The oOo repository on github contains a presentation consisting of slides which are designed to convey basic guidelines of the oOo approach to usage of the own private computer system. One of these slides is:

It can be helpful on the way to getting better understanding of what this slide tries to tell you, to meditate a bit about what does it actually mean if I speak about "SHIFTS IN MINDSET".
Consider also to check out an explanation of the meaning of the word mindset provided here prior to the meditation.
And please refrain from using Wikipedia to check out what a mindset is. The content there is polluted with the trash of the academic way of providing information and in my eyes more confusing than helpful. There is a trend in Wikipedia to more academic way of providing information I am not willing to put efforts in fighting against. My way of coping with it is to be happy about what is there and if necessary to look for information elsewhere if I don't like the "academically correct" Wikipedia style of a given entry which would waste my time on sorting out what really matters (if it is there at all).
May the power of oOo be with you and make your mindset growing.
In other words it means that a very important primary goal of the oOo way is to CHANGE YOUR MINDSET . With a changed mindset you will be able to put your own pool of software tools together making it finally possible to create the impression that your system understands what you say. This will become possible thanks to by the shifted mindset improved skills of expressing requests using natural language and have the side-effect of exceeding by far what LLMs and other AI tools would be ever capable of, covering the general common case only, but not the specifics of YOUR way of understanding.
Please be aware that it is YOU who need to make it work the promising and appealing way it pretends to result in. So start to shift your mindset inspired by the oOo guidelines in order to arrive later at a new you mastering a system you can talk to at a level comparable to a conversation with ChatGPT or other LLMs.
If you are ready to go the oOo way consider to contribute to the pool of software and to the explanations what the oOo way is all about helping this way to push the personal computing to the next level it deserves to be at.
And what if you haven't yet got the idea what it is all about?
Just take from time to time a look at the github repository and here on DEV if there are next articles with more details to see if this is helpful in getting a better understanding of why it is worth to follow the oOo path and way of doing things.
Consider also to read more about oOo from oOosys here on DEV:
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