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Oscar Leo
Oscar Leo

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Matplotlib Tutorial: Let’s Take Your Country Maps to Another Level

In this tutorial, I will create a reusable and flexible function that allows me to instantly draw a beautiful map of any area.

With such a function, I can save a ton of time when I want to create charts or infographics with a geographical component.

I also want to show the power of reusable code since many programmers working with data visualization forget about such best practices.

If you're a Medium, you can find the tutorial there as well. I would also love to see you at my free newsletter, Data Wonder, and on Twitter.

With that said, let’s get started.

Step 1: Download geo data

The only thing you need to do before you can start the tutorial is to download geo data from here:

I use the one called World Boundaries GeoJSON — Very High Resolution.

It’s the official boundaries from the World Bank and a public dataset you can use however you want.

Step 2: Import libraries

As usual, we start by importing the necessary libraries, and we don’t need many. Since we have geographical data, we want geopandas to make plotting as easy as possible.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import matplotlib.patheffects as PathEffects
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
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One import that you might have yet to see is PathEffects. I will use that to create a border around the country labels later.

Step 3: Create a seaborn style

Before plotting, I always create a seaborn style to get a coherent look. Here, I only define a background_color, font_family, and text_color. I’m setting the background to light blue to represent the ocean.

font_family = "sans"
background_color = "#D4F1F4"
text_color = "#040303"

    "axes.facecolor": background_color,
    "figure.facecolor": background_color,
    "": font_family,
    "text.color": text_color,
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You can style other chart aspects, such as the grid, but I prefer to hide most standard chart components when drawing maps with plt.axis(“off”).

Step 4: Load geo data

Now it’s time to load the geo-data from the World Bank using geopandas. I’m changing the CONTINENT of Seychelles and INCOME_GRP of Equatorial Guinea.

It’s not as strange as it looks because Seychelles is a part of Africa, and Equatorial Guinea is in the “Upper middle income” group according to the latest data from the World Bank.

world = gpd.read_file("WB_Boundaries_GeoJSON_highres/WB_countries_Admin0.geojson")
world.loc[world.NAME_EN == "Seychelles", "CONTINENT"] = "Africa"
world.loc[world.NAME_EN == "Equatorial Guinea", "INCOME_GRP"] = "3. Upper middle income"

africa = world[world.CONTINENT == "Africa"].reset_index(drop=True)

disputed_areas = gpd.read_file("WB_Boundaries_GeoJSON_highres/WB_Admin0_disputed_areas.geojson")
disputed_areas = disputed_areas[disputed_areas.CONTINENT == "Africa"]
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Next, I separate the African countries because I want to plot them separately as the focus of my chart, and I do the same for disputed areas.

Step 5: Creating the draw map function

Now, I’m ready to create the first version of the function that will draw the map. I will extend it with some additional functions later on.

This first version loops over a list of geopandas data frames and plots them using the color and edgecolor columns.

The function takes a few parameters I don’t use yet, but they will be helpful later in the tutorial.

def draw_map(
    figsize=(40, 40)

    assert "color" in maps_to_draw[0].columns, "Missing color column in map dataframe"
    assert "edgecolor" in maps_to_draw[0].columns, "Missing edgecolor column in map dataframe"

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
    ax = fig.add_subplot()

    for map_index, map_to_draw in enumerate(maps_to_draw):
            ax=ax, color=map_to_draw.color, edgecolor=map_to_draw.edgecolor,
            hatch="//" if map_index in use_hatch_for_indexes else "",

    # Additional functions below this comment

    return ax
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I want draw_map() to return the ax object because I often want to extend the chart with additional information based on the use case.

To use draw_map(), I must define the color and edgecolor columns for each geopandas data frame I want to plot.

I define the colors for world to draw every country as a faint background. For africa, I select bolder colors using the three income groups represented in the data.

One tip when selecting colors is to check your colors for color blindness using Coloring for Colorblindness.

world["color"] = "#f0f0f0"
world["edgecolor"] = "#c0c0c0"

africa["edgecolor"] = "#000000"
africa.loc[africa.INCOME_GRP == "5. Low income", "color"] = "#dadada"
africa.loc[africa.INCOME_GRP == "4. Lower middle income", "color"] = "#89bab2"
africa.loc[africa.INCOME_GRP == "3. Upper middle income", "color"] = "#1B998B"

disputed_areas["color"] = "#FFD6D6"
disputed_areas["edgecolor"] = "#000000"
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Now that I have created the required columns, I can run draw_map().

ax = draw_map(maps_to_draw=[world, africa, disputed_areas])

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Here’s what I get.

Image description

It’s a great start, but we have a long way to go.

Step 6: Setting the boundaries

Since I want to create a map of Africa, it doesn’t make sense to show the entire world.

That’s why I created the following function that takes one of the geopandas data frames and sets the limits of the ax object.

def set_limits(ax, data, pad_left=0, pad_right=0, pad_top=0, pad_bottom=0):
    xmin_ = data.bounds.minx.min()
    ymin_ = data.bounds.miny.min()
    xmax_ = data.bounds.maxx.max()
    ymax_ = data.bounds.maxy.max()

    xmin = xmin_ - pad_left * (xmax_ - xmin_)
    xmax = xmax_ + pad_right * (xmax_ - xmin_)
    ymin = ymin_ - pad_bottom * (ymax_ - ymin_)
    ymax = ymax_ + pad_top * (ymax_ - ymin_)

    ax.set(xlim=(xmin, xmax), ylim=(ymin, ymax))
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You can add padding to each side of the area to get some space for additional information, such as a legend.

Let’s add it to the draw_map() function using the boundary_map_index and padding parameters.

def draw_map(
    figsize=(40, 40)

    # Additional functions below this comment
    set_limits(ax, maps_to_draw[boundry_map_index], **padding)

    return ax
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I set boundry_map_index to the index of the geopandas data frame in the maps_to_draw list that we want to show and added some padding.

Note: I also passed use_hatch_for_indexes=[2] to draw hatches over the disputed areas to show that they differ from the rest.

ax = draw_map(
    maps_to_draw=[world, africa, disputed_areas], boundry_map_index=1,
    padding={"pad_bottom": -0.08, "pad_top": 0.07, "pad_left": 0.07, "pad_right": 0.05},

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Now we get a nice-looking map of Africa with the contours of nearby countries as well. If you don’t want the nearby countries to show, remove world from maps_to_draw.

Here’s the resulting map.

Image description

We’re getting somewhere.

Step 7: Adding country labels

Since most people don’t know all African countries, the next step is to add labels for each country.

I want to add a label close to the middle for large countries and a line between the country and the label for smaller ones.

def add_label(ax, label, fontsize=24, fontweight="bold", va="center", ha="center"):            
    annotation = plt.annotate(
        xy=label["xytext"] if "xypin" not in label.keys() else label["xypin"], 
        xytext=None if "xypin" not in label.keys() else label["xytext"], 
        xycoords="data", fontsize=fontsize, va=va, ha=ha,
        linespacing=1.3, color=label["color"], fontweight=fontweight, 
            "arrowstyle": "-",
            "linewidth": 2,

    annotation.set_path_effects([PathEffects.withStroke(linewidth=6, foreground='w')])
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Defining the position of the country labels is the only tedious process of this tutorial, but I’ve done that for you.

You can try to calculate the position for each label using the geometries in geopandas, but that’s easier said than done since the shape of the countries varies.

Sometimes, the fastest method is to roll up your sleeves and hard-code the values, which I have done here.

country_labels = [
    {"label": "Algeria", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (2.0, 27.5)},
    {"label": "Angola", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (17.7, -13.1)},
    {"label": "Benin", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (3.2, 5.4), "xypin": (2.3, 7.6)},
    {"label": "Botswana", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (24.4, -22.3)},
    {"label": "Burkina\nFaso", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (-1.4, 12.6)},
    {"label": "Burundi", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (43.3, -4.9), "xypin": (29.8, -3.6)},
    {"label": "Cameroon", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (12.5, 5.2)},
    {"label": "Cape Verde", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (-23.7, 19), "xypin": (-23.7, 16)},
    {"label": "Central African\nRepublic", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (21.1, 6.5)},
    {"label": "Chad", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (18.5, 16.0)},
    {"label": "Comoros", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (46.8, -9.6), "xypin": (43.3, -11.7)},
    {"label": "Cote\nd'Ivoire", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (-5.5, 8.5)},
    {"label": "Democratic\nRepublic of\nthe Congo", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (23.3, -2.7)},
    {"label": "Djibouti", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (47.0, 13.4), "xypin": (43.0, 12.2)},
    {"label": "Egypt", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (29.2, 26.6)},
    {"label": "Equatorial\nGuinea", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (5.9, -2.5), "xypin": (10.5, 1.6)},
    {"label": "Eritrea", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (43.0, 16.9), "xypin": (38.5, 16.2)},
    {"label": "Lesotho", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (35.0, -31.0), "xypin": (28.4, -29.5)},
    {"label": "Ethiopia", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (39.9, 8.5)},
    {"label": "Gabon", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (11.8, -0.7)},
    {"label": "Ghana", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (-1.3, 6.6)},
    {"label": "Guinea", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (-11.6, 11.0)},
    {"label": "Guinea-\nBissau", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (-20.3, 10.3), "xypin": (-14.5, 12.2)},
    {"label": "Kenya", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (37.9, 0.5)},
    {"label": "Eswantini", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (35.5, -29.3), "xypin": (31.5, -26.8)},
    {"label": "Liberia", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (-10.6, 3.6), "xypin": (-9.6, 6.7)},
    {"label": "Libya", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (17.5, 27.5)},
    {"label": "Madagascar", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (46.7, -19.6)},
    {"label": "Malawi", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (38.9, -21.3), "xypin": (35.0, -15.6)},
    {"label": "Mali", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (-1.9, 17.8)},
    {"label": "Mauritania", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (-11.1, 19.6)},
    {"label": "Morocco", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (-6.9, 31.3)},
    {"label": "Mozambique", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (40.8, -15.2)},
    {"label": "Namibia", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (17.3, -20.7)},
    {"label": "Niger", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (9.8, 17.5)},
    {"label": "Nigera", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (7.8, 9.8)},
    {"label": "Republic of\nthe Congo", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (7.8, -7.2), "xypin": (12.0, -4.1)},
    {"label": "Rwanda", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (43.8, -3.6), "xypin": (30.1, -2.0)},
    {"label": "São Tomé and\nPríncipe", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (-0.9, 0.2), "xypin": (6.8, 0.2)},
    {"label": "Senegal", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (-15.0, 14.7)},
    {"label": "Seychelles", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (55.6, -2), "xypin": (55.6, -4.5)},
    {"label": "Sierra Leone", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (-16.4, 6.3), "xypin": (-12.0, 8.5)},
    {"label": "Somalia", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (45.7, 2.7)},
    {"label": "South\nAfrica", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (22.4, -31.0)},
    {"label": "South\nSudan", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (30.2, 7.0)},
    {"label": "Sudan", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (29.7, 16.0)},
    {"label": "Tanzania", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (35.0, -6.7)},
    {"label": "The\nGambia", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (-20.3, 13.6), "xypin": (-15.4, 13.6)},
    {"label": "Togo", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (1.0, 4.1), "xypin": (1.0, 7.5)},
    {"label": "Tunisia", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (9.3, 38.9), "xypin": (9.3, 35.7)},
    {"label": "Uganda", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (32.6, 0.9)},
    {"label": "Zambia", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (26.1, -14.9)},
    {"label": "Zimbawe", "color": "#040303", "xytext": (29.7, -19.1)},
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We add the function directly below set_limits.

def draw_map(
    figsize=(40, 40)

    # Additional functions below this comment
    set_limits(ax, maps_to_draw[boundry_map_index], **padding)

    for label in labels:
        add_label(ax, label)

    return ax
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And pass it to draw_map().

ax = draw_map(
    maps_to_draw=[world, africa, disputed_areas], boundry_map_index=1,
    padding={"pad_bottom": -0.08, "pad_top": 0.07, "pad_left": 0.07, "pad_right": 0.05},

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Here’s what we get.

Image description

Fantastic! Now, I can see what countries I’m looking at, and the last thing to do is to explain the colors.

Step 8: Adding a legend and title

Adding legends in matplotlib is simple, so to spice things up, I want to use the shape of the countries instead of a standard circle or square.

This step is an example where I use the ax that draw_map() returns instead of adding it directly to the function.

To take the geometry of a country and draw it in a different place, I’ve created the following function that takes a row and puts the shape in (x_loc, y_loc).

def draw_legend_geometry(ax, row, x_loc, y_loc, height):
    x = np.array(row.geometry.boundary.coords.xy[0])
    y = np.array(row.geometry.boundary.coords.xy[1])

    x = x - (row.geometry.centroid.x - x_loc)
    y = y - (row.geometry.centroid.y - y_loc)

    ratio = height / (y.max() - y.min())
    x = x * ratio + (x_loc - x_loc * ratio)
    y = y * ratio + (y_loc - y_loc * ratio)

    ax.add_artist(Polygon(np.stack([x, y], axis=1), facecolor=row.color, edgecolor=row.edgecolor, hatch=row.hatch))
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In addition to changing the location, it also changes the scale of the geometry to have a specific height.

To use draw_legend_geometry(), I create a data frame called legend, where I select appropriate countries to represent each color. Currently, it only works for countries with one Polygon, not MultiPolygon.

It’s a bit “hacky” how I add INCOME_GRP to Western Sahara, use that to sort values, and add row.INCOME_GRP[3:] as text, but it’s ok for now.

I’ve also added a title and data source after drawing the legend.

ax = draw_map(
    maps_to_draw=[world, africa, disputed_areas], boundry_map_index=1,
    padding={"pad_bottom": -0.08, "pad_top": 0.07, "pad_left": 0.07, "pad_right": 0.05},

legend = pd.concat([
    disputed_areas[disputed_areas.NAME_EN == "Western Sahara"],
    africa[africa.NAME_EN.isin(["Niger", "Senegal", "Botswana"])]

legend.loc[legend.NAME_EN == "Western Sahara", "INCOME_GRP"] = "6. Disputed area"
legend = legend.sort_values("INCOME_GRP")
legend["hatch"] = ["", "", "", "//"]

for i, row in legend.reset_index().iterrows():
    draw_legend_geometry(ax, row, -25, -20 - 3.5*i, 2.5)
    ax.annotate(row.INCOME_GRP[3:], (-22, -20 - 3.5*i), fontsize=28, fontweight="bold", va="center")

fontstyles = {"fontweight": "bold", "ha": "left"}
plt.annotate("Data source:", xy=(0.05, 0.32), fontsize=24, xycoords="axes fraction", **fontstyles)
plt.annotate("The World Bank", xy=(0.133, 0.32), fontsize=24, xycoords="axes fraction", color="#1B998B", **fontstyles)
plt.title("Income Groups in Africa", x=0.05, y=0.29, fontsize=42, **fontstyles)

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If I run the code above, I get the following map, and it’s identical to the one you saw at the start of the tutorial.

Image description

That was the last step of the tutorial. Congratulations on making it to the end!


You can make the draw_map() function even more flexible by adding more parameters for styling (I have several hard-coded values), but for me, this covers 95% of my use cases.

I hope you enjoyed the tutorial and learned something you can use in your projects.

If you did, like, subscribe, and share so that more people can learn how to draw beautiful maps with Python and Matplotlib.

Thank you for reading, and see you next time.

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