Problem: Given a poem, with each verse on a new line, Find the verse (or verses) that have the maximum number of appearances and how many times it appears in the text.
public static List<Pair> max2(String fullText) throws Exception {
// If there is no text provided, throw an exception
if (fullText == null || fullText.isBlank()) throw new Exception("No text provided");
// We split it by line separator so that we get all the verses. We also do a 'toLowerCase' so that
// we analyze it case-insensitive
String[] split = fullText.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).split("\n");
// Create a List from the verses (so that we can use Streams
// And a HashSet, so that we have each verse only once
List<String> verses = Arrays.asList(split);
Set<String> uniqueVerses = new HashSet<>(verses);
// Now, let's process it
// We map each line to a Pair that has the line and the frequency it appears in the text
.map(line -> new Pair(line, Collections.frequency(verses, line)))
// We collect it and group them by the number of appearances, now, we will have groups (Map) with the
// Number of appearances as the key and the list of verses as the value
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(p -> p.getValue()))
// We make the result a Stream so that we can find the MAX
// Get the group that has the maximum number of appearances
.max(Comparator.comparingInt(p -> p.getKey().intValue()))
// Retrieve the result and get the List. It will be a List of Pair<String, Integer>,
// where the Key is the verse and the value is the number of appearances
Using the power of streams, we can easily manipulate our data set to do groupings, counting, and finding the maximum. No need for complex for-loops or external libraries.
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