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Pallavi Godse
Pallavi Godse

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How to Become a Scrum Master?

The role of a Scrum Master is a crucial part of the Scrum and SAFe (Scaled Agile) frameworks. As a part of an agile project management methodology family, the Scrum Master serves as a facilitator and coach for the Scrum team (or several teams in parallel).

The ultimate goal of the role is to ensure that the team adheres to Scrum principles and practices. The primary responsibility is to organize the team around Scrum ceremonies (such as daily stand-up meetings, sprint planning, sprint review, and retrospective meetings) and remove any obstacles or impediments that may affect the progress of the team along the way.

The Scrum Master (SM) is not a traditional project manager or team leader. Instead, they act as servant-leaders, supporting the team and promoting a productive and collaborative work environment. But also, they are the filters and protectors of the Scrum team in front of the leadership.

Growing Demand and Expected Rewards

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As more projects make the switch towards agile delivery, there is undeniably growing demand for such roles on the market. This opens up new career development opportunities alongside an updated set of rewarding aspects of such a career.

1. Increasing Adoption of Agile

With the growing popularity of agile methodologies in various industries, the demand for Scrum Masters has been on the rise. Organizations are recognizing the benefits of agile practices in delivering processes.

It is about this shift from a "once at a time" release cycle into continuous delivery with immediate practical impact on the usability of new features in the production. Companies love such flexible product upgrade paths and people who can lead the company through that process are certainly on a demand raise.

2. Versatility and Transferable Skills

Scrum Masters develop a unique skill set that can be applied across different industries and projects. The ability to facilitate collaboration, manage change, and promote continuous improvement makes Scrum Masters highly versatile professionals.

In the same way, as the market is marching towards full-stack developer profiles, a versatile leader and advocate of agile practices is a must-have profile on any transformation project.

3. Leadership and Influence

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Scrum Masters have the opportunity to lead and influence teams towards success. They develop a culture of self-organization and empower team members, making a significant impact on project outcomes and team dynamics.

4. Continuous Learning and Growth

The role of an SM involves continuous learning and staying updated with the latest agile practices and frameworks. This constant growth and development is stimulating and rewarding for individuals who enjoy expanding their knowledge and skills.

Continuous learning is a principle every project wanted to follow for ages. But now with agile practices, it has become the very defining root principle.

Essential Knowledge and Skills

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Being a delivery lead for various agile projects, I still don't consider myself a strong scrum master (those are two very different roles inside the Agile team, anyway). However, I certainly do recognize when such a person is part of the team. Being a good SM requires possessing some very essential skills and knowledge, without which the role can't be well executed.

Understanding Agile and Scrum

A Scrum Master should have a deep understanding of agile principles and the Scrum framework. This includes knowledge of Scrum roles, events, artifacts, and the values that form the framework.

Understanding agile principles means promoting concepts such as customer collaboration, responding to change, delivering value incrementally, or promoting self-organizing teams. It also means recognizing the importance of iterative development and continuous feedback. Those are concepts the traditional project have no familiarity with and they need to learn them from scratch.

A good Scrum Master is guiding the whole team and relevant stakeholders through this mindset shift. A task that is hardly easy to execute.
You need to know the roles and rules that make up the framework. You understand the responsibilities of the Scrum Master, Product Owner, and Development Team, as well as the purpose and flow of Scrum events like sprint planning, daily stand-ups, sprint reviews, and retrospectives. It also involves understanding the purpose of Scrum artifacts like the product backlog, sprint backlog, and increment.

Next, it means being familiar with techniques such as user stories, backlog refinement, estimation, burndown charts, and continuous integration.

And as if that wouldn't be enough, above anything else it means adopting an agile mindset. I can enumerate a team's values like openness, courage, respect, and a focus on delivering customer value. But it will mean nothing if that will stay only in the form of words without practical implementation into day-to-day work. That is where a good Scrum Master can lead the way.


The ability to facilitate effective meetings and events is crucial for an SM. They should be skilled in guiding discussions and encouraging collaboration. They must ensure that all participants have an opportunity to contribute.

SM facilitates many meetings, for example, daily stand-ups, sprint planning, sprint reviews, and retrospectives. They ensure that these meetings are well-structured, time-boxed, and focused on achieving intended outcomes.

Facilitation skills are crucial in managing conflicts that may arise within the team. Usually, this happens between the Product Owner and the Scrum Team. Or between external stakeholders and the Scrum team. A good SM always protects the interests and results of the Scrum team but also makes sure the external inputs and feedback are reflected in the team's work. The SM creates a safe and respectful environment where team members can openly express their opinions and concerns.

SM takes care that decisions are made based on shared understanding and alignment with the Scrum framework. The collaboration shall always lead toward achieving the team's sprint goals.

Coaching and Mentoring

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SM acts as a coach and mentor for the Scrum team. They should possess strong interpersonal skills and the ability to guide team members in adopting agile practices. Continuous improvement of the team's performance is the ultimate target of these coaching activities.

Obstacle Remover

SM is also the one who identifies and removes any obstacles or impediments inside the team. They should be proactive in addressing issues, expecting the team to analyze the root cause and find solutions.
SM therefore must closely observe the team's work, engage in regular communication with team members, and actively seek feedback.

SM then works with various stakeholders, including team members, Product Owners, and external parties, to remove those obstacles. They use their influence and communication skills to engage with individuals. SM might even go one step further and organize brainstorming sessions around the problems. Of course, not with the goal to narrow the discussion technically, but rather to create a productive environment setup so that the responsible people can find the right solution much easier.

The obstacle remover skill is closely tied to the Scrum Master's role as a promoter of continuous improvement. The Scrum Master identifies patterns or systemic issues that slow down the team's progress. SM works towards implementing long-term solutions and process improvements to prevent similar obstacles in the future.

Change Agent

As a change agent, SM helps the team embrace agile practices and adapt to change. They should be skilled in managing resistance to change.
In fact, resistance is the word that will most often jump out when doing any transformation initiative. SM must be immune enough against such resistance and keep up facilitating the adoption of agile values and principles.

How to Become a Scrum Master?

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Becoming an SM will not happen overnight. You can get through several training materials but unless you have practical experience with a transformational project and feel all the pain the team needs to go through, you are still only halfway through. A Scrum Master can gain relevant experience through a combination of education, practical application, and continuous learning.

Training, Certification, and Hands-on

If you want to jump into the topic fast, obtain a Scrum Master certification, such as Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) or Professional Scrum Master (PSM), to gain a foundational understanding of Scrum principles. These certifications will give you a solid starting point and demonstrate your commitment to learning and applying Scrum. But as already said, they will not prepare you for the real challenges inside the team.

Seek opportunities to work as a Scrum Master on real projects. This could mean joining an organization that practices Scrum or volunteering for Scrum Master roles in community or open-source projects. I would say the more challenging the environment (in terms of shifting the mindset) the more valuable the experience. Practice allows you to apply Scrum principles in real-world scenarios and understand team dynamics. You will also understand that it's way more complex to apply those principles from the books in real life as you might think.

As a next step, seek guidance from experienced Scrum Masters or Agile Coaches who can provide mentorship and coaching. Learning from their experiences and insights can help you navigate complex situations.

Stay updated with the latest trends, practices, and case studies in Agile and Scrum. Attend conferences, webinars, and workshops related to agile methodologies. Read books and blogs written by industry experts. Engage in online communities and forums to learn from others. It is continuous improvement also for the role itself, not just the scrum team as such.

Lastly, regularly reflect on your experiences as a Scrum Master and seek opportunities for improvement. Do retrospectives for yourself. Identify areas where you can enhance your skills. Actively seek feedback from team members, stakeholders, and peers to gain insights and make adjustments for your growth.

Build Your Network

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Building a network is indeed an important part of the journey. Here's why networking is valuable and how you can build your network:

  • Networking allows you to connect with other Scrum Masters and professionals in the industry. You can learn, gain insights into different approaches, and discover best practices.

  • Share your own experiences as a Scrum Master and learn from others' experiences as well. Participating in communities, forums, or local Agile meetups, so that you can engage in discussions and share challenges. Eventually, you will receive valuable feedback and advice from peers.

  • Building a network will give you the possibility to exchange ideas and find support in complex situations. Utilize professional networking platforms like LinkedIn to connect with professionals in the field.

  • Networking opens the doors to new career opportunities. You may come across job openings, referrals, or potential collaborations. Building a strong network increases your visibility and can lead to new career prospects.

How to Develop a Scrum Master Mindset?

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Developing a Scrum Master mindset is about adopting certain qualities and specific approaches.

Commitment to Continuous Learning

I can't highlight it more - the growth of mindset is the key. As an SM you shall adopt a mindset that values continuous learning and improvement. Embrace challenges and view failures as opportunities for growth (Fail Fast principle).

At the same time, stay curious and never give up on challenging the resistance. Actively seek out learning opportunities, such as attending workshops and participating in training programs. That will obviously help in any kind of profession, but the Scrum Master community is simply a natural best fit for purpose.

Identify areas for improvement for you and your team, set goals, and make adjustments to your approach. As the team evolves, you should evolve, too. The ultimate goal is the self-catering team that practically does not need a scrum master to continue in its work. But there is a very long journey to that state.

Problem-Solving Attitude

Here my recommendation would be to embrace a solution-oriented approach. Always deliver value, no matter what obstacles are in front of the team. Develop a mindset that focuses on finding solutions rather than circling around problems. Encourage the team to adopt a similar mindset.

A very helpful way how to progress with problems is to develop your analytical and critical thinking skills. Break down complex problems into manageable parts. Then analyze data and consider multiple perspectives that convert into solutions.

Don't be afraid of experiments. An iterative approach for delivery or problem resolution supports experiments and gives you an effective framework for easy recovery. So make us of it as much as possible.

Emotional Intelligence

Every SM should develop strong self-awareness by understanding their own emotions, strengths, or weaknesses. Being empathic towards other team members (or any stakeholders that interact with the team) is another key takeaway to remember. Always seek to understand their perspectives and emotions. This requires a lot of practice and you will find that the learning journey here will never end.

Passion for Servant Leadership

This might sound a bit unreal at first, but a good SM has a mindset of serving others and putting their needs first. Empowering others to make decisions while providing them necessary resources and guidance shall be another goal on your list.

As everywhere else, the best leadership is in the form of leading by example. If you expect the team to act in a certain (agile) way, you should be the first one to demonstrate the same values and principles.

Landing Your First Scrum Master Role

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The journey begins with small but ever-so-important steps. Before you start narrowing down the Resume for the first Scrum Master job opportunity, try to think about few preliminary steps that might escalate you to much higher levels right from the starting line:

  • Familiarize yourself with the Scrum framework, its values, principles, and practices.

  • Consider getting certified as a Scrum Master. The certification will validate your understanding of Scrum and increase your chances of getting hired.

  • Scrum is just one of the Agile methodologies. Familiarize yourself with other Agile frameworks like Kanban or Lean. Having a broader understanding of Agile will make you a more versatile Scrum Master.

  • Look for opportunities to gain practical experience. This could be through internships, volunteering, or working on Agile projects within your organization.

  • If you already have some relevant skills, make sure you highlight those on your resume and LinkedIn profile.

  • Attend Agile and Scrum events, conferences, and meetups. Engage with the Agile community. Use your network and expand it.

  • Study common Scrum Master interview questions and prepare your answers. Have some handy examples of how you applied the principles in real-world projects.

  • Agile and Scrum are constantly evolving. Stay updated with the latest trends, practices, and tools

Entry Points

Even when you are finally ready to jump into the Scrum Master world, you might still have some doubts about where to start. Actually, you don't necessarily need to change your current job. Depending on the circumstances, it is possible you can do those first steps quite easily.

  • If you are already working in a company that practices Agile or Scrum, explore opportunities for internal promotion. Express your interest in becoming a Scrum Master and discuss the possibilities with your managers.

  • Consider joining an Agile team as a team member. This will give you firsthand experience of working in an Agile environment from inside the team. You will then better understand what exactly the good Scrum Master shall be ready to do for you.

  • Offer to assist an experienced Scrum Master in their role. This can be a great way to learn from someone with practical experience. It also demonstrates your commitment and willingness to learn.

  • Some organizations offer Scrum Master in training programs. These programs provide hands-on experience and mentorship to aspiring Scrum Masters.

  • Explore freelance opportunities as a Scrum Master. This can start as a side hustle for your primary job, but eventually replace it completely.

  • Leverage your professional network and let people know that you are interested in becoming a Scrum Master.


Becoming a Scrum Master is a wise choice, but it is also a strong commitment. It will start an era of continuous learning and improvement that, eventually, will never end. You will face an enormous amount of resistance and even frustration when things simply don't go as you would expect. But it's also about interaction and fun. So be prepared for all of that.

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