workloads while maintaining optimal performance.

4.What is Infrastructure?

Infrastructure is the underlying foundation or framework that supports software applications and services.

It includes hardware, servers, networks, storage, and other components required to host and run software systems.

In the context of DevOps, infrastructure can also include cloud-based services, virtualization, containers, and other technologies.

Infrastructure needs to be scalable, reliable, and flexible to meet the changing demands of software applications.

5.Why DevOps is Important?

  1. Faster time to market

  2. Improved collaboration

  3. Continuous integration and delivery

  4. Increased reliability

  5. Enhanced quality

  6. Scalability and flexibility

  7. Cost savings

Top comments (7)

vivekpandey074 profile image
vivek pandey

Just found it randomly, thanku so much

oncloud7 profile image

You’re welcome!

rudyard profile image

I liked it.

oncloud7 profile image

thank you

adelcode profile image

Could you include Cybersecurity also? is DevOps more secure than traditional way?

oncloud7 profile image

DevOps itself is not inherently more secure than traditional approaches. Security depends on how well it’s integrated into the DevOps workflow.
When done right, DevOps can enhance security by promoting collaboration, automation, and continuous monitoring

adelcode profile image

Thanks for reply. What about DevSecOps?