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Week 2: Crafting with HTML and CSS

Hello community! It's day 2 of my web development journey, and today I tackled a practical project: creating a landing page inspired by the Visual Studio Code website. This exercise helped solidify my HTML and CSS knowledge while introducing me to some more advanced concepts.
Today's Achievement: VS Code-Inspired Landing Page
I chose to recreate elements of the VS Code website because it's a tool I'm using in my coding journey, and its design is both sleek and functional.

VSCode website

Key Components I Implemented:

1.Navigation Bar:

  • Logo

  • Menu items

  • Download button

2.Hero section

  • Headline

  • Sub-headline

  • Download buttons for different OS

  • Background image

3.Feature Highlights:

  • Grid layout of key VS Code features

  • Icons and brief descriptions


  • Links to documentation, community, and social media

New Concepts I Learned:

  1. CSS Grid for layout

  2. Background images and overlays

  3. Flexbox for navigation bar

  4. CSS variables for consistent color scheme

  5. Basic responsive design with media queries

Challenges I Faced:

  • Aligning items perfectly in the navigation bar

  • Making the hero section responsive

  • Choosing the right units (px vs rem vs %) for different elements

Key Takeaways:

  • Planning the layout before coding saves time

  • The importance of consistent spacing and alignment

  • How to use browser dev tools to troubleshoot CSS issues

  • The power of CSS Grid in creating responsive layouts

What's Next:
Next, I am going to start learning JavaScript. So to make dynamic webpages.

Resources I Used:

  • VS Code official website for reference

  • MDN Web Docs for CSS properties

  • CSS-Tricks for Flexbox and Grid guides

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