
Seruban Peter Shan
Seruban Peter Shan

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AWS Cloud resume Challenge

During my Cloud Resume Challenge experience, I had the opportunity to showcase my skills and learn more about cloud technologies. Here's a breakdown of my journey:

1. To begin, I leveraged my previous GCP cloud resume challenge website and made necessary edits to align it with the requirements of the AWS resume site.

2. I utilized Amazon S3 to upload my website's content, storing all the necessary files and assets securely in the cloud. To ensure a secure connection for my domain, I employed CloudFront and ACM (Amazon Certificate Manager) to create and manage an SSL certificate.

3. Implementing a visitor count feature was an essential part of my resume site. To achieve this, I employed AWS Lambda with Python and utilized API Gateway to create an API endpoint. The visitor data was then stored in DynamoDB, enabling me to track and analyze the number of visitors to my site.

4. Automation played a crucial role in my project, and I utilized GitHub Actions and Terraform to streamline the deployment process. I separated the backend and frontend automation, allowing for better management and scalability of my infrastructure.

5. As I progressed through the challenge, I recognized the need to learn and implement CloudFront and ACM for my custom domain. While I'm still in the process of acquiring the necessary knowledge, I am actively exploring these technologies to complete my project and enhance the functionality of my resume site.

Overall, the Cloud Resume Challenge provided an excellent opportunity for me to showcase my cloud skills and gain hands-on experience with various AWS services. I encountered real-world challenges, such as implementing SSL certificates, visitor count functionality, and infrastructure automation. Through continuous learning and practical application, I am confident in completing the final steps of my project and further refining my cloud expertise.

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