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MY Submission for dev/Frontend_Challenge June edition

This is a submission for [Frontend Challenge v24.04.17]((, Glam Up My Markup: Beaches

What I Built

This is a beautiful and visually appealing website showcasing the best beaches around the world. The website features a stunning header, a catchy typewriter effect introduction, and a grid layout displaying various beaches with flip cards revealing more information about each beach. Additionally, there is a special section dedicated to the famous Pink Sands Beach in the Bahamas.



The code provided is well-structured and follows best practices for HTML and CSS. The use of modern CSS features like flexbox, grid, and animations adds a touch of interactivity and dynamism to the website.
Some notable aspects of the code:

Typography: The use of Google Fonts like "Open Sans," "Pacifico," and "Black Ops One" adds a nice touch to the overall design.
Layout: The grid and flexbox layouts create a clean and organized structure for the beach cards, making it easy to navigate and explore the different destinations.
Animations: The typewriter effect on the introduction text and the flip card animations on the beach cards enhance the user experience and make the website more engaging.
Responsiveness: Although not explicitly showcased, the use of CSS Grid and relative units like vw and vh should make the website responsive on different screen sizes.
Accessibility: The use of semantic HTML elements and proper document structure improves accessibility for users with disabilities.

Submitted by-
Prakhar Srivastava

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