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Parth Pratim Chatterjee
Parth Pratim Chatterjee

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First Time @ Hacktoberfest

What I Learned From Hacktoberfest

My name is Parth and I am an undergraduate student in India. This was my first time at Hacktoberfest and had a wonderful time working on open source projects and tools.

I worked on a project called GCommit. The project aims at automating making team commits to Git repositories through a simple .gitteam file which should be created in the root of the project and consists of definition of team members which can be used later to simplify making group commits.

Following were the Pull Requests that I made this October:
#39 Support for --except command line argument (Merged)
#40 Support for --all command to include entire team (Merged)
#41 GCommit to Git Wrapper (Merged)
#42 Adding for versioning

I had a fun time working on this project and adding support for features which were targeted at resolving issues/feature requests which had been reported on Github previously.

I thing Hacktoberfest is a great initiative to promote open source and should continue for the years to come !

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