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Project 2

I found that the easy part of the project was the first half of it. That being the design document where I and two other people were in charge of making the document. I did a lot of the cursory, specific requirements and the initial formatting while also throwing some ideas of what we would write about. This part was finished fairly quickly and without issues.
The biggest issue I found is that we changed the manner in which we were going to complete the implementation phase last minute. Initially I suggested we split it half of the workers do the first part of the project and half the workers do the next. Instead, the project was split where each person did a method or two which has now led to annoying problems. That being there isn’t enough cohesion in the code, and some people didn’t follow the design documentation correctly.
I think the biggest issue with the implementation phase was a lack of direct leadership and initiative, that being we didn’t have enough people finish their work in a timely manner which backlogged other people’s work. This class has really been an exercise in learning how to manage the time of a whole group which is by far more complex than I really expected.
I think we could have solved these issues far more elegantly if we set our deadlines earlier in the week instead of Monday. Perhaps Sunday night would be better so we can make changes Monday, communicate Tuesday for last minute fixes, and have a perfectly working product Wednesday. But since the deadline we chose was Monday, our crunch is more severe.

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