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Peter Kim Frank
Peter Kim Frank

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How did you feel after your first open source PR?

I just made my very first PR to a non-DEV open-source repo. I noticed a typo in the README of @liyasthomas's Postwoman project so I submitted a PR that changed just three characters.

Fix typo "CUP" to "CPU" in readme #86

Just fixing a single typo, as I assume the sentence should read:

Low RAM/memory and CPU usage

A few hours later it's merged. Even though this is close to the theoretical floor in terms of adding true value, I'm feeling surprisingly proud of myself for chipping in this tiny amount.

How did you feel after your first open-source PR?

Latest comments (26)

dkhd profile image
Diky Hadna 💡

Guess who will look for another typo

unmultimedio profile image
Julian R Figueroa

It felt amazing! Mine was a bit more complex, and it was merged about a week later!

Pomodoro break #1951

Guys, this is my very first input into open-source projects, and I'm very excited I finally managed to develop a new tiny functionality in one of my favourite products!

The Pomodoro Timer was incomplete, and breaks were measured manually (or mentally)

Added the "Pomodoro Break" Option, with a very similar functionality that the original "Pomodoro" has.

If activated both options (Pomodoro and Pomodoro Break), and set the due times for each task, e.g. 25min for Pomodoros, and 5min for breaks (as methodology suggest), once initiated a task, and meet the 25 minutes, automatically another task named "Pomodoro Break" starts, and finishes (and more importantly, alerts) after 5 minutes, so we get a hint to get back to work.

Currently only developed the option for Library and OSX Client.

toggl_desktop_and_preferences_and_toggl-desktop_ _make___users_julian_development_toggl-desktop_ _toggldesktop_ _make_run_ _208x58

ashoutinthevoid profile image
Full Name

My first PRs felt great! I haven't reached the point where an accepted PR fails to bring me some satisfaction. However, I quickly encountered maintainers who have very specific desires, but will not engage you in discussion before you put in your time - but will answer questions you had written ahead of time after you've written, tested, and submitted the PR (requiring a avoidable rewrite).
When the human elements go well, contributing is satisfying. Soft skills can be harder than their name suggets.

osde8info profile image
Clive Da

on top of the world ! i evolved from just being a 'consumer' to being a 'contributor' ! the world needs 'contributors' !

patarapolw profile image
Pacharapol Withayasakpunt • Edited

If you talk about accepted Pull Requests, I am really proud of, and learnt a lot about code styles... -- even though I eventually use a different library, instead.

Every TypeScript dev should try to contribute to DefinitelyTyped at least once.

Fortunately, I also found that, for non-monorepo, I don't have to wait for PR to be accepted. I can always npm i <FORKED_GIT_URL.git>. There seems to be an equivalent in Python's PIP as well.

Otherwise, I really recommend everyone should create one themselves,

  • Clone a old project of your own
  • Branch
  • Edit
  • Reupload
  • Try to merge online -- tada, you have created a Pull Request, and it is open-source PR, if you code is Open Source.

BTW, you can search via

michielv10hoven profile image

I'm actually not sure how I felt. At the start I actually felt a lot of the stuff happening in development was pure magic. Since the first real project I worked on was actually an open source project I present you this mash of php, html and css:

tallship profile image
Bradley D. Thornton

Well Peter,

I felt about the same as you. Actually, no. I recall feeling that I had saved the world from firey dragons, trials and tribulations, armageddon, and that what I had just accomplished would play, in some small part, in the quest to end world hunger.

You wanna know something funny? Even today, many years later, even if it's only a typo, or a refactoring, or a simple PR to cleanup some messy bits - I still feel that same exhilaration ;)

You go girl! It is the little things that make all the difference in the world, and the Universe does not exist independent of the thought of the participant :)

johnthad profile image
Thad Humphries
peter279k profile image

My first PR is about using the Guzzle client to replace the cURL extension.

I'm nervous because these commits are very huge.

And I'm also afraid that the maintainer didn't care about this.

Finally, the PR has been merged and I'm encouraged from then on :-).

toonarmycaptain profile image

I rewrote some of the Python PEP8 document on code comments to make it clearer and less contradictory.

Rewriting the canonical style guide for my first programming language within a few months of my coding journey felt like quite the feather in my cap. Also disturbing that noob me can change things like that - if I can make changes, how influential can that style guide be!?!

analizapandac profile image
Ana Liza Pandac

I felt really proud of myself. At first, I was nervous. I'm not sure if the author would merge the PR that I created so I kept checking it. I was so happy when I got the email notification about the merge.

That PR was a small fix but it gave me the big boost I needed to be more active in the community and contributing more 😃

tallship profile image
Bradley D. Thornton

Well to tell you the truth, the floor is the part of the house that all of the walls extend upward from, to the ceiling, from which the lights hang, and you can't flip a light switch or hang pictures until you have a wall...

What were you saying about the insignificance of your contribution?

infominer33 profile image
⧉ infominer

Its so cool, because these first contributions may seem small to us, but are necessary for the open source ecosystem!

It feels incredible, adding value to even established projects, with simple improvements that others haven’t gotten to.

nirebu profile image
Nicolò Rebughini

During the whole process I felt pretty nervous (impostor syndrome FTW), from the moment I opened the issue, to the moment I opened the actual PR. My first one was an actual dev related one with a code fix, and I've written about it here

Being inexperienced, both in real-world coding and working on opensource projects, I had constant questions on the wavelength of "What if the author finds it a bad solution?" and the like. But ehy, at least I tried 😁
the_power_coder profile image
John Dorlus

I loved it. From that moment, I knew I wanted to work for an open source company.

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