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When to use Class Component and Function Component??

Phani Murari on May 09, 2021

Hello Everyone, In this post let's understand where to use the Class Component and Functional Component in react Before diving, Let's s...
kishansheth profile image
Kishan Sheth

Your Article was great. But after the React version 16.8 we can use state in Functional Components also, so there is no need to use the class components. In version 16.8 Hooks were introduced and with the use of useState hook we can use the state in functional components also. It is advised that you use Functional components rather than class components by Facebook itself.

Read more about hooks from official documentation.

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piyushmbm45 profile image
Piyush Jain

Its the heading of React website.

fpeluso profile image
Fabio Peluso

The answer is simple, always use function components

lostcarpark profile image
James Shields

One small correction, it's Function components, not Functional components. You can potentially use functional programming techniques in either class or function components, but nothing in Javascript forces you to.

One thing that's troubling me. I keep seeing sources saying you should switch to function components, but very few reasons given for why it's better.

tsolan profile image

Easier to write, no 'this' messing, less lines, cleaner and much more readeble code.
I think, it's enough.

ozzythegiant profile image
Oziel Perez

But harder to read, leads to messier components, and most devs end up with giant function component files. All these hooks are just an excuse to not understand how this works. State is going to be commited to memory no matter what, so I see no reason to use function components when should have just continued using class components.

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tsolan profile image

Is it a joke or you have never really seen both of them? About hooks… it made me laugh. Feelings like someone came from Java and trying to use oop everywhere else without understanding the reasons.

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ozzythegiant profile image
Oziel Perez

I use React on a regular basis and have used it since v15. Hooks we're adopted by everyone because they can't do OOP for squat. Hooks have been a disservice to web development and have littered code bases with spaghetti code. I see no benefit to hooks other than being a fake class. Should have just stuck with classes. Nice assumption that you think I come from Java. I hate the Java ecosystem because they over engineer all their OOP code. My stance is that so many devs can't organize their code at all, and hooks just exacerbated the problem.

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tsolan profile image
Eugene • Edited

It doesn’t really matter what is going on behind the scenes and how much code hooks require for their realisation. Since there are no native classes in js but syntactic sugar over functions, it’s strange to hear about spaghetti code. The only purpose of libraries/frameworks such as React - to abstract away many sophisticated details and simplify development, not vice versa, and function components are just the next step to improve that.

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ozzythegiant profile image
Oziel Perez

Disagreed. So many devs write messy code with functions. They don't understand that there needs to be separation of concerns and that functions need to be small. Plus, class components have superior readability because of the strict OOP conventions. The best functions are pure, easily tested, but because of UI being rendered as a function, side-effects make the function unpure.

dylanesque profile image
Michael Caveney

The only reason to use Class Components with modern React I can think of is if you need to use Error Boundaries since there isn't a function version of these.....yet.

dileepmeghwal profile image
Dileep Kumar Meghwal

Thanks a lot brother! for the clearance about when to uses.

phanimurari profile image
Phani Murari

Thanks Dileep, hope this helpfull for you.

dev_emmy profile image

nice explanation

phanimurari profile image
Phani Murari

Thanks :)

johnfrommartin profile image
Info Comment hidden by post author - thread only accessible via permalink

Unless you’re stuck in React <16.8, this is outdated information.

As Kishan mentioned, Functional Components now have state via Hooks. React recommends that Functional Components are used over classes, and even will throw warnings about a few Class Component lifecycle methods that are being deprecated.

amansaxena001 profile image

The answer is shift to vue

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