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Orhan Özkerçin
Orhan Özkerçin

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React is not that easy (For me)

Hello everybody, couple days ago I started to learn React after I feel comfortable with Vanilla Js. I'm following an Udemy course to Learn React. I was expecting React to bit eaiser to understand and implement but now it really confuse me all that sending components and creating lots of things. I just wanted to share this. Do you guys have any suggestion for me?

Latest comments (15)

myogeshchavan97 profile image
Yogesh Chavan

This udemy course is the best course for Learning React from scratch along with Hooks

leadersheir_ profile image
Warisul Imam • Edited

Check out this YouTube video by freecodecamp. This got me started well. I started learning React two weeks ago and am already working on a semi-large scale project using ReactJS for the front end. Freecodecamp also offers a ReactJS interactive course on their website.

I'd also suggest you to view the official ReactJS docs when you get stuck or confused about something. And the community is always there to help too😉.

orhanozkercin profile image
Orhan Özkerçin

Thank you very much for your advise, definitely check it.

aymswick profile image
Anthony Symkowick

Hi! Definitely keep at it. The modern React/Vue/Angular paradigm is a little funny and takes some time to absorb if you came from plain JS. Some good tutorials have been posted here in the comments!

orhanozkercin profile image
Orhan Özkerçin

Thank you for your advise (:

jeffjadulco profile image
Jeff Jadulco

Sometimes, what you need is a mental model. I found a great write up about it: A Visual Guide to React Mental Model

Kent Dodds' React Introduction Course also helped me grasp how react works behind the scenes.

orhanozkercin profile image
Orhan Özkerçin

I watched several videos already, want to give you special thanks. This helps me understand a lot for basics.

jeffjadulco profile image
Jeff Jadulco

I'm glad it helped!

orhanozkercin profile image
Orhan Özkerçin

I really like those ones. Thanks a lot!

ad0791 profile image
Alexandro Disla

Well also try Vuejs. While keeping ok eye on react. They are different. Vue is the easiest of the single page application. That’s my plan. React has to much way to work with it. Don’t get me started with that danm Redux. Javascript is doing to much in react. Is very confusing.

itsjzt profile image
Saurabh Sharma

I second this

netk profile image
David Quintero 📿 • Edited

If you haven't yet, watch Mosh tutorial on YouTube. He is an excellent instructor.

orhanozkercin profile image
Orhan Özkerçin

Thank you I watched that yesterday.

heblev profile image
Vishal Heble

Try with React Part 1 and Part 2 on codecademy. Trust me, You will definitely get the core concepts quite well. And its freely available.

orhanozkercin profile image
Orhan Özkerçin

Thank you, I will try immediately.