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shashi preetham
shashi preetham

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Triangle : summarize,ask, tweet,note ?

This is a submission for Twilio Challenge v24.06.12

What I Built

I built a Twilio chatbot with several features:

  1. URL Content Summarization: Summarizes the content of URLs using the Google Gemini API.
  2. Text Summarization: Provides summaries of text inputs.
  3. Tweet Creation: Generates tweets based on user inputs.
  4. Audio Notes: Converts audio notes to text using OpenAI's Whisper.
  5. General Inquiry: Allows users to ask any questions, similar to Brad AI.



Twilio and AI

used twilio messaging whatsapp bot and thought of using sendgrid but faced issue while creating account.the feature that i thought of adding is the chat history where user can export the chat history and send the sheet to email.

GitHub logo shashi2602 / triangle-bot

twilio whatsapp bot

Twilio Chatbot

This Twilio chatbot offers a range of features designed to enhance user interaction and productivity. The key functionalities include:


  1. URL Content Summarization

    • Summarizes the content of URLs using the Google Gemini API.
  2. Text Summarization

    • Provides concise summaries of text inputs.
  3. Tweet Creation

    • Generates tweets based on user inputs.
  4. Audio Notes

    • Converts audio notes to text using OpenAI's Whisper.
  5. General Inquiry

    • Allows users to ask any questions, similar to Brad AI.

Technologies Used

  • Twilio API: For messaging and chatbot interactions.
  • Google Gemini API: For summarizing URL content.
  • OpenAI Whisper: For converting audio notes to text.

Getting Started

To get started with this project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd triangle-bot
    Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  2. Install dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
    Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  3. Set up environment variables:

    • Configure your Twilio API credentials.
    • Set up API keys for Google Gemini and OpenAI Whisper.
  4. Run the chatbot

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