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OBS Live Stream -> Instagram Live Stream Project

The project is OBS live stream -> Instagram Live Stream, there's a PHP repository here: which relies on this Instagram-API: I thought it would be neat if I can do something similar but instead of PHP use TypeScript/Node or even Electron (I've never done Electron before).

Would anyone be interested in doing this project with me? The inspiration for this project is: I think it would be cool to be able to live stream your coding on Instagram live.

Top comments (50)

350d profile image

Hello! Here is a web service to generate stream tokens, start, preview, monitor, stop and save mp4 file here

pshashko profile image

Vladimir, can you help me? Just used After stream I pressed the button "Stop and save to IGTV" and got an error "Instagram failed to save your stream"... How to get my stream recording? there are no traces of stream in instagram. as if it weren’t at all :(

350d profile image
Vladimir Sobolev

Looks like save to IGTV are very beta on IG right now. I've added this feature few days ago and looks like even if IG reporting me back via API about successful operation - its not working in most cases. SO, I've decided to roll back save to stories today. Latest updates published just now.

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daffes profile image
daffes • Edited

I was able to download and upload to IGTV, but it's messy. The main issues are

1) Don't close the browser tab before clicking on the MPD download link, or you'll loose it forever
2) With the MPD file, VLC is able to play it correctly, but when converting to a file, it looses the audio and drops the video quality
3) The best tool to convert the MPD file to an MP4 file correctly has been youtube-dl command line (brew install youtube-dl on mac). But, it needs an URL to an MPD file, it can't be local, so you need to upload it to a file directory that allows a direct link, e.g. Then type: $ youtube-dl -f bestvideo+bestaudio someurl/file.mpd
4) Instagram TV limits upload length to 15 minutes, so split your file in as many chunks of 14min58s as necessary with ffmpeg (brew install ffmpeg on mac), then type: $ ffmpeg -i file.mp4 -acodec copy -f segment -segment_time 898 -vcodec copy -reset_timestamps 1 -map 0 output%d.mp4 could simplify the process by at least providing a direct link to the file.mpd

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350d profile image
Vladimir Sobolev

Hello! Check my latest update — now you have list of latest streams and number of actions: save to story/IGTV, update, delete, export comments, download playlist.

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sarab112 profile image

Hi Vladimir, do you know if violates IG's restriction with using private API? In other words, will IG block my account if I use to upload pre-recorded videos as live?

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350d profile image
Vladimir Sobolev

I have ZERO reports about blocked accounts. Only copyright violations in stream content can be a reason for 1 day and up to few weeks of Live feature limitation.

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sarab112 profile image

Thank you for your reply, Vladimir. I really appreciate it. So, when would the private API issue be a problem on IG?

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sarab112 profile image
sarab112 • Edited

Are there any drawbacks regarding IG algorithm when using instafeed? What is the regulation regarding intellectual property on instafeed? Do they get any rights on our content? And is it standard practice to use Instafeed to simulate live, although it isn’t live? Sorry for all the questions! I am obviously very new to this.

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350d profile image
Vladimir Sobolev

If you using outdated API references, wrong methods, wrong headers, signatures, cheap/public proxies , break rates limits etc etc - it can be a problem for user.

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sarab112 profile image

Thank you!

camposgil profile image

Oi Pode me ajudar queira comprar o INSTAFEED mais nao sei tudo que ele possa fazer por mim.

exemplo queria fazer a live pelo obs e ter o recurso de convidar alguem pra live como e feito normalemnte o instafeed tem esse recurso? obg

daffes profile image

Basta usar algum aplicativo de video conferencia, como o zoom, e redirecionar o audio do programa pra uma stream de audio do OBS. Eu deixei um computador sendo o host da meeting e rodando o OBS e ai todos os participantes entraram pelo zoom, inclusive eu, de um outro computador pra nao ter conflito de delay do audio. É legal que voce consegue controlar gallery view com todos os rostos ou speaker view, destacando quem ta falando.

pilatdennis profile image

Hi Vladimir, cool project! Were you working on this before I even posted this thread? If I remember correctly, I think you showed a template of what your stream would look like right? That was a really nice feature! Looking forward to hearing more about your progress!

350d profile image
Vladimir Sobolev

Updated version now available! New player, fast and minimal api implemented. Beta! ;)

heydanking profile image
Dan King • Edited

@vladimir Sobolev ... Are you connected to this website development? instafeed.m and yellow duck seem to be the only services offering stream keys for IG. Do you have another option?

nick32825037 profile image
Nick • Edited

Hi Dan, you asked if exists another option for services offering stream keys for IG.
You can check out Promovgram service.

streamtechl profile image

Hi Vladimir,
I tried to use your application but I can't get the stream key .... keep on processing but nothing happens. I have tried with several Instagram accounts. Do you have an answer?

350d profile image

Hello! Maybe this is becouse I have US proxies on file to connect to IG servers and your account goes to verification challenge or something like that. I've updated to localized proxy service (current users country based) - can. you please try again?
Anyway, I have a build-in email confirmation UI, but I will check it one more time. I guess I need to add SMS option for two step verification...

ace23577 profile image
ace23577 • Edited

I'm having a hard time with your service payment system in my country, I'm from Indonesia

350d profile image
Vladimir Sobolev

I'm using Square payments, very good one for online payments.

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ace23577 profile image

Example Card payment or Online Payment to Acces your App

mementoweb_ profile image
MementoWeb - Marketing Digital

Is it still working Vladimir?
Login error here

350d profile image
Vladimir Sobolev

Works fine. Whats your IG name, I'll check the logs?

masteryoda profile image

hi vlad

is the code open-source?

350d profile image
Vladimir Sobolev

No, its private development.

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speedytangent profile image
Atta ur rahman

Where and How can I check & play around with it

yanshanspb profile image
Игорь Яншин

Владимир, приветствую! Тестировал сервис, столкнулся с трудностями при рестриме видео с YouTube в Instagram - видео с некоторых каналов сервис дает транслировать, некоторые не находит.
На всех тестируемых каналах включено встраивание видео, также это не зависит от количества подписчиков на канале - сервис позволил сделать трансляцию с тестового канала YouTube с 3 подписчиками, но не дал с другого с 1000 подписчиков.
С чем это может быть связано?

pshashko profile image
pshashko • Edited

Just used After stream I pressed the button "Stop and save to IGTV" and got an error "Instagram failed to save your stream"... How to get my stream recording? there are no traces of stream in instagram. as if it weren’t at all :(

kamadeyun profile image

I dont know about u guys, but I think, right the best software that im still use for Multi Streaming to Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, etc in the same time is just ..

Its really good software that can Record, Get the MP4 file stored in our harddrive syncronously, and many more feature in it.. just take a look guys !!!!!!!!!!!!!

tunesonscreen profile image
Santiago Franco

Hi Vladimir. I've just used on OBS and it was great. Just one question: is it possible to add another user into the live feed as in Instagram App. I couldn't.

This is the situation I'm trying to achieve: Instagram Live interview with another user, sharing external videos or audios in that interview. Is that even possible? Thank you!

luismiestudio profile image
Luis Miguel

este link esta funcionando bien! pero no pienso pagar un dolar por un servicio que solo me facilita usar obs, una verdadera pena para tan buena idea... no soy el unico pensando de esa forma, vi en videos de youtube las quejas de otros experimentadores

350d profile image
Vladimir Sobolev

Sorry to hear that, but its not just helps you with a key. Most important thing - security and login flow. I've covered all aspects and possible scenarios to allow users login without any problems. Also I have developed sync option for OBS to sync stream settings and start/stop streaming automatically. Another feature - you can restream your Youtube live or any other video to IG. You can stream from your browser using your webcam too! Comments available to read/pin/reply.
For large streams packs price drops to 70¢

johnlucenas profile image
John Lucena

Brother Vlad, John here, can you provide the OBS Instagram Live template here or via email?

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350d profile image
Vladimir Sobolev
hemantindor profile image

do you support api n

350d profile image
Vladimir Sobolev

Yes, I have API if needed. Chat me on page.

pgdigital profile image
Claudeir Ribeiro

Hi Vlad, can I speak with you in whatsapp or telegram?

fabric23 profile image

você é um genio!!....aqui no brasil ninguém sabe fazer isso!!! ajudou muito!

350d profile image
Vladimir Sobolev

Thank you!

sergioabrantes profile image

Hi Vladimir, the Youtube lives are not appearing in the preview, only videos.

tiagopotencia profile image
Tiago Potência (Brandão)

Hi! Dids this use is allowed by instagram's terms and conditions? I'm a bit affraid to use this and have my account banned.

350d profile image
Vladimir Sobolev

I have zero complains since day 1 (2+ years)

diegdie profile image

Hello Vladimir, first congratulations, I'm from Brazil and would like to pay for more transmissions, how do I do it?
Instafeed is the one that best suits me at the moment, sometimes I am too lazy to use php

pilatdennis profile image

Wow I'm surprised people are still commenting on my thread. What has been developed so far?

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