DEV Community

7 fucking rules for developers to get shit done

Pradeep Sharma on September 20, 2017

I am obsessed about being more productive and believe that everyone should be Think about the amount of work you generally do in 5 days, what if...
skippednote profile image
Bassam Ismail


vikkio88 profile image

yeah, I agree, is completly unecessary to swear in this post...

rdkleine profile image
Ralf de Kleine


lyon profile image
Lyon • Edited

The profanity made this article stand out to me today. I don't know what that says about me or society as a whole, but it bumped the article from "I should bookmark that for later" to "I'm going to read this now" (I am aware of the irony when the author says "if this is your work time, bookmark this for later") Thanks for posting Pradeep!

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moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

I don't know what that says about me or society as a whole

It means you're a great target for clickbait, I expect.

mortoray profile image
edA‑qa mort‑ora‑y

I believe the language is intended to appeal to people that concern themselves over details and worry about too much. It's trying to say how simple these things are, and should just be done.

pradeep_io profile image
Pradeep Sharma

Bang on!

dkassen profile image
Daniel Kassen

Wouldn't have gotten as much attention without it, I think. Personally, I fucking love it.

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

I tend not to read the content of articles that are using gimmicks or clickbait or edginess to try to get my attention.

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dkassen profile image
Daniel Kassen

And yet here you are ;)

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moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

I didn't read the post... :)

4rifc profile image
Arif Cerit

I fucking love unnecessary swearing!!!

likid_geimfari profile image
Líkið Geimfari

I fucking love peoples which love unnecessary swearing. Cheers!

ponach profile image
rachid el kedmiri

easier than done, a person with such self-control is more robot than human. we will be like the figure depicted by charlie chaplin in his movie 'les temps modernes' modern times.

amypellegrini profile image
Amy Pellegrini

Sorry, wanted to +1 this, still I don't understand what's the deal with the little <3 decreasing numbers. Is it a bug?

Every time I click a <3 the number decreases...

andy profile image
Andy Zhao (he/him)

Sorry, that's fixed now. Go forth and +1 away!

pradeep_io profile image
Pradeep Sharma • Edited

Don't make it complex buddy!

igorsantos07 profile image
Igor Santos

I sort of thought like that until I got into a downwards ramp of very low productivity and could barely focus ~4h/day of decent work.

kr428 profile image
Kristian R.

Apart from your fucking pointless swearing: There are some things in your article I agree with more and some I do not really agree with at all. Personally, however, I think (7) is most important: Pause. Step back. Think. Reflect. Try to figure out how things work(ed) out for you in the past, try to see where you do better and where you do not so good. And try to improve in small steps. Trying to quickly change "difficult" behaviour in one big step is almost always doomed to fail. ;)

pradeep_io profile image
Pradeep Sharma • Edited

Hi Kristian,
Author here. Thanks for the feedback.
There is almost nothing new in this article, that anyone wouldn't know about. It's just that either people will make it complex and won't have fucking discipline to follow it. I dare everyone to have these rules in front of their eyes during work-time and do their best to follow them for 3-6 months and come back again and tell me if you haven't doubled your productivity. It's easy, it's simple.

About "big change", I think when it comes to "eliminating distraction", you have to take a big step, that worked very well for me. I gave up my smartphone, blocked facebook. I did not feel that focused and relaxed ever before and I'm still alive without the smartphone/fb ;)

Can you please let me know what points you do not agree with? I'd be happy to discuss that.

pradeep_io profile image
Pradeep Sharma • Edited

How the fuck do you do all these things without turning into a fucking robot?

Perspective and Habits

Perspective: The more productive you get, less you have to work, more time you'll have for personal life and growth. We all have certain professional and personal goals and ambitions. Something that's bigger than us. How to not get in the comfort zone without letting those ambitions die? How can we enjoy life and not punish ourselves for pursuing those ambitions? The answer is Habits.

Habits: The choices we make each moment shape up our life, it takes you in the direction of achieving your bigger goals or opposite of that. There are good choices and bad choices. What's good for you, only you can decide. All I encourage you to do is to have a bigger perspective while thinking that.
Your question has an underlying challenge:

The efforts(mental energy & time) one need to invest to make those good choices is too much. Let's call it "Interesting-Challenge".

Let's solve that.
One big difference in a human and robot is: Emotions
Emotions can be good for us or bad.

  • We feel good when we help others
  • We feel good when we accomplish a challenging task
  • We also feel good while scrolling the fuck out of facebook feed
  • We feel good to go on vacation and do that for the rest of life
  • We feel bad when we don't achieve our goals, personal & professional both

One open secret about emotion is that it helps us make decisions faster. Developing intuition!
We can utilize this to overcome "Interesting-Challenge". How?
By building habits. You will start developing intuition to make the right choices if you can make a habit to be aware and follow the principles I talk about in the post. It's a framework like Django is a framework for building web apps, this is a framework for productivity. It's upto you whether you prefer Django, Nodejs or start building your own framework today.

gregorgonzalez profile image
Gregor Gonzalez

I feel related. Really nice list, I was using it when I started to work but now I think It's more important to rest and have a life.

I go to facebook for 5 minutes and try to relax but suddenly I wasted my time.

Some times I turn my cellphone off and avoid to use it in front of my teammates or boss (some people don't like to see you on the cellphone every time)

The swear... It's unnecessary but I always wondered how it will be a series of "WTF is x technology or concept", swearing means frustration example: "WTF is a thread in java?", "WTF JavaScript is so complicated" =)

jamesflynn profile image
James Flynn


cmmata profile image
Carles Mata

Great post! You're fucking right :)

michaeltd profile image

Cheers! Profanity is the spice of life, so I for one keep my censoring self at bay...

thomaswdmelville profile image
Thomas Melville

Not sure I agree with the swearing but that's beside the point. I completely agree with all your rules. You are in control, make the most of it.
Thank you for sharing

kayis profile image

4 is the most important for me.

courier10pt profile image
Bob van Hoove

Thanks for sharing sound advice.

To me the f-word makes it sounds a bit aggressive... but hey, it's your article, you get to choose the words.

soulfiremage profile image
Richard Griffiths

An awful lot of fornication occurs in this methodology, is a wonder one would get work done with all this fucking.

On the other hands, great way to burn calories!

tauqirul profile image

Yeh !!! ... that's fucking rightly said !!!

jrioscloud profile image
Jaime Rios

Great fucking content. Thanks.

imikemiller profile image
Mike Miller

swearing is fucking fucked