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becoming an AI-solopreneur with zero coding/business experience

whats good everyone!

so - as probably most of you - i have been following the AI developments since 2022 and every month just kept getting more exciting.

so many new tools are dropping every day and you can create things you otherwise would have never even thought about.

with the rise of cursor, windsurf, vercel, bolt etc.. the chance to actually create something that you want, or that saves you time became so real.

so i thought for a (very) long time of what i would like to build, with first priority to just learn as much as possible and to get real hands on experience with AI, but also to maybe someday earn some cash with it.

(i will get to the idea in a minute)

i know if i'd start this project privately for myself i would quit after like two weeks. so as i begin to work on this i also want to share my whole process on x - development/ai tools/design/business/random thoughts here and there and also music.


i don't have much coding experience

i haven't really built anything yet, gotta learn everything from scratch - but im excited for that, and i think many others are stuck at the same spot, just procrastinating and maybe building something for 2 weeks and quitting again.

so what i want to build is called pianolabs.

i can play the piano fairly good, but i don't know any music theory - so when i try to compose my own music i get to a certain point, but after that i just can't translate the sounds that i want to the keys.

so the big thought is that this tool takes what you have played and (with AI / LLM help) actually understands it, sets it in context and a) recommends fitting chords, but most importantly b) gives you a prompt interface where you can actually write what sounds you want to achieve, what direction you want to go.

you could have a dark beginning to a song and write that you now want to make a transition to a dream like section.

for me its important that this tool should not replace creativity but give unexperienced players the possiblity to actually create whatever they want.

i don't know if this will ever work out. i know its an insanely complex project, even more as a first project - but atleast i will learn lots of things and maybe even build a community around this

alright - took a while to write this. im excited to hear what you guys have to say, and i would be more than happy to meet some new friends along to way

my x handle is @pianolabs_ai

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