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The Journey of Building a PLV8 Image for PostgreSQL Across Platforms

Hey folks! Today, I want to share a story. It's a story of challenge, perseverance, and ultimately, triumph. It's the story of how we built our own PLV8 image for PostgreSQL.
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You see, we were tired of the complexities and limitations of the existing PLV8 build process. It was like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. So, we decided to take matters into our own hands and build our own PLV8 image.
The journey wasn't easy. We faced obstacles, setbacks, and moments of doubt. But with every challenge, we learned something new, and with every setback, we came back stronger.
The result? A PLV8 image that works seamlessly across different platforms. It's like a Swiss Army knife for PostgreSQL developers, ready to tackle any challenge that comes its way.
Want to learn more about our journey and the technical details? Visit our GitHub repository and if you appreciate our work, please give us a star. Your support means a lot to us!

And download our Image from dockerhub.

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