DEV Community

Discussion on: Use Line Front-end Framework (LIFF) to enrich your bot

orz99 profile image
Lava • Edited

Hi Kenichiro thanks for the tutorial..
How to Enable file upload outside of the Album folder in LiFF ?

HTML file upload like below, the opened file browser disable all files and can't be pickup

<input name="file" type="file" multiple />

Album is the only one can be pickup and upload.
Is any way to uplaod file other than images in LIFF?

It's ok when open LIFF in external browser. Is it the limitation of LINE itself?

Dsiable File browser
the only one could be pickup

kenakamu profile image
Kenichiro Nakamura

That's an interesting question, which I don't have answer. If you run the LIFF app in external browser (as v2, you can run outside LINE) what happens?

orz99 profile image

Thank you for your reply:)
Every thing is fine when running LIFF app in external browser.

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kenakamu profile image
Kenichiro Nakamura

In that case I believe it's LINE client limitation for now, unfortunately.

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orz99 profile image

Unable to understand the purpose of this restriction :(

When user install 3rd party file explorer such like "File Manager+", they can pickup any file form it on LIFF app -> upload -> switch to File Manager+

This restriction will only increase the user's inconvenience.

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kenakamu profile image
Kenichiro Nakamura

Yeah totally agree. Hope they find a way to solve it. iOS and Android may behave differently?