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Is the shell scripting language the oldest and best one?

The code

Remark addressing development of new/better programming languages:

It is extremely hard up to impossible to improve something that is already as good as perfect.

The result

By the way: creating further new languages can't solve the problem of already too many of them ...

Top comments (2)

ooosys profile image

May you provide the text of the used code, not only the images?

ooosys profile image
oOosys • Edited

:D Certainly! :D

˙ '                                                                                        
The shell scripting language seems to be the only one out there making it possible to       
write any Unicode texts without polluting the script text with some kind of markings        
required by the syntax and interfering with the text flow.                                  
    Let me demonstrate this to you on the example of the most basic programming code    
which only goal is to print a welcome message to the Terminal command line which can be 
be done in a script using simply  ';echo "Welcome to the  oOo  world of programming";˙ '
    I suggest you view THIS text in a text editor which is using the default  Ubuntu font   
in its proportional version instead of the programming code looking like monospace one. 
If you don’t use the Ubuntu proportional font the effect of nice formatting of THIS text  
with some markings at the right edge limiting the line length will be lost and the text will    
look bad formatted.                                                                     
    Now it’s time to demonstrate that this piece of text if saved to a file and made          
executable actually prints the message to the Terminal command line ... and if you run it   
from file browser ... and have the notifications feature active on your box you can enjoy   
it in the top right corner of your display: '
        notify-send -u critical     "       WELCOME MESSAGE "   \
                                "Welcome to the  oOo  world of programming";˙ '
That’s all I would like to demonstrate to you. Be well and have a best day ever!'
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

˙ '

The shell scripting language seems to be the only one out there making it possible to

write any Unicode texts without polluting the script text with some kind of markings

required by the syntax and interfering with the text flow.

Let me demonstrate this to you on the example of the most basic programming code

which only goal is to print a welcome message to the Terminal command line which can be
be done in a script using simply ';echo "Welcome to the oOo world of programming";˙ '
I suggest you view THIS text in a text editor which is using the default Ubuntu font

in its proportional version instead of the programming code looking like monospace one.
If you don’t use the Ubuntu proportional font the effect of nice formatting of THIS text

with some markings at the right edge limiting the line length will be lost and the text will

look bad formatted.

Now it’s time to demonstrate that this piece of text if saved to a file and made

executable actually prints the message to the Terminal command line ... and if you run it

from file browser ... and have the notifications feature active on your box you can enjoy

it in the top right corner of your display: '
notify-send -u critical " WELCOME MESSAGE " \
"Welcome to the oOo world of programming";˙ '
That’s all I would like to demonstrate to you. Be well and have a best day ever!'