DEV Community

Sriram Ramkrishna for oneAPI Community

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Awesome oneAPI announced!

One of the ways that I feel we should engage when building community for
a relatively new ecosystem like oneAPI is the ability to showcase it's
capabilities. We know that AI especially generative AI have captured
the hearts and minds of many especially being able to build interesting
visuals using prompts. As well, GPU offloading, and learning algorithms
also have gained traction in this space as well.

We talk about the democratization of

and its important in the emerging new chapter of AI. There is no better
time and greater need to build things on an open spec'd platform where
it's clear what is going and out and that the conversations are public,
the decisions are public.

An open spec'd platform is no good if it doesn't show
utility. Developers aren't going to consume your platform if you
cannot show viability, ease of use, and performance. So to show utility,
we worked on building a curated list of projects that show examples of
the utility of oneAPI, but also provide projects that are worth spending
time being part of. Some of these projects might surprise you in that
they use oneAPI like Blender.

Some of you might have heard of the 'awesome' lists
concept which are lists of github repos that are great
examples of using that subject matter. For instance, Awesome
is a good
example of a list that shows cool projects that use pytorch. The list
is meant to be simple, developer friendly, and easy to navigate.

We were inspired by these lists as they seem like a great way to find your
way to good projects. So we created our own 'awesome' list of projects
for SYCL and oneAPI. So without further ado, feel free to check out
awesome oneAPI. We
would of course love feedback and if you have projects that might fit
this list, please fork and submit a PR! Questions are welcome, you can
reach me on mastodon at or if you're on -
just hit the comments!

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