DEV Community

Pablo Herrero
Pablo Herrero

Posted on

Alternative to Bootstrap??? 🤔


As a newbie, when I started in web development I went straight to Bootstrap.

Today I found this post where they say it is outdated.

Tell me, what should I wear? What is trend? Pure CSS? Some other framework?

Thanks, as always.

Latest comments (40)

aristotelissym profile image
Aristotelis S.

Hi Pablo,

This looks like a great topic to cover. So, there are multiple ways to go.
For me, a great and groovy solution might be Bulma Framework ( It looks different, it is light-weight and generally its elements look really cool.
FYI, there are other alternatives like Tailwind, Semantic, UIKit. If you've got time, please have a look at this article ( It might help you clarify your options.

Bootstrap might be the go-to/default CSS Framework, having tons of support from its huge community, but in some people opinion, it is kinda boring.

hb profile image
Henry Boisdequin

Chakra UI!

lionelrowe profile image

what should I wear?

I love this way of saying which CSS framework to use! 😄

Personally, I'm a big fan of Bulma. Tailwind seems overly fiddly — if you want that level of granular control, you almost might as well just write your own custom CSS (and having a ton of classes per element is almost like going back to writing inline CSS).

abhishekraj272 profile image
Abhishek Raj • Edited

There is nothing like outdated, choose framework according to your need.

If you don't need great UI but need fast development and light weight website, choose Bootstrap.

If you need great UI and not affected with bulky Website choose Tailwind.

Similarly, compare every framework according to your project needs.

instinct profile image

Try Semantic UI.
It is best for me.

zorca profile image
Zorca Orcinus

Try Tailwind!

bakemywp profile image
Bake My WP

Hey Pablo! Today with the usage of Flexbox you can solve the most common problems that known frameworks used to had a workaround for them. Problems like equal height of boxes are now solved with flexbox so you can create your own framework for usage in any project. This is what we did internally and worked pretty well so far!

giorgosk profile image
Giorgos Kontopoulos 👀 • Edited

I think you should try a few approaches and see what suits you better and makes you more productive.
Some suggestions are bootstrap 5, tailwind, bulma or any other suggestions you can find

But in general I think plain old CSS and new CSS3 is so powerful nowadays (with flexbox, grid and pretty much good support across all modern browsers) that you are better of using vanilla css and perhaps a preprocessor (SCSS, postcss) instead of trying to learn how each framework does things.

Thus learning the basics of CSS is invaluable for your future growth as frameworks might come and go but CSS will probably not change completely, will just improve.

cacarrpdxweb profile image
Christopher Carr

While you're figuring it out, definitely learn CSS Grid.

raphaelmansuy profile image
Raphael MANSUY


tombohub profile image
tombohub • Edited

He say she say...
Go to the and you will see that its downloaded 2mil + weekly. More than any other framework so its far from dead.

laurentpayot profile image
Laurent Payot

Spectre is much smaller than Bootstrap. Compared to Bulma, Spectre is much less bloated but still has more features. It's my favorite.

marcusatlocalhost profile image

learn css and then use whatever helps you get the job done.

wonder2210 profile image

Well there are many opinions about , use Sass is most powerful than any 3rd party library and you will actually writing "CSS " with any library you will be using just classes that they have predefined, but I understand that use a library is so useful and fast , for many reasons , they are responsive out of the box , you apply a class and that's it , but i highly suggest to use pure CSS it will level up your skills , but anyways if you want to use a library , i have heard good things from Bootstrap 5 , and personally i like Tailwind and Semantic UI , so go ahead and use whatever fits with you but don't skip the fundamentals of CSS and level up your skills

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