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Say Good Bye To Lazy Mondays!

πŸ†– Karan Oza on August 30, 2020

Ohhh man!!! Why this weekend gone so fast? "Well, weekends are never enough, not just for working people but for students as well. As you get up ...
gayanhewa profile image
Gayan Hewa β€’

I needed to see something like this. Especially the part which said chill out. With all that has been going on all the uncertinity in the economy, our jobs and livelihood. Chilling out has been the hardest thing to do.

ozakaran profile image
πŸ†– Karan Oza β€’

But it's very important too while having tight schedule.. just to refresh the mind and having fresh start of new week...
Btw thanks for the feedback πŸ€—πŸ™

leewynne profile image
Lee β€’ β€’ Edited

So WatchOS 7 has been a game changer for me in terms of sleep. It taps me awake gently at 6.30 every morning, then I might snooze it for 15 but I am out of deep sleep, it does it without waking my partner which is brilliant (fit bit woke us both up) it has given me more consistency in feeling awake, when I sleep in it literally takes me most of the day to wake up. Great article btw 😎

ozakaran profile image
πŸ†– Karan Oza β€’

Thats good lee... early morning positive vibes are best...
and Thanks for the feedback and put your thought on this. :)

michaelphipps profile image
Phippsy β€’

The QUALITY of sleep over the amount of sleep you get is a more IMPORTANT FACTOR. Until recently I used to wake up feeling quite lazy. Didnt really want to do anything. Knew I had to get stuff done but couldnt quite bring myself to do it. Procrastinating. Turns out I had Sleepapnea. I spent so much of my night not breathing that I was exhausted. I had had it so long I thought I was just lazy. I now use a CPAP machine at night and finaly understand how people are able to get so much done.

ozakaran profile image
πŸ†– Karan Oza β€’

Take your night sleep properly and do something which feels you better like your hobbies which I mentioned.πŸ€—

And Get well soon mate... Such things are very common in our IT sector. So Take care of your selfπŸ€—

arthkate profile image
Arthur Kateeba β€’

Am usually a night owl but thanks to your article, am going to work on changing the way, I spend my weekends and the rest of the free time I have on my hands so that I can capitalize on taking proper care of my body, getting enough sleep to boost my overall productivity.

Appreciate the time you put in to piece this article together.

ozakaran profile image
πŸ†– Karan Oza β€’

Thank you so much for the valueable feedback πŸ€—πŸ™ and good luck πŸ‘

jschleigher profile image
James Schleigher β€’

Great reminder! I have set some time on the weekend to plan my week ahead. This helped prepare my mind and body for Monday and the whole week. I use task management software to manage my schedule and can easily update/change them throughout the week. I prefer to use task management software like Tick Tick or Quire.

adriangrigore profile image
Adrian Emil Grigore β€’

Feelings of laziness are the product of goal setting, ambition, expectations and desire.

ozakaran profile image
πŸ†– Karan Oza β€’

It happenes when you have lack of focus and decrease the productivity in work.
If you are focus with your goal better managed the time that will never feel you lazy.

adriangrigore profile image
Adrian Emil Grigore β€’

You won't feel laziness if your goals are "preferences" rather than "shoulds".

ritvikdubey27 profile image
Ritvik Dubey β€’

Great I'm the one who hates Monday most..!! I'll surely gonna try this out.!🀘

ozakaran profile image
πŸ†– Karan Oza β€’

Yes you should ritvikπŸ€— Thanks for the feedback πŸ€—

error404sp profile image
Shreyasi Patil β€’

Great article Karan! I see this is a well researched article and I agreed to all the points (though didn't knew the term names) Thanks for sharing. Its a very useful and relatable one

ozakaran profile image
πŸ†– Karan Oza β€’

Thank you so much for the valueable feedback shreπŸ€—πŸ™

ashwinsharmap profile image
Ashwin Sharma P β€’

Nice article Karan. You have well explained how to make weekends into a more productive and healthy one. πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ‘ŒπŸ»

ozakaran profile image
πŸ†– Karan Oza β€’

Thank you so much for the feedback AshwinπŸ€—πŸ™

thisismanaswini profile image
Manaswini β€’

Well written Karan!!

ozakaran profile image
πŸ†– Karan Oza β€’

Thank you so much MSπŸ€—πŸ™