DEV Community

Philipe Leandro
Philipe Leandro

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Git and Github guide for begineers

If you have no knowledge about git and github and for some reason you need to use them, I can help you with these steps:
1 - First, in your bash, if it's the first time you're using it, you must register an user and email with: 
    $ git config --global YOUR_NAME
    $ git config --global
2 - Now, manipulating the paths of  your machine, you can set a folder to be a place to save your files;
3 - For being a regular folder, you must have to initialize it with this command:
    $ git init 
    That way, the bash will recognize it as an initialized folder;
4 - After you have made all you needs, like creating and modifying files, you can follow these commands to send your modified files
    to a repository:
    - first, you might use $ git status to verify the status files;
    - second, with $ git add . or $ git add file_name you can add your files modification;
    - next, if you want, you can verify the status with $ git status;
    - with $ git commit -m "message", they'll be commited and ready to be pushed to a repository.
5 - With a synchronized github account, you can use $ git push <remote_name> <branch_name> to send them.
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