🌱 Dynamic Entity Graphs in Spring Data JPA: an example of Entity Graph JPA specification usage in Spring Data JPA.
🏃 The Joel Test: 12 Steps to Better Code: a test on how good a dev team is. The article is 23 years old, but still, it's interesting to read.
✉️ A beginner’s guide to CDC (Change Data Capture): a small post on how Debezium is used to send database changes to Kafka.
⚙️ ClickHouse Keeper: A ZooKeeper alternative written in C++: which problems does ZooKeeper have and why ClickHouse uses its own Keeper. Numbers and charts are there as well.
🧩 The Power of BFF in the Microservices World: a small intro into backend-for-frontend pattern.
Dream your code, code your dream.
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