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Deploy simple SpringBoot application in Minikube

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Please follow the following steps to deploy the Spring Boot application in Minikube -

  1. Start the Minikube - minikube start
  2. Check Minikube status - minikube status
  3. Allow Kubernetes to read our local Docker repository - eval $(minikube docker-env)
  4. List all the Docker images - docker images
  5. Navigate to project folder and create the image of the application docker build -t kubernetes-demo:1.0 .
  6. Again check the list of Docker images - docker images
  7. Create the K8S deployment file - deployment.yaml
  8. Deploy the deployment file in the cluster with command : kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
  9. Check the deployment status : kubectl get depoyments
  10. Check the running pods : kubectl get pods
  11. Fetch the logs of running PODs : kubectl logs
  12. Create a service.yaml for Service discovery, it will also act as a Load Balancer
  13. Expose the app creating the service : kubectl apply -f service.yaml
  14. Check the service status : kubectl get service
  15. To get the URL type the command : minikube service kubernetes-demo-svc --url
  16. Application can be accessed by the URL retrieved at step 15
  17. Dashboard can be launched using the command : minikube dashboard

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