DEV Community


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The First Post

As an exercise for the course I'm taking, it is requiring that we create a post here about something that we've learned this week. I've learned a bit more about the things I utilize every day for work, and what certain things stand for and what they actually do. (Hypertext Markup Language anyone?) These were things I never thought I would need to be knowledgeable about, certainly not in my career pursuits, and the main thing I'm learning right now is how overwhelming this feels in the current moment. Something mentioned towards the end of one of the modules is a little thing called 'imposter syndrome' and I gotta admit I'm feeling it. I know that I can't be expected to know something I haven't been taught yet, but it's looking like this is going to be quite a hike towards this mountain of information.
Thankfully I have a wonderful community where I can ask all of my questions and learn a little something more each day.

Thanks in advance guys. :)

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